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Education Research Papers/Topics

Effectiveness Of Guidance And Counselling As An Alternative Discipline Method To Corporal Punishment: A Case Of Kirinyaga District Primary Schools, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The Kenyan Government outlawed corporal punishment as a means of instilling discipline in schools in 2001, and guidance and counselling was introduced as a best practice in its place. The culture of the use of corporal punishment is deep rooted in many communities around the world. However, efforts are being made to introduce alternative methods to corporal punishment (Save the Children, Sweden 2003). This research aimed at assessing the effectiveness of the alternative positive met...

Effect Of Reflective-Reciprocal Teaching Strategies On Pre-Service Teachers’ Achievement In Integrated Science And Science Process Skills In Nigerian Colleges Of Education

ABSTRACT The low level of performance of pre-service teachers in Integrated Science has been a recurrent problem in science education. Poor instructional strategies employed by lecturers in colleges of education have been adduced as one of the reasons for this low level of performance in Integrated Science. Previous researches have focused on collaborative teaching and self-regulation strategy without considering opportunity for reflection before, during and after lessons which the Reflectiv...

Assessing Information Sharing Strategies To Address Milk Losses Among Dairy Farmers In Peri-Urban Bamako, Mal

ABSTRACT Information Communication Technologies (ICT) have been used as one of the intervention strategies in the reduction of loss along the agricultural value chains in the developing countries. ICT has been used in Malian agriculture in general as an intervention strategy to acquire information in agriculture sector, but not necessarily in dairy sector alone. In recent years, there has been an improvement in the dairy sector due to the development of peri-urban dairy farming. This has res...

Effects Of Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Strategy On Students’ Achievement In Secondary School Mathematics In Laikipia East District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Secondary school students in Kenya have continued to perform poorly in mathematics in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E) national examinations. This raises concern for all stakeholders in education due to the importance they attach to mathematics. The factors that are attributed to the students‟ dismal performance in the subject include; inadequate facilities in the schools like the text books and qualified teachers, poor attitude towards the subject by the stu...

Access And Utilization Of Agro Meteorological Information By Smallholder Farmers In Perkerra And Lari-Wendani Irrigation Schemes, Kenya

ABSTRACT Weather and climate variability are the major production risks and uncertainties impacting agricultural systems performance and management. This study investigated the access and factors that influence the utility of agro meteorological information by smallholder irrigation farmers in Lari Wendani and Perkerra irrigation schemes in Kenya. A systematic random sampling procedure was employed to select 255 farmers from a total population of 776 farmers. In Lari Wendani 33 farmers were ...

Effects Of Experiential Learning Approach On Mathematical Creativity And Achievement Among Secondary School Students Of Kericho East Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Mathematics is a subject which seeks to understand patterns that permeate both the world around us and the mind within us. The knowledge of mathematics as a tool for use in everyday life is important for individual and societal development. Students’ achievement in mathematics is important in Science and Technology which is important for industrial advancement of a country. There are many ways of thinking and the kind of thinking one learns in mathematics is an ability to handle a...

Effects Of Cooperative Mastery Learning Approach On Secondary School Students’ Motivation And Achievement In Chemistry In Bomet County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The teaching approach that teachers adopt is a crucial factor that may affect students’ motivation and achievement in Chemistry. Innovative and research based teaching methods that enhance effective and efficient teaching of chemistry should be used. Such methods promote cognitive, psychomotor and affective characteristics of the learners. Recent developments in science education show that there is need to expose learners to basic concepts in a given topic. This prepares them psyc...

Teachers’ Perceptions On The Influence Of Selected Institutional Factors On Implementation Of Tuition Free Secondary Education In Public Secondary Schools In Wareng Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The launch of Free Primary Education (FPE) in Kenya in 2003 resulted to high enrolment of pupils in primary schools. However only a small proportion of those pupils who completed standard eight enrolled in form one due to lack of school fees which was a burden to many parents. In January 2008 the Government of Kenya declared Tuition Free Secondary Education (TFSE) in all public secondary schools in the country in order to cope with the high number of pupils completing standard eight...

Effects Of Using Advance Organizers On Primary School Pupils’ Achievement In Poetry In Nakuru North Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT English language is an international language of communication in many areas such as business, sports and aviation. Teaching and learning of English language in Kenya is expected to produce pupils who can express themselves fluently and effectively both orally and in writing. Mastery of English language in primary schools is crucial since it is the language of instruction for all subjects in upper primary except Kiswahili. In spite of the importance of English language, its overall ...

Relationship Between Quality Management Systems And Students’ Satisfaction In Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya

ABSTRACT Student Satisfaction (SS) is a key factor in the attraction and retention of customers in an institution of learning. Demand for quality products and services by students have become evident in institutions of higher learning in Kenya. Universities are investing a lot of resources and efforts to become more performing organisations by providing quality products and services to their customers and in particular students. Quality Management Systems (QMS) is one way of achieving this g...

Knowledge Of Risk Factors And Health Implications Of Obesity Among Women Of Reproductive Age In Ibadan South-West Local Government Area, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Obesity is one of the non-communicable diseases (NCDs) of public health concern globally with negative impact on Reproductive Health (RH). Previous researches have shown that obesity is associated with other NCDs but there is dearth of information on the knowledge of the effect of obesity on RH among Women of Reproductive Age (WRA). This study was carried out to assess the knowledge of Risk Factors (RFs) and Health Implications (HIs) of obesity among WRA in Ibadan South-West Local G...

Factors Contributing To Dismal Performance In Mathematics Among Secondary School Girls In Borabu Division Of Nyamira District, Kenya

ABSTRACT A good mathematics education is salient to scientific and technological development. The Kenya National Examinations Council evaluates the performance of students through the examinations it offers. Evaluation of the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Examinations has revealed that girls do not perform well in mathematics. Girl child education world-wide provides benefits to the family and the society at large. Thus dismal performance in mathematics by the girl child should be addressed...

Assessing Successes Of Knowledge Sharing Strategies At Egerton University From The Perspectives Of Livestock Value Chain Actors

ABSTRACT Agricultural universities invest substantial resources in postgraduate research and generate knowledge products with the aim of providing practical solutions to known practical constraints impeding productivity in the livestock value chains. However, enhancing utilization of the knowledge products by the target beneficiary actors in the value chain has remained a challenge because of not using effective knowledge sharing strategies. Consequently, the gaps between research outputs an...

Effects Of Free Primary Education On Factors Influencing Quality Of Instruction In Public Primary School In Nyandarua North Sub County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Free Primary Education (FPE) was first introduced in Kenya in 1974, when fee payment for the first four years of primary education was waived. The programme was stopped in 1988 and replaced with the cost-sharing policy. FPE was re-introduced in 2003 with the aim of improving access to education through enhanced enrolment, retention, transition and completion rates. Abolition of school fees led to a significant improvement in enrolment. A study by UNESCO reveals that the re-introduct...

Selected Factors Influencing Career Satisfaction And Professional Achievement Among Secondary Schools Teachers In Gatanga District, Murang’a County

ABSTRACT Career satisfaction among teachers is very crucial to the long-term growth of any educational system around the world. However, many teachers in Kenya are leaving the teaching frontline for jobs in other sectors. This study sought to establish the influence of the selected factors on career satisfaction and professional achievement among secondary school teachers in Gatanga District. The target population of the study was 460 teachers from 32 secondary schools in Gatanga District, K...

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