ABSTRACT Rural roads constitute about 65% of the Uganda road network, which provide a critical link in the road transport network, facilitating access to and development of the rural areas. Traffic volume on rural roads in Uganda is very low, 90 % of the rural road network has an Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) less than 200, with an average road width of about 5.0 meters. The main problem facing the development of rural roads lies in the method of construction. Common methods used...
ABSTRACT Irrigation is a technology that ensures a good soil-moisture balance resulting into a good environment for crop growth for the well-established irrigation systems This project covered the different sections which included the site visits, desk studies, topographic and geographic studies, nature of the land. The specific objective entailed the determination of pertinent parameters for the design, coming up with the system layout to ensure every farmer gets water and sizing of the pipe...
ABSTRACT The general purpose was to develop an efficient Inventory Management System (IMS) that improves service delivery at Smart shoppers’ Masaka. The main objectives were to collect and analyze user requirements that provide the researchers with enough information of what the system users want the system to accomplish, to design an Automated Inventory Management System, to implement a prototype and to test and validate the designed prototype. The methodology used includes Interviews, Que...
ABSTRACT The study was to design a water supply system for Muko Ikamiiro parish in Rubanda district. The study was guided by the following objectives mainly to increase access to safe adequate and sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene service delivery. And specifically to characterize and determine the quality of the available water sources, to determine water demand for the community and to design an effective water supply system. The project was carried out with in Ikamiro parish and c...
ABSTRACT This report comprises of 5 chapters, reflecting the activities that are to be carried out. Chapter 1. Presents a detailed introduction of the project. Chapter 2. Is the Literature Review presenting information concerning flood analysis related topics. Chapter 3. Methodology. This shows the different methods and approaches which were used to execute the project. Chapter 4. Results and findings. This chapter shows the results obtained using the methods d...
INTRODUCTION PROJECT BACKGROUND globally and considering the hydraulic cycle, water is in constant motion from the land surface to the atmosphere and from atmosphere to the ground or land surface. run off is experienced when heavy rains are experienced. this run off normally erodes loads of silt sediments and this mixes with streams, lakes and pollutes surface water (chang 2004). in china due to industrialisation, the water cycle has been tempered with. this is due to production of tox...
Solar simulators are major characterization tools yielding the solar modules.They are used in photovoltaic industries and academia for researches in photochemistry, biosensors, sunscreen testing and soon. Solar simulators have been facing many challenges in in terms of construction and characterization as well as in their being used to characterize other devices. In this article problems faced by engineers and scientists in developing, and characterizing solar simu...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. iAPPROVAL ....................................................................................................................................iiDEDICATION................................................................................................................................iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT.............................................
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION....................................................................................................................................iDEDICATION.......................................................................................................................................iiACKNOWLEDGMENT ......................................................................................................................iiiAPPROVAL................................................
ABSTRACT This project is aimed to work as one of the marketing procedures and cores for Inspired Safari Adventures which acts as a general online website were the all public can view and understand more about the company. The users of this website are generally all the people who want to know about Inspired Safari Adventures in reference to the website components for example understanding the company location activities and so much more as illustrated in the website. The other users include i...
TABLE OF CONTENTSCONTENTS PAGEDeclarationApprovalDedicationAcknowledgements ivTable of contents vList of tables viList of acronyms viiCHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTIONBackgroundProblem statementObjectives 3Research questions 4Limitations of the study 4VCHAPTER TWOLiterature review 5Soil degradationCauses of soil degradation 5Nutrient depletion sSoil erosion 7Overgrazing 7Poor agricultural practices 8Population pressure 9Effects of soil degradation 9On-site Effects 10Off-site Effects 11CHAPTER THREEMATE...
ABSTRACT This study is primarily focused on investigation of major causes of performance bottlenecks on the respective Organization's Internet Cafe Local Area Network. This investigation is based primarily on analysis of a single-server queue which the system utilizes. The server queue perfotmance is analyzed using various measures of performance, the applications of which are highly referenced from published literature. The study also encompasses other minor elements of performance in the sy...
ABSTRACT This report is part of our final year project II that only focuses on the water improvement. The study was done to determine the water demand, water quantity and the yields. Other sources were done using soil map, land use map of the study area and run it in to ARCGIS to determine the catchment area and soil type of the area. This report has been arranged in chapters whose contents are as below; Chapter one: Introduction which give the general background of the study introduction, de...
ABSTRACTUse of roundabouts as a viable traffic control measure of traffic flow at priority points is increasing in most of growing towns in Uganda. Their strength lies in their ability to reduce the number of vehicular conflicts at intersections and thereby enhance intersection capacityand safety. There are additional intangible benefits of roundabouts such as their traffic calming effect, gateway feature and aesthetics. Increasingly, many roundabouts in growing urban town...
TABEL OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION jjjACKNOWLEDGMENT ivTABEL OF CONTENTS vLIST OF TABLES viiLIST OF FIGURES viiiABSTRACT ixCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.0 Background of the study 11 . 1 Statement of the problem 31.2 Purpose of the study 41.3 Specific objectives of the study 41.4 Research questions 41.5 Scope of the study 5CHEPTER TWO 6LITERATURE REVIEW 62.0 Introduction 62.1 Who is a carpenter2 62.2 Activities carpenters are involved in and tools used 72.3 The nature of the haza...