In democratic countries, voting is an vital tool to collect and re-act people‘s views. In the elections, the election of member of the assembly, the head of local/state government election, and others, a voter can cast vote after going to the designated polling place and checking his identity. Conventionally, voting booth is used for casting votes in both centralized and distributed places. Voting is done under the supervision of authorized parties. Counting of votes is done manually once...
ABSTRACT Most industrial and commercial processes are dependent on electrical power. Power failure or outage in general does not promote development in public and private sectors. The investors do not feel secure to come into a country with constant or frequent power failure. This limits the development of industries.In addition there are processes that cannot be interrupted because of their importance, for instance surgery operation in hospitals, conducting research, transfer of money betwee...
ABSTRACT The main aim of any electric power supply in the world is to provide uninterrupted power supply at all times to all its consumers. Although, in developing countries, the electric power generated to meet the demands of the growing consumers of electricity is insufficient, hence power instability and outage. Power instability or outage in general does not promote development in the public and private sector. The investors do not feel secure to come into a country with constant or fre...
ABSTRACT The increasing rate of crime, attacks by thieves, intruders and vandals, despite all forms of security gadgets and locks still need the attention of researchers to find a permanent solution to the well being of lives and properties of individual. To this end, we constructed a cheap and effective security system for buildings, cars, safes, doors and gates, so as to prevent unauthorized person from having access to ones properties through the use of codes, we therefore experiment the a...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION iDEDICATION iiCOPYRIGHT iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ivABSTRACT vLIST OF TABLES viiLIST OF FIGURES viiiLIST OF ACCRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ixOPERATIONAL DEFINITION OF TERMS xINTRODUCTION 11.0 Background of the Study 11.2 Solar Power System 21.3 Operating Principle of the DSTATCOM 31.4. Modelling of PV Array 51.5 Modelling of DSTATCOM 61.6 Simulation Results 81.7 Voltage Sag...
TABLE OF CONTENTSACKNOWLEDGMENTS………………………………………………………..………iiLIST OF TABLES……………………………………………………………….……….vLIST OF FIGURES………………………………………………………………………viABSTRACT..…………………………………………………………………………....viiCHAPTER ONE1.0 INTRODUCTION1.2 AIM AND OBJECTIVES 1.3 SCOPE OF WORK 1.4 MATERIALS...
ABSTRACT The consumptive use of water assures all year round production of groundnut prone to the vagaries of weather and climate. This brought about the need to supply moisture that is naturally available through rainfall. The successful design of any irrigation system requires the knowledge of the consumptive use of water by the crop under consideration. This need led to the investigation of the water use rate of groundnut in a typical area found in Awha-Imezi of Ezeagu in Enugu State ...
ABSTRACT The motorized cassava peeling machine is a type of cassava peeling method that is adopted to reduce drudgery. In cassava peeling operations. This method, unlike the manual peeling method which consumes a lot of human power with subsequent low output produces or peels a large amount of cassava tubers within a small specific of time and small amount of flesh loss and finally low demand of power. this paper presents the design and constructing of a motorized cassava peeling machine th...
ABSTRACT Power interruption and failure does not promote development. Investors and private organization do not feel secure to establish a business in a country with constant or frequent power failure. Power interruption limits the development of industries, commerce, businesses and seriously effects the economic development of any nation. There are vital jobs or processes that cannot be interrupted due to their importance, for instance surgery operation in hospitals, transfer of money betwee...
INTRODUCTION TO SMART CARDS It has been said that smart cards will one day be as important as computers are today. This statement contains a bit of an error because it implies that smart cards are not computers, when in fact, they are. Because smart cards are indeed tiny computers, it’s difficult to predict the variety of applications that will be possible with them in the future. It’s quite possible that smart cards will follow the same trend of rapid increases in processing power that...
ABSTRACT Energy is of great importance to the world at large. It is very important to every nation for growth and development as it is a driving wheel for technological advancement. It is to this end that good management and audit should be inculcated to make sure that this energy is utilized and sustained. This work centers on techniques and measures involved in management and ascertaining good audit. TABLE OF CONTENT Page Title page i Certification ii Ackno...
INTRODUCTION:Many interconnection device are required in a modern network, from the interface that allows a single computer to communicate with other computers via a LAN cable or a telephone line, to the large and complex switching devices that interconnect two or more entire networks.
ABSTRACT The main aim of the research is to study the mechanical properties of concrete and heir effects in concrete stability and failure. He fractures mechanical properties in particular uniaxial tensile strength Ft, young’s modules Eo and fractures energy Gf as sell as the shape of the stress strain and the stress- deformation relation were investigated for high strength and normal strength concrete. In order to analyzed failure mechanism of the entire fracture cement pasture and cemen...
ABSTRACT The study cover a view ad detailed explanation of the modification required to be carried out on the main access road lining federal secretariat and IMT civil soil laboratory and industrial centre order to update it’s services functions. The need for easing the flow of traffic on this access road has risen, since it’s a busy area in the institution. It’s required that the road be modernized and generally upgraded. The existing road is no longer in peak condition and is not cap...