
Engineering Research Papers/Topics


                                                                     EXECUTIVE SUMMARY      This work presents the design of a plant that will produce 250000kg/yr of lindane from benzene, chlorine and water at high temperature and pressure using direct chlorination method. The feeds are sent into a chlorinator, the crude product from the chlorinator is continuously decanted into a decanter and the bottom product HCl i...


This research presents the effect of lye on the kinetics and quality of local soaps. To achieve this, 40ml of 10 percent lye (palm bunch, coconut shell and synthetic sodium hydroxide) reacted with 60ml of oil (palm oil and palm kernel oil) in a batch system, under conditions as, constant temperature (50 degree celcius) and constant stirring (100 rpm). Variation in saponification value and free fatty acid was monitored with time, that is, at intervals of 2mins. It was noticed that as time incr...


Quality control is a checking test to monitor and ensure the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) is at optimum efficiency. The tests are usually carried out on samples collected from specific points or stations in the WWTP.  The Influent sample, is collected after the fine screens. Aeration basin sludge, iscollected from the point of overflow of the aeration basin, before it is sent to the clarifier. Return Activated Sludge (RAS) sample, is collected from the sludge pumping station. Waste Ac...


Wastewater is made up largely of organic carbon, either in solution or as particulate matter. About 60% is in particulate form, consisting of proteins, amino acids, peptides, carbohydrate, fats and fatty acids. Wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) prevent potential waterborne disease outbreak. This is achieved by the active use of mechanical process and biological process of the treatment plant to treat and convert wastewater into clear effluent that meets specific standard. The effluent water...

Effects of sawdust Ash on some physical properties of concrete

CHAPTER ONE1.0 INTRODUCTION1.1 Background of StudyThere   is   need   for   affordable   building  materials  in  providing adequate housing for  teamingpopulace   of  the   world.   The  cost  of   conventional   building   materials  continue   to  increase  asmajority of the population continues to fall below the poverty line. Thus, there is the need tosearch for local materials as alternatives for the construction of functional but low-cost buildingsin bo...

Experimental Study on the Engineering Properties of Marble Waste Powder from Hyderabad Marble Market Sindh Pakistan for Making Concrete Including Recycled Coarse Aggregates

Study of Coarse Aggregate Characteristics on Strength Properties of High Performance Concrete Using Chemical Admixtures Mushtaque Ahmed Pathan1, Rafique Ahmed2, Maryam Maira3 1Assistant Professor, 2Associate Professor, Center for Pure & Applied Geology, UoS Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan 3Freelancer Researcher Mehran university of Engg. & Technology Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan *Corresponding author: Mushtaque Ahmed Pathan | Received: 14.03.2019 | Accepted: 21.03.2019 | Published: 31.03.2019 DOI:10.2...

Investigation on the mechanical properties of sagbama aggregate (flexural property)

ABSTRACT This study investigation on the mechanical properties of Sagbama rice granite was analyzed to determine the load that would cause ultimate flexural stress on the material when used in concrete construction .This is necessary to make decision on where it is suitable for use. This study requires the production of 12 concrete beams of 100mmx100mmx500mm with sagbama rice granite as coarse and fine aggregate. Three (3) specimens were produced to be tested at 7, 14, 21 and 28days.Mix rat...

Design and Construction of an in-situ salinometer for agricultural soils

The increase of salinity in soil and water bodies which simultaneously declines the productivity of agriculture is of great concern to the Nigerian Federation which holds agriculture as a major means of survival for its economy. Thus, the proper monitoring,use and management of soil and water bodies is a sure way to proffer solutions to food shortage and poor crop yields. This can however be achieved by the use of a fast, reliable, and accurate in-situ salinometer. A portable in-situ salinome...


Content   Pages   DECLARATION ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iii DEDICATION iv TABLE OF CONTENT v CHAPTER ONE Introduction 1 1.1 Background of the Study 1 1.2 Problem of Study 2 1.3 Objectives of Study 3 1.4 Scope of Study 3 1.5 Significance 4 CHAPTER TWO Literature Review 5 2.1 Introduction 5 2.2 Types of Street Lights 6 2.3 Photovoltaic Effect/Process 9 2.4 Charge Controller 10 2.5 Inverters 10 2.6 Battery 10 CHAPTER THREE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 13 3.1 Introduction 13 3.2 Research Design 13 3.3 Re...

Broadband Network Penetration and Growth Pattern in North Eastern Part of Nigeria

Information and Communications Technology, like many other classical innovations has been institutionalized and become myths binding on organizations. How this seditious tool can be used as a catalyst for developing countries, in the face of empirical anomalies has been a cause for concern. Why does increasing number of agencies go on-line and establish similar web presences with similar structures even when delivery to end user is poor or near impossible? What are the processes of adaption ...

Broadband – Infrastructural Deficit and ICT Growth Potentials in Cross River State, Nigeria

The study examined Broadband infrastructural deficit and the growth potentials of Information and Communications Technology in Cross River State of Nigeria, by using three–to-five scale closed-ended questionnaires. Cross River State has a population of about 3,104,446; yet by 2014, it was estimated that mobile Broadband connections in Cross River State was below 50,000 subscribers. Government statistics put Internet penetration in Nigeria at 28 per cent. Out of these, only less than 9 per c...

Issues of Variance of Extreme Values in a Heterogeneous Teletraffic Environment

The reliability of various teletraffic data-analytical devices in communication systems is relevant to all stakeholders. Among other key external variables, the performance of the network evaluated under a variety of traffic scenarios is the focus of the study: data / video traffic generated by subscribers, who ordinarily subscribed voice bandwidth services. This study, therefore views teletraffic data as complete random and in-deterministic variables, and examines its continuous dependence o...

Issues Associated with Decimeter Waves Propagation at 0.6, 1.0 and 2.0 Peak Fresnel Zone Levels

Radio waves propagation is dependent on many variables. Any of these variables employed must ensure that the antennae at both sides of the link can see each other. This is because the radio horizon extends beyond the optical horizon. Inspite of this porch, telecommunications’ long distance signal suffer degradation. The ratio of the transmitted power to the receiver power is empirically deteriorated. The level of the received signal fluctuation is usually a function of the configured charac...


It has become common for many business entrepreneurs to move with two or three mobile phones at any particular time in Nigeria. The reason is usually anchored on the epileptic reception of the telecommunications networks and their desire to keep in touch with their businesses. This burden can be made lighter if signal strength levels of Telecommunications’ operators can be periodically measured and predicted without resorting to the Network operator; like weather forecasting. The design and...

Unmanned Aerial VehiclePitch Optimization for Fast Response of Elevator Control System

The flight dynamicsof an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV)is the science ofitsorientation and control in three dimensions.The three primary orientations include: the Pitch, the Roll and the Yaw. Therear part of the tailplaneis known as the elevatorcontrol ofanUAVpitch (therotating around the transversal axis). Flight route deviations and flight altitude variations due to hash weather conditions such as shock waves or thunder storm and the wind speed/direction during flight greatly affect the pitch...

2506 - 2520 Of 3407 Results