
Engineering Research Papers/Topics

A survey in the different designs and control systems of powered exoskeleton for lower extremities

Abstract: In this paper, previous studies in powered exoskeleton and their contributions in the field of robotics technology are presented, together with their corresponding control system. Specific problems and issues that were encountered and the solutions made to resolve the problems will be discussed. Gait cycle analysis and human body dynamic model will also be covered in the study to understand the biomechanics and the dynamics behind human walking.

Utilization of waste cooking oil and tallow for production of toilet “Bath” soap

Abstract: A green prospective based on the reuse of waste materials such as beef tallow and waste cooking vegetable oils to manufacture soap is presented. Beef tallow and waste cooking oils that is discarded as waste from households and restaurants after frying is reviewed for the production of toilet (bath) soap. The discarded oil is purified with a brine solution and bleached with Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2.) Purified waste cooking oils and beef tallow is mixed with coconut oil commonly used ...

Energy densification of animal waste lignocellulose biomass and raw biomass

Abstract: The need to reduce carbon emissions has encouraged more research into use of biomass energy in place of coal. Biomass is carbon neutral; its use can therefore lower net emissions. Biomass can be upgraded to a fuel similar to coal by torrefaction. Different biomass have been torrefied but there is limited research in possible use of lignocellulose biomass from animal waste. This study aims to compare extent of energy densification of torrefied cow dung, corn cob and pine wood. They ...

Effects of biomass/coal copyrolysis parameters on the product yield: a review

Abstract: Pyrolysis is one of the prospective processes that can be utilized to obtain high value chemicals and energy from coal and biomass. Coal-biomass co-pyrolysis presents a green, low-risk, cheap, sustainable, renewable energy source with low carbon emissions. Co-pyrolysis offers the highest yield of liquid fuels and gas compared to the individual feedstocks. It has been illustrated that the production yields experimentally usually exceed the calculated and this can be explained by the...

Effect of media shape on particle breakage in a batch ball mill: lessons learnt from population balance model and attainable region technique

Abstract: The batch grinding equation and the Attainable region technique tools were used in evaluating data obtained from the breakage of quartz ore in a laboratory batch ball mill. Using the same milling conditions and grinding equipment, test results were evaluated through the breakage distributions of different size fractions. Results prove that mixing different grinding media increases volume of grinding zones and that translates to an improvement in grinding kinetics and amount of requ...

An attainable region approach for the recovery of iron and zinc from electric arc furnace dust

Abstract: This study investigated the application of the attainable region optimization technique to establish the optimum hybrid hydrometallurgical and pyro-metallurgical process conditions required to treat the electric arc furnace dust. The analysis of the results obtained showed that a combination of an agitation speed of 800 rpm, sodium hydroxide concentration of 8.0 mol/L and a leaching temperature of 80 °C were the optimum conditions for the hydrometallurgical process, while a ...

Attenuation potency of mineral liner to cationic migration

Abstract: In waste containment, it has become imperative that regimes of soil, surface and groundwater reserves are duly protected from contamination from leachate generation and migration in landfills. However, in developing countries such as South Africa, the construction of engineered facilities may be costly and the prevention of contaminants may become significantly reliant on the geology of the waste disposal site. More so, membranes forming part of geocomposite systems for waste conta...

Effect of the operation parameters on the Fischer Tropsch synthesis process using different reactors

Abstract: There are a number of factors that affect the output of the Fischer Tropsch process, change in the process parameters like catalyst used, residence time, temperature, pressure, particle size, bed height, flowrate and even the type of reactor used. A small manipulation of the parameters is enough to change completely the conversion, selectivity; therefore, these parameters have to be monitored. This paper presents the effect of the operation parameters on the Fischer Tropsch synthes...

Effect of interstitial filling, ball and feed size on particle breakage in a laboratory ball mill: an attainable region technique

Abstract: The interstitial filling, grinding media and feed particle size are vital parameters to be considered during ball mill operation. Experiments were conducted to ascertain whether there are possible interactions between the three variables and the fineness of the required product. The data obtained was analysed using the Attainable Region (AR) optimization method which is a model-free and equipment-independent tool. Experimental results indicate that there is a need to adjust or corr...

A review of ironmaking by direct reduction processes: quality requirements and sustainability

Abstract: Currently the majority of the world’s steel is produced through either one of the two main routes; the integrated Blast Furnace – Basic Oxygen Furnace (BF – BOF) route or the Direct Reduced Iron - Electric Arc Furnace (DRI - EAF) route. In the former, the blast furnace uses iron ore, scrap metal, coke and pulverized coal as raw materials to produce hot metal for conversion in the BOF. Although it is still the prevalent process, blast furnace hot metal production has declined ...

Assessing efficiency in a unified size reduction plant when reducing large ore into powder particulate matter

Abstract: In this study, the effects of reduction ration on different mineral ores was investigated when using common size reduction equipment’s and also factors affecting the working efficiency during crushing. A laboratory model of a unified crushing operation was used as an estimate to account for performance at industrial level, how energy consumption in a treatment plant can be minimized. Prediction on breakage behavior and fracture energy was estimated for common crushers how chemica...

The potency of monoethanolamine in biogas purification and upgrading

Abstract: Biogas has been exploited as one of the alternative sources of renewable energy having the potential to replace fossil fuels. It contains impurities when raw, as it consists of 50e70% methane (CH4), 30e50% carbon dioxide (CO2) and trace gases such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S). Chemical absorption is often a preferred purification technique in industrial applications because it has high efficiencies, removes H2S completely, operates at low pressures, and has higher reaction rates. The ...

Enhancing the flotation recovery of copper minerals in smelter slags from Namibia prior to disposal

Abstract: amibia Custom Smelters (NCS) process a range of copper concentrates in their three furnaces, namely; top submerged lance, copper converter and reverberatory furnaces, in order to produce mattes and fayalitic slags. The copper content of the slags range between 0.8 to 5 wt. % and this is considered too high for disposal to the environment. Currently, the slags are sent to a milling and flotation plant for liberation and recovery of residual copper. The copper recoveries realized in ...

Assessment of Design-driven Innovation within Botswana’s Small Creative Industries

Abstract: This paper assesses whether design-driven innovation assists Botswana’s creative industries in creating added value to the products and services they offer. Evidence from the literature shows that the ability of any creative industry to successfully compete in the global market depends on how it innovates its products and services. However, this area is under-researched as none of the studies reviewed have actually attempted to explore the technical landscape of design and innova...

The water retention properties of biochar derived from broiler poultry litter as applied to the Botswana soil

Abstract: Crop farming in Botswana is very modest and of high risk compared to its neighboring countries because of significant dependency on reduced and unreliable rainfall and as a result of soils with poor water holding capacity and low cation exchange capacity. For this reason, only about two thirds of the available arable land are planted and of the planted land only about half is harvested, which translates into only one third of productive arable land. This study examines how addition...

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