ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to find out the role of practical work in senior high school physics teaching. Action Research design was adopted. Form two, 30 science students from Ngleshie Amafro Senior High School Kasoa randomly selected were involved in the study. Five physics topics were taught over a period of four weeks. Five lessons were therefore held in which practical work was used as the main teaching strategy. Findings from the students’ practical activities ...
ABSTRACT This study investigated teachers’ perceptions of classroom assessment and their current classroom assessment practices in science. A total of 22 teachers comprising of 9 males and 13 females drawn from four primary schools in the Anyako/Afiadenyigba circuit of Keta Municipal Assembly (KeMA) were involved in the study. Questionnaire was used as the main source of data collection instrument. The data collected helped to establish the teachers’ perceptions of classroom assess...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to investigate Senior High School students’ conception of the sickle cell disease (SCD). The study was conducted in two schools from the Adentan Municipality in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. The total population of sample consisting of four hundred and twenty (420) was selected from two different Senior High Schools forms one and two students. The accessible population included ninety-six (96) from Delcam and Two hundred and thirty-five (235) stud...
ABSTRACT The study was designed to improve students’ academic achievements in physics. It was the belief of the author that if students’ were allowed to develop higher cognitive processes through problem-solving instructional strategy using the five step problem solving heuristic proposed by Williams, Metcalfe, Trinklein and Lefler, called the Modern Physics Problem Solving Rule, it might improve positively their academic performance and for that matter increase their interest in physic...
Abstract The present study was an attempt to explore the correlation between learning styles of SHS students and their academic performances in science in the Gomoa East district of Ghana. The target population of the study was all the students in the Gomoa district. The accessible population was students in the two public senior high schools in the Gomoa East district. The study was conducted using a sample size of 280 students. The instruments used for the study were adapted „VAK Learni...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to improve students’ attitudes and achievements in physics using astronomical models at Komenda College of Education, Central Region. A quasi-experimental design was adopted for the study using the single group pre-test post-test design. Intact class which consists of second year science 2 ‘’A’’ and science 2 ‘’B’’ science students studying elective Physics were used for the study. Forty (40) second year science students studying elect...
ABSTRACT This research was primarily designed to help improve students’ academic performance in naming organic compounds using molecular model set in Effiduase Senior High School in the Sekyere East district of the Ashanti Region. Experimental design was used for this study where the form three science classes were put into two groups. Science one students formed the control group and were taught using traditional approach while the science two students comprised the experimental group a...
ABSTRACT The main purpose of the study was to give suggestions to improve the process skills of selected senior high school students in Osei Kyeretwei Senior High School, Kumasi through the use of cooperative instructional approaches. The study was an action research that used fifty, third year elective science students out of the total of two thousand students in the school based on purposive sampling procedure. The sampled students were further divided into ten groups with five members ea...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to design and develop assessment instruments (tasks) to assess laboratory planning, performing and reasoning skills of physics students in selected senior high school topics in mechanics and optics. The accessible population was 551 SHS 3 physics students in seven schools within Sekondi-Takoradi metropolis. Two hundred and eighty nine students were sampled for the main study. Simple and stratified random sampling methods were employed in selecting the stu...
ABSTRACT Growth to a worldwide scale in the 21st century has ensued innovative ways of teaching and learning. The traditional method of teaching and learning of science is fast losing its acceptance and impact in the educational sector. Computers have become increasingly important among science educators as they play important roles during the instruction of students in the science classroom. To demonstrate conditions of conceptual change in science learning, simulation-based environments a...
ABSTRACT This study investigated the reflective teaching techniques practiced by basic school teachers in Akuse. The specific objectives of the study were to examine the reflective teaching techniques used by basic school teachers in Akuse, the extent to which these techniques were practiced and also find out the most popular and convenient reflective teaching techniques practiced by some selected basic school teachers in Akuse. A 17-item questionnaire was developed to seek inform...
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of computer simulations instructional packages on the performance of students‘ learning of the topic, digestion. The study used the entry point, post-test and exit point quasi experimental design method in a mixed sex Senior High School. The study used all fifty (50) students of SHS 2 Home Economics 1 and forty eight (48) students of SHS 2 Home Economics 2 at Odorgonno Senior High School in Accra, Ghana. A post-test consisting o...
ABSTRACT This study investigated students’ mental models of chemical reactions and balancing chemical equations at Diamono Senior High School in the Brong Ahafo region of Ghana. The study employed case study design using Action Research approach. An intact class of form 2 science class made up of 24 males and 6 female students’ were used for the study. The data for this study were derived from class exercises done by students to probe their mental models of chemical reactions a...
ABSTRACT The use of practical activities in science has been accepted as part of i the science teaching and learning in Ghanaian Senior Secondary Schools f: albeit for different reasons. Over the years, the West African Examination Ii Council (WAEC) Chief Examiners' reports have consistently alluded to i weaknesses in students' performance in science practical examinations. I These weaknesses have cast serious doubts on Senior Secondary School (SSS) students' involvement in practical activiti...
ABSTRACT An action research was conducted by providing an alternative method, first principle approach, to enable students deduce limiting reagents in chemical reactions. Purposive sampling technique was employed to select 50 SHS 2 science students at Sunyani Senior High School in the Brong-Ahafo Region of Ghana for the study. This sampling technique was used because the participants needed to be students who had just completed a course in stoichiometry and chemical equations in chemis...