Environmental & Physical Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Environmental & Physical Sciences

Numerical Simulation of Dispersion of Emissions from Tema Oil Re nery in Ghana

Abstract The petrochemical industry is a major contributor of industrial air pollutants which are known to have dire consequences on human health and the environment, neccesitating research into their dispersion and transport. The objective of the study, therefore, is to simulate the dispersion and transport of pollutants emitted during the processing of crude oil by the Tema Oil Renery in the Greater Accra region of Ghana using the California Pu (CALPUFF) modeling system. This thesis couples...

Dose Assessment Of Natural Radioactivity In Fly Ash And Environmental Materials From Morupule A Coal-Fired Power Station In Botswana

ABSTRACT This study has been undertaken to estimate the occupational and public radiation doses due to natural radioactivity at Morupule A Coal-Fired Power Station and its environs. The radiation doses were reconstructed to include 60 year period from 1985 to 2045. Direct gamma ray spectroscopy was used to determine the natural radionuclides Th-232, U-238, and K-40 both qualitatively and quantitatively for fly ash, coal, soil and water (from the fly ash ponds) samples. The average activity co...

Palynology, Palynofacies And Hydrocarbon Potential Of Cretaceous Sediments In The Offshore Tano Basin

ABSTRACT Data from HD-1 well, offshore Tano Basin was subjected to optical and organic geochemical analysis to reveal the palynostratigraphy, palaeoenvironments and hydrocarbon potential of the said well. Organic geochemical studies of Total Organic Carbon and Rock-Eval pyrolysis analysis as well as the microscopic investigation of the 44 slides of ditch cuttings from a depth of 3370ft – 7290ft shows four (4) types of Palynofacies associations in the HD-1 well based on the sedimentary organ...

The Role Of Institutional Support In Climate Change Adaptation Amongst Smallholder Farmers In The Sissala East And West Districts Of Ghana

ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to measure the effectiveness of formal institutional support on the ability of smallholder farmers to adapt to climate change, using the Sissala East and West Districts of Ghana as cases. The study was also pursued to find out the challenges institutions faced in providing support while investigating the factors that hindered smallholder farmers from accessing institutional support. In line with these objectives the study combined both qualitative...

Energy and Exergy Based Performance Analysis of Westinghouse AP1000 Nuclear Power Plant

ABSTRACT Energy and exergy analyses of the performance of the Westinghouse Advanced Passive 1000-MWe Nuclear Plant (AP1000) was conducted with the primary objectives to identify and quantify the operational locations having the largest energy and exergy losses under normal operating conditions. The energy and exergy losses in the reactor units were determined from formulations of the energy and exergy rate balances based on the Gouy-Stodola theorem. The performance of the overall AP1000 plant...

Numerical Modeling and Simulation of the Stability of Earth Slopes

ABSTRACT Ghana, as most other countries, has a considerable variation in its topography. In an attempt to build cheaper, but yet the safe structures (i.e., roads, apartments, etc.), we are most often times faced with building on hill-sides and in valleys. This then calls for the need to correctly assess the stability of any adjacent slopes. In recent times, due to the extensive need for stability analysis in engineering practice, slope stability analysis programs have been developed. It is no...

Investigative Study Of Radiotoxicity Of Spent Nuclear Fuel Assembly Of Some Commercial Nuclear Power Plants Case Study: European Pressurized Water Reactor And Hualong One Pressurized Water Re

ABSTRACT The European Pressurized Water Reactor (EPR) and Hualong One Pressurized Water Reactor (HPR) are two of the reactors under consideration by the Ghana Nuclear Power Programme. Radiotoxicity analysis of Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) assembly was carried out with these commercial Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) nuclear power technology as case study. Burnup depletion calculation for the Uranium Oxide (UOX) fuel of these reactor technologies was simulated. Monte Carlo Neutron Particle Extende...

Strategic Environmental Assessment (Sea) As A Sustainability Tool For Policy And Decision Making: A Case Of The Atiwa Forest Management In The Abuakwa South Municipality Of Eastern Region Of

ABSTRACT Environmental degradation and the unsustainable exploitation of non-renewable resources continue to increase to satisfy socio-economic demands which call on a National Development Agenda to make use of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) as sustainability tools imperative. The use of these tools is to balance environmental and economic sustainability with institutional capacity building, and social cohesion to direct the sustainable mana...


Nigeriaislikelytobeoneofthemostnegativelyimpactedcountriesintheworldasaresultof climatechange.Itsrisksareparticularlyhighasaresultofitslowlyingcoastlinethatishighly populatedwithaheavyconcentrationofGDPgeneratingindustryandinfrastructure.The NorthernpartofthecountryformspartoftheSahelwhichisatriskofdesertificationand droughts.Flooding,watershortages,increaseddiseasesandassociatedsocialdisruptioncould wellgiverisetoaviciouscycleofeconomicdegradationandsocialconflict. ThesectorsofNigeria’seco...

The Role of Green Procurement in Sustainable Waste Management in Ghana: A Case Study of Accra Brewery Limited

ABSTRACT Some environmental impacts such as pollution and widespread of biodiversity loss can be related to the activities of an organisation supply chain. Manufacturing companies such as breweries, instead of investing in environmentally friendly technologies which can help in the prevention of waste at the source, generate large amounts of unnecessary emissions and wastes. The Accra Brewery Limited (ABL) uses a lot of raw materials; it is energy-intensive and generates a lot of waste and e...

Phytoremediation Of Some Tropical Soils Contaminated With Petroleum Crude Oil

ABSTRACT This study was undertaken in three phases to identify (phase 1), screen (phase 11) and evaluate (phase 111) plants for their phytoremediation potential. In Phase 1, 15 plant species made up of grasses and legumes namely: Paspalum. vaginatum, Cynodon.dactylon, Pueraria. phaseoloides, Centrosema. pubescens, Panicum. maximum, Schrankia. leptocarpa, Eclipta. alba (Linn.), Cyperus. haspen (Linn.), Melastromastrum. capitatum, Acreceras. zizanoides Dandy, Pteridum aquilinum (Linn), Ludwigia...

Computer Simulation of Thermal-Hydraulics of MNSR Fuel channel Assembly Using LabVIEW

ABSTRACT A LabVIEW simulator of thermal-hydraulics has been developed to demonstrate the temperature profile of coolant flow in the reactor core during normal operation. The simulator could equally be used for any transient behaviour of the reactor. Heat generation, transfer and the associated temperature profile in the fuel-channel elements viz: the coolant, cladding and fuel were studied and the corresponding analytical temperature equations in the axial and radial directions for the coola...

Investigations Into The Ecological Determinants of Distribution of Anopheles Gambaie S.S. (DIPTERA: CULICIDAE) Larvae Populations in Urban Accra,Ghana

ABSTRACT Anopheles gambiae s.s. larval habitats are important determinants of adult distribution and abundance, which also determines the geographical pattern of malaria disease. Information on their habitat characteristics can contribute greatly to better planning of its control strategies through environmental management. To identify the environmental parameters, which influence the distribution of An. gambiae s.s. larval populations in urban Accra, Ghana, 30 habitats with An. gambiae s.I....

Edu Frontiers 171 PAGES (38205 WORDS) Entomology Thesis
Resistance Mechanisms And Susceptibility to Organophosphates, Carbamates And Pyrethroids in Anopheles Gambiae S.L. GILES (DIPTERA: CULICIDAE) IN Hohoe District, Ghana.

ABSTRACT Malaria is a threat to more than 40% of the world's population accounting for more than 300 million acute cases and between 1.1 and 2.7 million deaths annually. Over 90% of the malaria cases are in sub-Saharan Africa, constituting 10% of the total disease burden. Currently, activities support the extensive use of insecticide-treated materials for malaria control. However, these efforts are threatened by the evolution of resistance in the main malaria vectors, Anopheles gambiae s.l. ...

Edu Frontiers 171 PAGES (36441 WORDS) Entomology Thesis
The Biology of Ceranisus Menes (WALKER) (HYM., EULOPHIDAE), A Parasitoid of The BEAN flower THRIPS MEGALUROTHRIPS SJOSTEDTI (TRYBOM) (THYS., THRIPIDAE): A Comparison Between African And Asian

Abstract Cowpea is an important food crop in Africa but suffers from a variety of insect pests. Among those is Megalurothrips sjostedti (Trybom), a major pest that is not successfully controlled by its local natural enemies. One of them, Ceranisus menes (Walker), a cosmopolitan endoparasitoid of thrips larvae provides efficient control of thrips populations in Southeast Asia. This has necessitated a study of this insect which involves a comparison of the biology of the African and Asian popu...

Edu Frontiers 190 PAGES (50112 WORDS) Entomology Thesis

1621 - 1635 Of 2175 Results