The aim of the project is to design a renewable energy system that can meet the current and projected electricity demands for the island of Great Cumbrae. This should be achieved by providing a stable electricity output and the meet the calculated total annual base load supply of 11.29 GWh. In addition to providing a stable supply of electricity, the environment and social impacts that arise from the project relating to Great Cumbrae should be minimised as well as coinciding with a techn...
This research is a quantitative study using 4th grade reassessment on one on one technology and its effect on student achievement and motivation.
Sustainable energy sources have been a topic of interest over a period of time for many researchers. Nuclear energy is one of the sources that have long been exploited for generating heat and electricity both in large scale and small scale. One of the methods for converting this heat into electrical power is using thermoelectric generators. Radioisotope thermoelectric generators are currently the longest-lived sources of energy; it does not require any human maintenance or refuelling. This pa...
This is a research work carried out on battery cage system of poultry management. It's all about how to minimize waste from poultry birds and also how to convey waste by employing the help of a belt conveyor
The electricity produced by renewable energy sources (RES) is constantly increasing worldwide thanks to government policies and technological advancements. Photo voltaic cells are actually a fast rising technology as the source of its power is a commodity that is abundant in this part of the hemisphere. Uncertainty also dominates in the area of the conditions at which the photovoltaic cells are operating, their optimal weather conditions and the effect of the conditions on their outpu...
ABSTRACT ABSTRACT It is not doubtful that effective and efficient waste management is essential for the development of a smart city. In developing and most developed countries of the world, overflowing waste from waste bins located at strategic positions in streets or close to residential areas both destroys the aesthetics of the environment and constitutes air pollution to the environs when the...
Both biometric behavior study and fruit biochemical analysis of five varieties of Syrian Pistacia vera introduced in Algeria in 1998 and raised in semi-arid bioclimatic stage (common Maoussa, Mascara, Algeria) led to a qualitative comparison. Based on the pistachio descriptor criteria established by the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute in 1997, characterization and descriptor of female varieties of pistachio were performed. The obtained results allow the better choice of sp...
The present work is to study the emergence and growth of seedlings of five pistachio varieties that are: Batouri, Achouri, Neb-Djemel, Adjmi and Bayadhi. The study was conducted in a greenhouse temperature and photoperiod were controlled. The seeds are germinated in pots filled with peat without going through the damp cold stratification at a temperature of 4ºC. The results obtained showed that growth parameters (length and diameter of the plants) revealed significant tests while other p...
Salinity is a major problem directly affecting the ecological balance and the development of agriculture in the Mediterranean basin, particularly North Africa. This phenomenon is considered as the most important abiotic factor limiting crops growth and productivity, degrading and polluting soils in arid and semi-arid. In order to study the influence of salinity, on the physiological parameters and to assess the potential of adaptation of the olive tree in a saline environment, three parcels c...
ABSTRACTCurrently owing to the annual increase of data, there is urgent need for anthropometric database and useful approaches, in designing machine, equipment, facilities, workspace and other products. Fuzzy clustering which is an important way of clustering is an approach where an object is grouped into more than one partitions. The approach is used to bridge the gap between the anthropometry dimension of an individual and garment size which is a problem attributed to the size of the garmen...
Wind and solar resources are diluted and intermittent on the earth; their combination allowed increasing their availability and stability. At great scale, the use of Solar Chimney Power Plant (SCPP) technique constitutes a promising alternative to fossil fuel for generating electrical power particularly in rich regions of natural resources such as solar, wind, terrain, built material, water…etc.). Recently, various research works investigate the design and optimization of thesesystems ...
Objectif : La province du Haut Katanga est dominée par des sols ferralitiques, une des sources majeures des faibles rendements du maïs dans cette contrée. Pour pallier aux problèmes d’infertilités de ces sols et accroître la productivité, les producteurs recourent essentiellement aux engrais minéraux (NPK). Ces derniers sont généralement appliqués au moment de semis. Cependant, avec les perturbations climatiques actuelles, le moment de leur application devient une préoccupat...
L’agriculture congolaise est encore largement extensive, se caractérisant par de faibles rendements. S’agissant du maïs, les rendements obtenus en milieux paysans sont d’environ 10 fois moins au potentiel de la culture; le faible niveau de fertilité de sols couplé à l’utilisation du matériel non performant sont les causes majeures. Cet essai a été installé suivant un dispositif split plot pour évaluer les effets des doses croissantes de la fertilisation azotée sur le com...
Le bananier est exposé à de nombreux problèmes entre autres la salinité excessive des sols et des eaux d’irrigation qui entraînent une chute de sa productivité. Cet essai a été conduit en vue d’évaluer les effets de la salinité sur le comportement du bananier et la diversité de la coloration des champignons dans ce sol. L’essai a été installé sous serre suivant un dispositif complètement randomisé à 3 répétitions. Deux cultivars de bananier (Pelipita ABB et Planta...
Ce travail a été initié dans l’objectif d’évaluer les effets des doses croissantes de la matière organique sur le comportement du bananier soumis à différents niveaux de salinité. L’essai a été conduit sous serre suivant un dispositif complètement randomisé à 3 répétitions. Les traitements comprenaient 3 doses d’amendements organiques (0, 1 et 2 kg) et 5 doses de sel (0 ; 2,5 ; 5 ; 7,5 et 10 g/L). Les résultats montrent que les fortes doses de sels (plus de 5g) ont eu ...