
Engineering Research Papers/Topics

Design of a Robust PID Controller for Improved Transient Response Performance of a Linearized Engine Idle Speed Model

One of the advantages of automatic control system is its application to the regulation of internal combustion engines. An area of significance in fuel energy reduction and efficiency improvement is the control engine idling speed. This paper has presented a control system for improved transient response performance of a linearized engine idle speed model. In order to realize the aim of the work, nonlinear dynamics of engine idle speed are obtained and were later linearized. A proportional int...


ABSTRACT This study on the Impact of Supervision on employees effectiveness in Organization focused on the ministry of Education Owerri, Imo State. The study used Survey Design technique. The population of the study consists of 110 staff of the ministry of Education while Yaro Yamen formula was used to determine the sample size. Both primary and Secondary sources of date were used while a 14 Hem structured questionnaire was the main instrument of data collection, the sample percentage and fr...

The economic analysis of gas pipeline construction for the evacuation of natural gas from a gas processing facility to a gas fired power

ABSTRACT   The site of electrical power plants has been a subject of interest since the advent of electricity and the distance between energy sources (mines, oil and gas fields, and water bodies for renewable energy) and distance load (cities and industrial hubs) centres. The quest for sufficient energy infrastructure to supply Nigeria’s huge and growing population of about 190 million and also to power the much-anticipated industrialization and economic growth and development made the gov...

Evaluation of Sugarcane Fiber as Potential Lost Circulation Material

Abstract—Drilling fluid is a mixture of chemicals used in the drilling operation and it is re-circulated within the well. It function as lubricating agents to keep the drilling tools in good condition, maintain the temperature and pressure, as well as prevent well damage. The drilling fluid may lost in circulation due to the pressure differences because of formation fractures; crevices within the formation. Lost Circulation Material (LCM) is substances that added into the drilling fluid fun...


Recovery from thin oil rims are generally affected by the depletion strategies, reservoirarchitecture, operational and reservoir uncertainties. Irrespective of the oil rim thickness,size of the gas cap and aquifer, recoveries are generally low because of pressure depletionrates. Oil recoveries during gas and water injections are also often low due to ineffectivestudy of uncertainties in reservoir parameters. Previous studies on Water Alternating Gas(WAG) injection were based on less profitabl...


The primary objective of this project is to extend the conveniences ofdeconvolution to non-linear problems of fluid flow in porous media. Unlikeconventional approaches, which are based on an approximate linearization of theproblem, here the solution of the non-linear problem is linearized by a perturbationapproach, which permits term-by-term application of deconvolution. Because theproposed perturbation solution is more conveniently evaluated in the Laplacetransform domain and the standard de...

Enhanced Oil Recovery of Medium Crude Oil (310 Api) Using Nanoparticles and Polymer

The aim of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) is to influence thefluid-fluid properties and fluid-rock properties between theinjected fluid and the residual oil phase to improve recoveryefficiency. New methods of improving recoveries have beeninvestigated since they provide lower risks, costs anduncertainty as compared to exploring for new reserves. Waterenhanced with nanoparticles (nano-fluid) has recently gainedresearch interest for enhanced oil recovery because of thepossible physical and chemica...

Production forecast for niger delta oil rim synthetic reservoirs

The data sets in this article are related to a Placket Burman (PB)design of experiment (DOE) made on a wider range of uncertainties such as: reservoir, operational and reservoir architectureparameters that affect oil rim productivities. The design was basedon a 2 level PB-DOE to create oil rim models which were developed into reservoir models using the Eclipse software and configured under the best depletion strategy of concurrent oil and gasproduction. Approximate solutions to the models was...

Dataset on the beneficiation of a Nigerian bentonite clay mineral for drilling mud formulation

This paper presents dataset on the beneficiation of a Nigerian claymineral for drilling mud application. The experimental designapplied used a Response Surface Design (RSM), which involved 24(2-Level, 4-Factors) to generate statistical models, and analyze thedataset. The independent variables were (Bentonite; X1), (Polymer;X2), (Sodium Carbonate, X3) and (Aging Time; X4). The rheologicalproperties of interest, which forms the response variables, wereselected based on the API specification 13-...

Effect of foam and WAG (water alternating gas) injection on performance of thin oil rim reservoirs

A design of experiment was used to create oil rim models from a wider range of reservoir, operational andreservoir architecture parameters. A response surface model was generated based on a concurrent oil and gasproduction and a Pareto analysis was conducted to ascertain the significance of the parameters. The models wereclassified based on the Pareto analysis and due to the low oil recoveries arising from the complexity of oil rims, aseries of secondary injection schemes were instigated. The...

Effect of Horizontal Well Length Variation on Productivity of Gas Condensate Well

The development of gas reservoirs and the key decisions to bemade concerning gas reservoirs such as the number of wells todrill, well fracturing and capacity of the surface processingfacilities are dependent on its productivity. Condensateblockage caused by liquid build up is difficult to control in theaforementioned reservoirs thereby affecting production. In thiswork, production is optimized from gas condensate reservoirsusing horizontal wells. This is to demonstrate the performanceof horiz...

Optimal sidetrack time evaluation by segmented proxy model

Sidetrack operations which involves accessing a new zone and commingling production gives rise touncertainties and proxy models have shown to be able to incorporate uncertainties and mimic real-lifescenarios to an acceptable degree of accuracy. In this paper, a time-based proxy model which integrates the uncertainties that emerge as a result of several reservoir parameters was developed usingNPV as the objective function. A black oil simulator was used to generate the production profile andNP...

Predicting the Effect of Well Trajectory and Production Rates on Concurrent Oil and Gas Recovery from Thin Oil Rims.

Thin oil rim reservoirs are those with less than a 100 ft. of oil thickness underlain andoverlain by an aquifer and gas cap respectively. Irrespective of the sizes of the aquifer or gas cap,oil rims productivity is usually low due to excessive coning of water and gas. Productionoptimizations are usually carried out before recovery schemes are initiated. One of such is aconcurrent oil and gas production which is used in comparison with sequential production in thisstudy in conjunction with pro...


Water coning is a serious issue for the oil and gas industry. This poses a bigconcern regarding the costs that to be incurred for separation and equipmentcapacity. Coning is the production of an unwanted phase with a desired phase. Overthe years, many techniques and control methods has been birthed, however, the issueof coning can only be mitigated and not completely discharged. Reservoir andproduction engineers need to understand the basic framework; the parameters thatgreatly influence coni...

Nano Augumented Biosurfactant Formulation for Oil Recovery in Medium Oil Reservoirs

Production from most oil field using waterflooding has proven not to produce residual oil due to numerous factors. Several recovery mechanisms have been applied which to an extent has its own influence both on the environment, percentage recovery and also the cost of purchase. In this blending process the bio-surfactant derived from jatropha oil at different concentrations were augmented with nanoparticles for core flooding experiment. A blend of Bio-surfactant and nanoparticles (B-NPs) is a ...

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