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Education Research Papers/Topics

Teachers' Knowledge And Understanding Of Child Maltreatment A Case Study Of Selected Schools In Limuru Division Kiambu West District, Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS DRC!,ARATION ... .......................................................................................... .... .! APPROVAL ..................................................................................................... .!! ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.. ................................................................................. .III DIWJCA 710N ... ........................................................................................... ... .IV LIST OF TABLES ...... ........

The Effects Of Family Background On Literacy Skill Development Among Early Learners In Dokolo Sub County, Dokolo District

Abstract The title of this study is the effects of family background on literacy development of early learners in Dokolo district." The study was carried out in Agwata sub county Dokolo district to investigate the effects of family backgrounds on the literacy development of the early learners. A sample of 10 schools both nursery and primary were surveyed. A total of 200 respondents were used in the study comprising parents, teachers and the early learners. Data were collected through teacher ...

Hiv and Education In Kenya Case Study: Eastern Province

SUMMARY The general objective of this research study was to investigate the impact ofHIVIAIDS on education. The study also sought to find out how education can be used in the prevention and control ofHIVIAIDS. The specific objectives of the study were to: detennine the impact ofHIV/AIDS on children's learning experiences; determine the impact ofHJV/AlDS on communities participation in education; find out how education can be used in tl1e prevention and control ofHJV/AIDS; build local capacity...

Challenges Facing Integration Of The Physically Handicaped In Normal School System In Selected Schools In Kajiado District Kenya

ABSTRACT In Kenya the iµitial trend was to place those individuals with disability in special schools where they were segregated. By introducing the inclusive system, it was hoped that those learners with special needs would get educational intervention measures. The special institutions isolated the disabled hence were considered inferior. The idea of inclusive was thought to break the bridge and reduce the social distance between the non-disabled and the disabled. The main purpose of this ...

The Impact Of Dance On Church Attendance By The Youths In Yatta division, Yatta district ,kenya

ABSTRACT This study was about "The influence of dance to church attendance of the youths in Y atta division, ofYatta district. Sixty youths and 60 elders were used in the study and we are selected from various Christian denominations, The study was administered by the help of selected qelegates given questionnaires to distribute to 20 youths and 20 elders at the same time under the supervision of the researcher. Enteiiainment, encouragement, identification and conquer of the heart of the popu...

Analysis Of The Factors Responsible For Pupils Drop Out In Schools In Loita Division Narok South District - Kenya

ABSTRACT The major objective of the study was to examine the causes of school dropouts in Loita Division, Narok South district, Kenya. The study was conducted Division Narok South district Kenya. A total of 60 respondents were chosen; 10 politicians, 10 religious leaders, 10 political leaders, and 30 parents consulted during the study. The study findings were collected in line with the research questions of the study. The first research question sought to find out the causes of school dropout...

Effects Of Television On Growing Youths' Behaviours Both In Lower And Idgher Institutions Of Learning In Embu District Kenya

ABSTRACT: The research generally looks at the effects of Television on growmg youth behavior both in lower and higher selected institution of learning Embu District Kenya. The major concern in this case is effects of; violence, pornography, alcoholism and drugs, sexual immorality and rape. The study was interested in finding out whether; these issues have any connection with the TV, solutions and whether it is useful or otherwise. The survey was conducted due to, the increase in violence, al...

Introduction Of Free Primary Education And Its Impact On The Enrolment In Early Childhood Development Education Awendo Division In Awendo District Of Migori Country

ABSTRACT Early childhood development education is the basic foundation of the child. This is the introduction of the child to the reading and writing while building on the listening and speaking skills introduced to the child at home. Therefore it is important to look for ways and means to improve it. The researcher on this note has realized the importance of comparing and contrasting the introduction of free primary education (FPE) in all the public primary schools in Kenya with the enrolmen...

Teachers Attitudes Tow Ards The Performance Of Pupils With Learning Difficulties In Tigithi Zone, Laikipia District Rift Valley Province, Kenya.

TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION ................................................................................... i APPROVAL ................................................................................. ii DEDICATION ....................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................. .iv TABLE OF CONTENT ........................................................................... v LIST OF...


TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration ................................................................................................................................ ii Approval ................................................................................................................................... iii Dedication ................................................................................................................................. .iv Acknowledgement ................................

An Investigation on Academic Underperformance Encountered by Hearing Impaired Learners in Special Schools and Units in Coast Province, Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTDeclarationAcknowledgement iiApproval iiiTable of content iv-vList of tables viAbstract viiCHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION1.0 Overview• I Background information1 .2 Statement of the problem 21.3 Purpose of the study 21.4 Objective of the study 21.5 Scope of the study 31 .6 Significant of the study 31.7 Review 4CHAPTER TWO: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE2.0 Overview 52. 1 Inability to perform above expected levels 52.2 Definition 62,3 Prevalence 72.4 Causes of hearing loss 72.5 Types...

Drug Abuse and Academic Performance of Learners in Mazzi Parish, Luwero District Uganda

ABSTRACT The study examined the impact of drug abuse on academic performance of learners. The general objectives of the study were to investigate the causes of drug abuse and its impact on academic performance of learners. The study took a quantitative approach to collect and interpret the data. The study also employed a descriptive survey design to carry out the study and used a questionnaire as a tool to collect data. The population targeted was primary school teachers and ECD teachers who ...

Challenges of Teaching Physical Education in Primary Schools a Case Study of Schools in Nyero Sub County Kumi District

ABSTRACT The study was carried out to examine the challenges of teaching Physical Education in Primary Schools Kumi district focusing in Nyero Sub County. The study was guided by set objectives which were directed to examine teachers' attitudes towards the teaching of physical education in primary schools, identify the challenges encountered in teaching of physical education in primary schools, and to find out the measures to improve teaching of physical education in primary schools The resea...

The Effect of Teaching Aids On the Performance of Pupils in Mathematics in Primary Schools in Kitgum District. The Case of Selected Primary Schools in Mucwini Sub-County.

ABSTRACT: This study was undertaken to investigate the effect of teaching aids on the performance of pupils in Mathematics in primary schools in Kitgum District. The case of selected primary schools in Mucwini Sub County. _ .. A qualitative research technique was selected for this study usmg a variety of research instruments. The subject in the study included the D.E.O, 3 head teachers, 32 teachers, 196 pupils, 80 parents and 24 School Management Committee who were randomly selected. The inst...

The Effect of Free Primary on The Academic Performance of Pupils in Elangata Wljas Zone Kajiado District, Kenya

Table of ContentsDeclarationApprovalDedicationAcknowledgment ivTable of ContentsAbstractChapter One 1Introduction 11. Background of the study 11.2Statement of the problem 21.3 Objectives of Study 31.3. 1 General Objective 31.3.2 Specific Objectives 31.4 Research Questions 31.5. Significance of Study 4Chapter Two 5Review of Related Literature 52.1 Free primary education and Facilitation 52.2 Teachers and the facilitation of free primary education 62.3 Teacher-Pupil ratio 62.4 Social- Economic ...

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