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Education Research Papers/Topics

Factors Affecting Academic Performance of Learners with Hearing Impairment in an Inclusive Setting Upper Nyakach Division Nyando District Kenya

Abstract This research investigated into the problems affecting learners with hearing impairment in an inclusive system. The government of Kenya introduced a policy of education for all. This benefits only learners in the main stream. Learners with hearing impairment are disadvantaged. Their interests are not looked into in terms of educational resource, infrastructures, health etc. the researcher’s major concern is that learners who are challenged should Pot be discriminated upon more so t...

Teacher Quality and Student Achievement in Physics in Secondary Schools of Rangwe Division, Homa-Bay District, Nyanza Province of Kenya

ABSTRACT As an experimental science, physics utilizes the scientific method to formulate and test hypothesis that are based on the natural world. The goal of physics is to use these experiments to formulate scientific laws, usually expressed in the language of mathematics, which can be used to predict other phenomena The purpose of this study therefore was to investigate the effect of the physics- teacher quality on the academic achievement in physics of students in the selected schools of Ra...

The Inclusion of Mentally Challenged Learners in Regular Primary Schools-Case Study of Schools in Matete Division of Lugari District, Kenya

CHAPTER ONE JUNCTION: BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Lion of children with special needs has been characterized with many challenges and nationally .there have been deliberate efforts made to address these problems ,various declarations and conferences· and as such the world is getting enlightened references like the famous Jomtein are an example in mind. to Mwaura (2002), world inclusive education conferences' like Jomtein in Thailand of he Salamanca of 1994 have advocated for Education For All ir...

Challenges to Effective Implementation of Free Primary Education in Selected Schools of Tirap Division, Marakwet District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT This study was carried out in Tirap division, Marakwet district Kenya with an intention to determine and identify the outstanding challenges of Universal Primary Education in Kenya, while reflecting some selected government aided primary schools in Tirap division. On this note, all other authors' works similar to this particular study were revisited and this formed the basis of the researcher's review of related literature. A descriptive survey design was employed since the whole stu...

Impact of Poverty On Academic Performance of Students, A Case Study' of Musukini Primary School Mwingi District, Kenya

DECLARATION ............................................................................................................... iAPPROVAl ..................................................................................................................... .iiDEDICATION ............................................................................................................... iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................. ii...

The Impact of Co-Curricular Activities on Primary School Children's Academic Performance in Tororo District: A Case Study of Rubongi Sub-County

ABSTRACT The Topic of the study is "The impact of co-curricular activities on primary school children· s academic performance in Tororo District." The objectives of the study were to establish the main effects of participating in extra-curricular activities in Rubongi sub-county, assess the leve l of participation of children in co-curricular activities in Rubongi sub-county and to ascertain the importance of co-curricular activities in children's academic performance in Rubongi subcounty. I...

The Impact of Socio-Economic Status On Academic Performance of West Budama Constituency, Tororo District, Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS vDEFINITION OF TERMS viTABLE OF CONTENTSLIST OF TABLES ixLIST OF FIGURESABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE1.0 Introduction 11.1 Background of the Study 11.2 Statement of the Problem 21.3 Purpose of the Study 21.4 Objectives of the Study 31.5 Research questions 31.6 Significance of the study 31.7 Limitations 4CHAPTERTWO 5LITERATURE REVIEW 52.1 Introduction 52.2 Socio-economic status and students’ academic performance 52.3...

Motivation and the Performance of Primary School Teachers in Uganda: A Case of Kameke County, Pallisa District.

TABLE OF CONTENTAPPROVALDECLARATION ..11ACRONYMS / ABBREVIATION iiiDEDICATION ivACKNOWLEDGEMENT vCHAPTER ONE:1.0 Introduction 11.1 Background of the study 11.2 Statement of the Problem 41.3 Objectives of the study 51.3.1 General objective of the study 51.3.2 Specific objectives 51.4 Research questions s1.5 Scope of the study1.5.1 Content scope 51.5.2 Geographical scope 51.5.3 Time Scope1.6 Significance of the study s1.7Conceptual framework 61.8 Definition of key terms 71.9 Theoretical Framewo...

Challenges in the Management of Primary Schools in Kibaale District

TABLE OF CONTENTDECLARATION ADECLARATION B.DEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENTABSTRACTLIST OF TABLESTABLE OF CONTENTCHAPTER ONE 11.0 Introduction 11.1 Background of the study 11.1.1 Historical perspective 11.1.2 Theoretical perspective 21.1.3 Conceptual Perspective 21.1.4 Contextual perspective 31.2 Statement of the problem 31.3 Research objective 41.3.1 General objective 41.3.2 Specific Objective 41.4 Purpose of the study 41.5 Research questions 41.6 Scope of the study 51.6.1 Geographical ~..1.6.2 Con...

Investigation of the Influence of Social Emotional Behaviour On the Learning of Mathematics for Learners with Intellectual Disabilities in Inclusive Schools in Kajara County in Ntungamo Distr

Table of ContentsDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivABSTRACTLIST OF TABLESCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTIONBackground of the StudyStatement of the Problem 6Purpose of Study 7Research questions 7Geographical scope 7Content Scope 7Significance of Study 8Delimitations of the study sLimitations of the study 8Definition of concepts 8CHAPTER TWO 10REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 10Introduction 10Conceptual framework 10Social emotional behaviors among children with mental—retardation 10Eff...

Impact of NAADS On Animal Production; A Case Study of Railways Division Lira Municipality, Lira District Goat Rearing~

ABSTRACT The study seeks to assess the impact of NAADS on goat rearing in railways division, lira municipality. Three farmers groups were selected and these include opit kic, nyebibadi and note en teko all from ayago parish, railways division The study was primarily based on the objectives and these include; to examine the goat rearing practices and type of materials community used by NAADS programme, to identify the factors which influence the adoption of goat rearing under NAADS program, to...

Impact of HIV/AIDS On Enrolment, Performance and Dropout Rate in Ecd Centres in Chinga Location, Othaya Division, Nyeri District Kenya.

ABSTRACT The study is about the impact on HIV/ AIDS on enrollment, performance and the dropout rate in ECD centers in Chinga location The study sampling was done by picking the first four ECD centers purposely. I purposefully sampled three public and one private ECD centre. The schools were visited to carry out the research. A questionnaire was used to collect data the data. This was done through filing gaps in the questionnaire. The questions were based on the number of pupils enrolled in th...

Child Labour and Educational Attainments of Students in Mbulamuti Sub county in Kamuli District

Tab~e of ContentsDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGMENT ivABBREVIATIONS ixABSTRACT XCHAPTERONE 11INTRODUCTION 111.1 Background 111.2 Statement of the problem 121.3 Objectives of the study 151.3.1 Purpose of the study 151.3.2 Specific objectives 151.4 Research Questions 151.5 Scope of the Study 151.5.1 Geographical scope 151.6 Significance of the study 161.7 Definition of Key Terms 171.8 Conceptual Framework 18CHAPTER T’vVO 20LITERATURE REVIEW 20V2.2 Child Labor in Practice . 202.2....

Social-Economic Status and Learners Academic Performance; Case Study of Toror Primary School Trans Nzoia West District, Rift Valley Province, Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTDEDICATION ................................................................................................................. iDECLARATION ............................................................................................................. iiAPPROVAL .................................................................................................................. iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...........................................................................................

Learning Conditions of Pupils with Epilepsy in Regular Primary Schools, Kaujakito Zone, Amukura Division, Teso District- Ke Ya

TABLE OF CONTENTDeclaration p~ge (i)Approval page (ii)Dedication page (ii)Acknowledgement page (iv)Abstract (v)Chapter OneIntroduction1:1 Background of the study 1-21.2 Statement of the problem 21.3 Purpose of~the study 31.4 Objectives of the study 41.5 Research questions 51.6 Scope of the study 61.7 Significance of the study 7Chapter TwoReview of Related Literature2. 1 Attitudes of teachers towards learners with epilepsy 5-92.2 Teaching/ learning strategies for learners with epilepsy 10-172....

1141 - 1155 Of 8017 Results