Climate Change Research Papers/Topics

Climate Change Awareness And Risk Perception In Ghana: A Case Study Of Communities Around The Munipomadze Ramsar Site

ABSTRACT This study investigated the level of awareness and knowledge of climate change, factors influencing risk perception pertaining to climate change and variability, and factors influencing the adoption of adaptation strategies in three communities around the MuniPomadze Ramsar site. Primary data were collected through a questionnaire survey, FGDs and in-depth interviews. Descriptive statistics such as frequencies and percentages were employed to assess the level of knowledge and awarene...

The Role Of Remittances On The Adaptive Capacity Of Smallholder Farmers In The Lawra District Of The Upper West Region Of Ghana.

ABSTRACT The changing climate pattern in the Northern Regions of Ghana has influenced the movement of people, especially the youth, out of the Lawra District in the Upper West Region. Smallholder farmers that still live in the District tend to rely on remittances sent by their migrant relatives to support their livelihoods, however, little is known about how these remittances influence their adaptation processes. This study assesses smallholder farmers‘ perception on climate change and its ...

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