Climate Change Research Papers/Topics

Effects Of Climate Variability On Water And Pasture Availability In Turbi Division Of Marsabit County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Water is life and the heart for existence in the biosphere. Where water is magnanimously plentiful, people and ecosystems thrive in abundance but in places where it is scarce, complex adaptation strategies and sophisticated civilizations have been born. Indigenous systems such as pastoralism have for centuries been flexible to harsh conditions of water and pasture scarcity but exogenous factors like climate change render them fragile. Currently, severe and abrupt changes in climatic ...

Effects Of Climate Variability On Large Scale Coffee Production In Kigutha Coffee Estate In Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Dealing with declining coffee amidst challenges occasioned by climate variability is a problem affecting large-scale coffee production in Kenya. Climate variability has affected coffee output by changing distribution of pests and diseases, hindering growth and affecting amount of water supplied for irrigation. Kiambu is a major coffee producer in Kenya and coffee is mostly grown in estates. Climate variability makes it difficult for farmers to predict when to plant and interferes wit...

Adaptation Strategies To Adverse Effects Of Climate Variability On Water And Sanitation Access In Mukuru Kwa Njenga Slum, Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Climate variability is an environmental pressure to urban slum dwellers economic activities in most developing countries where households have been adapting to it for years. Slum dwellers are faced with inadequate access to water and proper sanitation. This problem is partly attributed to climate change. This research project aimed at exploring the adaptation and coping mechanisms of Mukuru Kwa Njenga slum community in Nairobi City, due to poor water supply and access to basic sanita...

Effects Of Climate Variability On Pastoral Livelihoods In Marigat District, Baringo County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The expected global temperature increase, more intense rainfall and more frequent droughts will have devastating effects on pastoral livelihoods. The economy of the affected areas also dwindle in the event of these calamities considering that droughts and diseases resulting from floods affect the health of livestock which is the major source of livelihood for the pastoralists. The aim of this study was to investigate the impacts of climate variability and the resulting vector-borne d...

Farmers’ Perceptions On The Effects Of Climate Variability On Dairy Farming In Masaba North, Nyamira County, Kenya

xiii ABSTRACT Climate variability is an emerging phenomenon that is threatening dairy farming globally. The dairy-climate change dilemma in Kenya cannot be mistaken. However, extensive research into dairy farming and an understanding of the dynamics of climate variability effects is greatly lacking.The study investigated the effects of climate variability on dairy farming in Masaba North Sub-county of Nyamira County, Kenya. The main objective was to determine the effects of climate variabilit...

Exploring the impact of work ethics on specific workplace practices in the ministry of Home Affairs & Immigration

Abstract The title of this study is: Exploring the Impact of Work Ethics on Specific Work Practices in the Ministry of Home Affairs & Immigration’s Division of Alien Control, Citizenship and Passports. It’s a mixed research and one of the objectives is to test the correlation between the ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration and the public’s perception on work ethics. The intention of the research is: To assess the employees’ understanding and perceptions with regard to work ethics...

Evaluation Of Farmers’ Vulnerability To Climate Variability And Extreme Events In Selected Agro-Ecological Zones In Kitui County, Kenya

Abstract Climate variability and extreme events are some of the most pressing environmental challenges occurring in the contemporary world. Farming communities in Sub-Saharan Africa, particularly in Kenya are more vulnerable to climate variability and extreme events due to high dependence on weather patterns in their farming activities. There is little understanding of the vulnerability to climate variability and extreme events among farmers in Kitui County based on the agro-ecological zones....

Perceptions of Climate Variability Effects on Household Water Availability And Health: A case Study of Four Rural Communities in Ghana.

ABSTRACT Globally, one of the major contributors to diseases burden and mortality are waterborne diseases and sanitation-related infections. The study sought to investigate the implications of climate variability on water availability and its implications for public health. Cross tabulations, Chi-square statistic and a logit model were used to identify determinants of water availability and the determinants of water-borne diseases. Data for the study was collected via a survey of women in ho...

The Role Of Institutional Support In Climate Change Adaptation Amongst Smallholder Farmers In The Sissala East And West Districts Of Ghana

ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to measure the effectiveness of formal institutional support on the ability of smallholder farmers to adapt to climate change, using the Sissala East and West Districts of Ghana as cases. The study was also pursued to find out the challenges institutions faced in providing support while investigating the factors that hindered smallholder farmers from accessing institutional support. In line with these objectives the study combined both qualitative...

The Role of Green Procurement in Sustainable Waste Management in Ghana: A Case Study of Accra Brewery Limited

ABSTRACT Some environmental impacts such as pollution and widespread of biodiversity loss can be related to the activities of an organisation supply chain. Manufacturing companies such as breweries, instead of investing in environmentally friendly technologies which can help in the prevention of waste at the source, generate large amounts of unnecessary emissions and wastes. The Accra Brewery Limited (ABL) uses a lot of raw materials; it is energy-intensive and generates a lot of waste and e...

Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation Into National Development Process: The Role Of The Legislature.

ABSTRACT Climate change mainstreaming undoubtedly remains the most cost effective and surest way of adapting and building resilience to climate change. Knowledge of Parliamentarians as a stakeholder and one of the highest initiators of laws and policies on climate change cannot be ignored in the climate change discourse. Inadequate knowledge and information among parliamentarians on climate change mainstreaming has a negative influence on political will and support for climate change activiti...

Climate Variability And Cocoa Production: The Implications Of Micro-Adaptation Measures On Cocoa Farmers’ Income

ABSTRACT Climate change is having severe impacts on agricultural production and food security, with yields from rain-fed agriculture in developing countries projected to halve by 2020. One crop vulnerable to the effect of climate variability and change is cocoa (Theobroma cacao). Though there are extensive studies on how the cocoa sector can adapt to the adverse effects of climate variability and change, little empirical research has been carried out on the consequences of micro-adaptation me...

The Influence Of Climate Variability And Change On The Attainment Of Energy Security In Ghana: A Study Of The Akosombo Hydroelectric Power Project

ABSTRACT The impacts of climate variability and change including the influence of ENSO are real and affect several productive economic sectors such as agriculture, water, forest resources and energy. Energy is a very important sector for achieving sustainable development. Ghana has continuously relied heavily on Akosombo and Kpong hydropower stations to supply electricity for household and industrial use. Historical records have shown that variability and change in rainfall including the inf...

Exploring The Link Between Adaptive capacity And Nutritional Needs OF Low-Income HouseHolds In Karaga District Of The Northern Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT Climate change is projected to have an adverse impact on the health and wellbeing of households especially in sub-Saharan Africa. This could be through disruptions in food production and distribution systems leading to food insecurity or the proliferation of diseases vectors both of which contributes to the prevalence of malnutrition. The high prevalence of stunting in the northern parts of Ghana despite various nutrition and health interventions by government and other development ...

Assessing The Cost-Efficiency And Willingness To Adopt Biogas As A Sustainable Source Of Renewable Energy: The Case Of Senior High Schools In The Greater Accra Region

ABSTRACT Energy is an indispensable component of human living. Renewable energy (RE) is regarded as a strategic approach to the reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. Biogas is regarded as one of the most reliable forms of renewable energy capable of addressing the energy needs of many institutions. Research indicates that Ghana has enough potential in terms of feedstock for the generation of biogas at both institutional and household level. The aim of this study was therefore to assess...

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