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Education Research Papers/Topics

Effectivness Of Communication Systems And Indigenous Knowledge In Adaptation To Climate Change By Smallholder Farmers Of Kilifi District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Food production in Kilifi district, like in other parts of Kenya, has been declining over the years, lowering food sufficiency to about 30 percent down from 50 percent. Food production continues to decline despite all the efforts put in by the Government and non-governmental agencies, and this has been exacerbated by changes in climate. The adaptation strategies that are in place have not lead to any meaningful improvement and farmers continue to get reduced crop yields each year. F...

Influence Of Counselling Services On Behaviour Change Among Adult Recovering Alcoholics In Uasin Gishu County Kenya

ABSTRACT Since the escalation of alcoholism in Kenyan, many families are wrestling to cope with the costs of addiction because addiction is often defined as chronic, relapsing disorder that require comprehensive detoxification and psychosocial intervention. Alcoholism severity and relapse complexity process that involves the mental, physical, emotion and behavioural component of a person disables recovering alcoholics to achieve sobriety. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the influ...

Role Of Seleted Parental Socio-Economic Status On Pupils’ Enrolment In Primary Schools In Tambach Sub-County Of Elgeyo-Marakwet- County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The increasing importance of education as a driver of growth, information and communication revolution has been noticeable during the 21st century as epitomized by educational mobility and global schooling. It is important that children enroll and remain in school for the entire cycle. A number of factors have been found to affect school enrolment. The purpose of this study was to establish the role of selected parental socio-economic status on pupils‟ enrolment in primary schools ...


ABSTRACT The phenomenon of street children and the menace associated with it is assuming an alarming proportion especially in junction towns like Oyo, characterised by large-scale roadside activities. Although literature have established the importance of socio-cultural animation (SCA) and shade-tree theatre (STT) as effective intervention strategies to enhance the social competence skills of these children, available studies have only concentrated on other types of interventions such as val...

Effects Of Experiential And Generative Learning Strategies On Students’ Academic Achievement, Attitude To And Practical Skills In Biology In Oyo State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Biology is a core science subject offered in Nigerian Senior Secondary Schools (SSS). However, students‘ achievement in the subject in Oyo State is not encouraging, a trend which probably is due to their poor attitude, low practical skills and teacher-centered teaching strategies. Scholars have thus indicated the need for the adoption of active learning instructional strategies to address this deficiency. Literature have documented the effectiveness of these strategies in enhancin...

Effect of Educational Interventions on Hiv/Aids Knowledge, Sexual Behavior and Perceived Self-Efficacy among Female Apprentices in Benin-City, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Globally female youths are disproportionately affected by HIV. They tend to participate in more risky sexual activities especially those in apprenticeship. In Nigeria, interventions addressing the reproductive health needs of female youths are scarce. This study was carried out to compare the relative effectiveness of three interventions: peer education, education by instructors and a combination of the two on HIV prevention and safer sex among female apprentices in Benin-City.  B...

Manpower Systems Analysis As A Correlate Of Organizational/Management Effectiveness In Selected Industries In Nigeria.

MANPOWER SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AS A CORRELATE OF ORGAN ! SAT I ONAI,/MANAGEMENT EFFECTIVENESS IN SELECTED INDUSTRIES IN NIGERIA ABSTRACT This study examined manpower systems analysis as a correlate of Organisational/Management effectiveness in randomly selected industries in Nigeria with a view to finding out the relationship between the ability to survive of a business concern and the efficiency with which it utilises its human resources. The descriptive survey research design was employed for th...

Psycho-Sociological Factors as Predictors of Counterproductive Work Behaviour among the Non-Academic Staff of Universities in Southwestestern Nigeria

ABSTRACT Counter-productive Work Behaviours (CWB) are acts of employees going against the expectations of an organisation. This behaviour is on the increase in the Nigerian university system particularly among non-academic staff, with negative consequences on the system. Literature has documented the effects of CWB without its pre-disposing factors in the university system. The study, therefore, investigated the predictive effects of psychological (Locus of Control (LoC), impulsiveness, anxi...

Nurses’ Knowledge, Attitude And Practices Of Emergency Contraceptive Provision To Clients In Ogun State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Emergency Contraceptives (ECs) are highly effective for the prevention of unwanted pregnancy for up to 72hrs after unprotected sexual intercourse. Timely provision of emergency contraceptives services to clients by nurses can play a vital role in reducing the rate of unplanned pregnancies, abortion and maternal mortality. In Nigeria, there is limited information on competence of nurses on provision of EC services. This study was designed to determine nurses’ knowledge, attitudes a...

Institutional Repositories in University Libraries In Nigeria and the Challenge of Copyright

ABSTRACT Copyright is a focal issue contending with the development of institutional repositories (IRs). Extant literature focused on the awareness, benefits, and the various IR activities across the globe.  This study investigated the issues of copyright in the institutional repositories in universities’ libraries in Nigeria. The study adopted the descriptive survey research design. A multistage sampling procedure was employed to sample 844 lecturers of the universities in Nigeria. Data ...

Environmental And Personality Factors As Correlates Of Psychological Adjustment Of Adolescents With Hearing Impairment In Secondary Schools In Oyo State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT  Adolescents with hearing impairment are often viewed as individuals who are psychologically maladjusted as a result of poor environmental and personality factors. Consequently, their senses of belonging in the society have been reduced to the extent that their self image have been affected.  Although, several studies on adolescents with hearing impairment have focus on their academic performance, but little attempt have been made to examine or study the environmental and personal...

A Contingency Approach To Effective Management Of A Multi-Campus Institution Of Higher Technical Education

ABSTRACT This study set out to determine the effectiveness of contingency approach to the management of a multicampus institution of higher technical education in Nigeria. This was with a view to making policy recommendations for more effective management of the tertiary institutions in the Country. Based on the conceptual framework of the contingency approach to management, the study which was carried out before the creation of Osun State from Oyo State in 1991 covered a multicampus institut...


ABSTRACT Reports from public examination bodies reveal that students’ performance in English Language is poor. This has been traced to perceived wrong instructional strategies adopted by most teachers of English language. Literature has suggested the adoption of explicit and generative instructional strategies that address the deficiencies. However, there is a dearth of empirical research on the effectiveness of the two strategies on summary writing among Senior Secondary School (SSS) stud...

Influence Of Gender And Perceptions Of Motivating Factors On Student’ Achievement In Secondary School Physics In Tinderet Sub-County, Kenya.

               ABSTRACT In Kenya, the performance of secondary school students in physics is a matter of great concern to the Ministry of Education because physics is among the key subjects expected to make Kenya realize vision 2030. The performance at secondary school level has been poor for a long time. It is possible that gender influences performance of physics as a subject since there is a long standing belief that physics is a domain of male students. This study focused on th...

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