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Education Research Papers/Topics

Influence of parenting styles on the adolescent students’ academic achievement in Kenyan day Secondary schools

Abstract/Overview The present study sought to establish the influence of parenting styles on adolescent academic achievement in day secondary schools in North Rachuonyo Sub-County, Kenya. Baumrind’s theory of parenting style informed the study. The Concurrent Triangulation Design was used. The target population comprised 2409 day secondary students registered for KCSE in 2015 in 47 schools in Rachuonyo North Sub-County. The sample size comprised 263 secondary school students drawn from ...

Relationship between personality subtypes and indulgence in behaviour problems among Kenyan students

Abstract/Overview There have been numerous cases of behavior problems among Kenyan secondary students. The study investigated the relationship between personality subtypes and indulgence in behaviour problems among students in selected Kenyan secondary schools. A Correlation Survey Design was adopted. The target population was 11479 form three students drawn from three sub counties in Kenya. The Eysenck personality and indulgence in behavioral problems questionnaires were used to collect ...

School physical environmental factors responsible for stressful experience among teachers in Kenyan special primary schools

Abstract/Overview Stress is a major global health challenge affecting the well-being of service providers especially those working in the human service sectors like: teachers, health care providers and media specialists. Specifically, the study determined school physical environmental factors responsible for stressful experience among teachers in special primary schools. The study employed descriptive research design. The target population was 138 teachers in special primary schools and 4...

Influence of gender on job satisfaction of Secondary School Teachers in Kenya

Abstract/Overview This study investigated the influence of gender on job satisfaction of secondary school teachers in Kisii Central Sub-County, Kenya. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and Herzberg’s two factor theories formed the basis for the present study. The study’s target population consisted of all the 903 secondary school teachers, and a sample of 306 was selected by stratified sample from all the categories of secondary schools (National, Extra County, County and Sub-County) foll...

Gender biases against women in labor division in Kenya’s Ministry of Education

Abstract/Overview Abstract The study investigated gender biases against women in labor division in Kenya’s Ministry of Education. The research study was guided by the African feminism as a theoretical frame work. The concurrent triangulation design, which is one of the Mixed Methods Approach models, was used in the current study. The target population in this study consisted of the thirty-six Sub-County Education officers in the six sub-counties of Kisumu county. These are the six Sub C...

Perceptions on the Role of Guidance and Counselling Programme on Kenyan Secondary School Students’ Career Decision Making.

Abstract/Overview The study investigated the Perceptions on the role of guidance and counselling programme on Kenyan secondary school students’ career decision making. The study adopted descriptive survey design and the sample size comprised 250 students in the district selected using stratified sampling technique and six guidance and counselling teachers also randomly selected for the study. The researcher used questionnaires and interviews to elicit information from students and inte...

Relationship between meta-cognitive learning skills and academic performance among orphaned secondary school students of Kenya.

Abstract/Overview The study investigated the relationship between meta-cognitive learning skills and academic performance among orphaned secondary school students of Kenya. The research was informed by Social Cognitive Theory. This study adopted an ex-post-facto research design with which a saturation sampling technique was employed. The study population constituted 300 secondary school going orphans and 23 principals. The sample of the study comprised 300 secondary school going orphans a...

Effectiveness of guidance and counseling in the management of student behaviour in public secondary schools in Kenya

Abstract/Overview There have been efforts aimed at solving student behaviour problems in secondary schools in Kenya. However, this has realized very little achievement. The current study investigated the effectiveness of guidance and counseling in the management of student behaviour in secondary schools in Kenya. The study was informed by assertive discipline model. Mixed method approach with concurrent triangulation design was used for the study. The population of the study was composed ...

Influence of marital status on teachers’ self-efficacy in secondary schools of Kisumu County, Kenya

Abstract/Overview Abstract The study investigated the influence of marital status on teachers’ self-efficacy in public secondary schools of Kisumu County, Kenya. Concurrent Triangulation Design was adopted to collect quantitative and qualitative data from samples of 327 students and 12 teachers. The interview schedule and questionnaire were piloted with 2 and 33 teachers respectively, who did not participate in the survey. Piloting helped to clarify the test items, determine construct v...

Challenges in achieving effective school leadership and management in Kenya: A case of the role of BOGs and PTAs in the Kisii County

Abstract/Overview Board of governors (BOGs) and parent teacher association (PTAs) can rightly be described as the life blood of a school. They constitute an important component of the school leadership, management and governance structure. They also form an important link between the school and the community. Through such a link local ownership is enhanced. Through their involvement in the life of the school, local resources are mobilised and also school leadership and management is stren...

Training needs of BoG and PTA on school leadership and management in Kenya’s secondary Education: A study of a District in the Kisii County of Kenya

Abstract/Overview Parent Teacher Association (PTA) and Board of Governor (BOG) constitute an integral part of the school governance and/or leadership and management structure. They make a significant contribution to the teaching and learning process of a school. They provide a very important interface between the school and the community. The two bodies are therefore considered a key stakeholder in the education of a child. Therefore, their involvement in the life of the school is very im...

Examining the teaching and learning resources related challenges facing small and medium-sized public secondary schools in Kenya: A comparative analysis

Abstract/Overview This article reports on the quantitative research survey findings regarding the challenges related to the teaching and learning resources affecting small and medium sized public secondary schools in Kenya. The aim of this study is to investigate the secondary school principals’ views on the teaching and learning resources related challenges facing small and medium sized secondary schools. The study took place in Nyamira County and adopted a quantitative survey design. ...

Secondary school principals in Nyamira County in Kenya: Issues and challenges

Abstract/Overview The purpose of this study was to establish the challenges that confront principals of secondary schools in Nyamira County in Kenya. The study adopted a descriptive survey and questionnaires were employed to collect data. The study sample consisted of 87 principals purposively selected from schools in the County. The quantitative data from questionnaires was analysed with the aid of SPSS (statistical package for social science). The study established that principals faced...

Relationship between the use of classroom tasks and activities as aspects of CLT and the performance in English among pupils in lower primary classes in Kenya

Abstract/Overview The study examined the relationship between the use of classroom tasks and activities as an aspect of CLT and the performance in English in Kenya.Integrated Skills Approach Theory was used in the study. The population of the study was 2,562 teachers of English and 9,342 class three pupils. Stratified simple random and purposive sampling techniques were used to select 255 teachers and 340 class three pupils respectively. The study adopted the Explanatory Sequential Mixed ...

An evaluation of secondary school principals’ perception of learning resources in free secondary Education era in Kenya

Abstract/Overview This article reports on the findings from a quantitative research study on learning resources in Kenya’s secondary schools. The purpose of this study is to investigate the secondary school principals’ perception on the learning resources. The study adopted a quantitative survey design involving 81 secondary principals, selected purposively. Data was collected using a questionnaire (open and closed-ended, rating scale items). Data was analysed using Statistical Packag...

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