Education Management Research Papers/Topics

Teachers’ Involvement in Institutional Goal Setting and Teachers’ Performance in Selected Secondary Schools in Magena Division, Kenyenya District Kisil County.

ABSTRACT The title of the study was Teachers’ involvement in institutional goal setting and teachers’ Performance in Magena Division secondary schools. It was guided by these four objectives; (i)to determine the profile of the respondents in respect to age, gender, level of education and teaching experience ii) Determine the level of Teachers’ involvement in institutional goal setting iii)determine the level of teachers’ performance, iv) determine the relationship between the level of...

Teachers Attitude and Students ‘Achievement in Selected Private Secondary Schools in Rubavu District, Rwanda

ABSTRACT This study is entitled “Teachers Attitudes and Students Achievement in selected Private Secondary schools in Rubavu District, Rwanda”. This study was carried out in fourteen private secondary schools. The objectives of this study were: to determine the profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender, education, qualification and working experience; to determine the type of teachers attitudes in selected private secondary schools in Rubavu District, to determine students level ...

School Environment and Curriculum Management in Private Secondary Schools in Busiro County, Wakiso District Uganda

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to assess the influence of school environment on the curriculum management in private secondary schools in Busiro County, Wakiso District. To achieve this, specific study objectives were adopted. They included i) to assess the quality of school environment of selected private secondary schools in the county; ii) to examine the success of curriculum management in such private secondary schools, and iii) to determine the relationship between quality of scho...

Teachers Training and Handling of the Special Needs Children in Selected Public Schools In Suba-Central Division, Migori District Kenya

ABSTRACT The study correlates the teachers training and handling of special needs children in Suba central division, Migori District, Kenya, it sought to answer purposes and objectives (i) what is the profile of the respondents (2) what is the level of teacher training (3) what is the level of handling special needs learners (4) is there a significant relationship between the level of teacher training and level of handling special needs children. Using descriptive correlational survey design ...

Socio-Economic Status of Parents and Academic Performance of Pupils in Primary Schools in Mandera West District, North Eastern Province, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The study sought to answer the questions about the education levels of parents and its effect on academic performance of pupils, the relationship exhibited between economic status of parents and pupil academic performance and the type of parents’ occupation and its effect on pupils’ academic performance all in Takaba zone in Mandera West district. A sample size of 26 teachers and 207 parents were selected by simple random sampling and purposive technique. The study employed a des...

Parents’ Socio-Economic Status and Students’ Dropout in Selected Public and Private Secondary Schools in Busia District -Uganda

ABSTRACT This study sought to answer research questions which were; what are the demographic characteristics of the respondents in terms of age, educational qualifications, income, employment and marital status? , what is the level of school drop out in selected secondary schools in Busia District-Uganda?, What is the socio- economic status of parents in the selected secondary schools?, and is there a relationship between parents socio-economic status and students drop out. The sample size of...

Government Support and Access to Education Among Pastoralist in Selected Districts in Puntland, Somalia

TABLE OF CONTENTS - DECLARATION A DECLARATION B ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS v LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES vi ABSTARCT xii CHAPTER ONE 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background of the Study 1 1 .1 .1 Historical Perspective 1 1.1.2 Theoretical perspective 3 1.1.3 Conceptual perspective 4 1.1.4 Contextual perspective 5 1.2 Statement of the Problem 6 1.3 Purpose of the Study 7 1.4 Specific Objectives 7 1.5 Hypothesis 8 1.6 Scope of the study 8 1.6.1 Geographical scope 8 1.6.2 ...

Management Styles and Teachers’ Citizenship Work Behavior in Selected Secondary Schools in Nyaruguru District, Rwanda

ABSTRACT This study determined the relationship between management styles and teachers’ citizenship work behavior in secondary schools in Nyaruguru District, Rwanda. To achieve this main purpose of the study, four research objectives were set and these included: to determine the management styles in secondary schools in Nyartuguru district; to determine the level of citizenship work behavior in secondary schools in Nyartuguru District; to find out if there is significant difference in: (a) ...

Moral Perception and Moral Behaviour Among Secondary School Students in Gakenke District, Rwanda

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to correlate between moral perception and moral behaviour among secondary school students in Gakenke District, Rwanda. The study wanted: (1) To establish the levels of moral perception and moral behaviour; (2) To investigate the significant difference between moral perception and moral behaviour; (3) To determine significant relationship between moral perception and moral behaviour. The data were analysed using descriptive survey and descriptive correlation...

Predictors of Students’ Achievement in English and Kiswahili Languages in Selected Secondary Schools in Kajiado North District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study empirically investigated on the predictors of student achievements in English and Kiswahili languages in particular in Kajiado North District. It was guided by four objectives, to find out the profile of the respondents, the level of predictàrs (independent variable) in English and Kiswahili, level of students’ achievement (dependent variable) in English and Kiswahili and the relationship between the two variables. The study used descriptive correlational survey research...

Records Management and Secondary School Administration Mbale Municipality, Uganda

ABSTRACT The topic of the study was “Records management and secondary school administration” in Mbale municipality .The purpose of the study was to investigate records management practices and secondary school administration in Mbale municipality. The study was guided by six objectives, and these were: to determine the level of records keeping practices in secondary schools in Mbale municipality, establish the types of records kept, investigate the effect of qualifications of records mana...

Causes of Girl Child Dropout: A Case Study in Selected Secondary Schools in Kampala District

ABSTRACT The study was occasioned by disequilibrium between high rates of girl child dropouts and low retention of the girl child in secondary school. The study sought to establish underlying factors facilitating or causing this trend. To obtain information, the study applied both qualitative and quantitative methods in the field and the instruments were open and closed questionnaire and observation. The study sampled 110 respondents in all and the target audience were teachers, the girl chil...

Impact of Implementation Practices of the Retirement Policy 2004 and Academic Staff Attrition in Selected Tertiary Institutions in Adamawa State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to investigate the perceptions of academic staff on the impacts of the objectives of retirement policy 2004 on academic staff attrition in tertiary institutions in Adamawa State, Nigeria. The specific objectives of this Study were to determine the impact of the amount and process of retirement benefit; Lack of uniform rules and enhancement of individual savings on academic staff attrition in tertiary institutions, to assess the effect of growth of pension lia...

Administrators Socialization Behavior and Teachers Job Commitment in Secondary Schools in Buikwe District Lugazi Town Council

ABSTRACT  This study investigated on administrators’ socialization behavior and teacher’s job commitment in secondary schools in Buikwe district, lugazi town council. It was based on the following research objectives: i) to determine the level of administrator’s socialization behavior in Buikwe DistrIct, Lugazi Town Council, ii) to determine the level of teacher’s job commitment In Buikwe District, Lugazi Town Council and lii) to determine if there is a significant relationship betwe...

Perceptions of Primary and Secondary School Head-Teachers and Teachers Towards Corporal Punishment in Selected Schools in Uganda.

ABSTRACT This study sought to investigate the perceptions of primary and secondary school head-teachers and teachers towards corporal punishment in Ugand&s schools. The dependent variable in this study was “perceptions of head-teachers and teachers towards corporal punishment in schools” while independent variable was “primary and secondary schools.” The extraneous variables were various school-types characterized by differences in age and gender of learners as well as religious found...

91 - 105 Of 272 Results