Environmental & Physical Sciences

Environmental & Physical Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Assessment of information flow and ex-ante impact of potential cashew integrated pest’s management strategies for sustainable cashew production: the case of Tandahimba and Lindi rural distric

Abstract: This study was conducted to assess information flow and ex-ante impact of potential cashew IPM strategies for sustainable cashew production and marketing in Tanzania. Radio, extension workers, leaflets, posters, cashew development centres, on farm demonstrations and television were the identified information sources and communication pathways. Farm profit analysis of Potential IPM options were also quantified to find out the economic feasibility of cashew production at individual f...

Assessment of the Potential for Integration of Ecosystem Based Approaches and Local Indigenous Knowledge into Climate Change Adaptation in the Taita Hills, Kenya

Abstract: The integration of indigenous knowledge and science through and ecosystem based adaptation provides a basis for the formulation of culturally acceptable and sustainable adaptation practices. This study aims to determine sustainable climate change adaptation strategies for the Taita Hills in Kenya and assess their potential for integration with ecosystem based adaptation. It uses a mixed methodology that involves literature review, participatory methods and household surveys. As a r...

Assessment Of Conservation Agriculture As An Adaptation Option To Climate Change In The Taita Hills, Kenya

Abstract: Climate Change and Variability affects water supply and food security, especially in developing countries where many small-scale farmers rely on rain-fed agriculture for food production and as a main source of livelihood. The extent of the effects of climate change and variability on these small-scale producers largely depends on their level of adaptation, adaptive capacity, exposure and vulnerability. This study evaluates the effectiveness of Conservation Agriculture (CA) as a pos...

Agro-ecosystems’ resilience to damage: determination of index of susceptibility to climate change in mount kilimanjaro, Tanzania.

Abstract: This paper assesses maize-coffee-banana agro-ecosystems’ resilience to damage as well as computing the social-ecological vulnerability index to climate change on the southern slope of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. The study focused on identifying agronomic practices and assessing their impacts on agro-ecosystems’ resilience; examine the socio-economic status of the farmers in the region and its impacts on agro-ecosystems; and examine the agro-ecosystems’ natural resilience a...

Assessment of Adoption of Watershed Management Approaches for Sustainable Constituency Development Fund Projects in Funyula Constituency, Kenya

Abstract: Management of the natural resource of a drainage basin primarily for the production and protection is considered essential for soil and water conservation. Despite an increase in CDF allocations, watershed management approaches are not integrated in local development projects to realize sustainability. The study assessed the need and ways of considering watershed management approaches in CDF projects. Key objectives included to determine the relative importance of factors that infl...

Socio-economic importance of Liriomyza leaf miners of vegetable crops in Tanzania: a study of farmers’ knowledge, attitudes and Practices in Arumeru and Moshi-Rural Districts

Abstract: This study assessed the socio - economic importance of Liriomyza Leafminers (LMF) of vegetable crops in Northern Tanzania focusing on farmers’ knowledge, attitude and practices towards management of this insect pest in their fields. A total of 117 households were interviewed for primary data collection. Desk study was used for secondary data collection. Findings revealed that majority of respondents were educated up to primary level and lived in households with 1 – 10 individua...

Mortality Rate of Houseflies Exposed to Some Selected Insecticide to Some

Abstract Houseflies are pest in homes, dairies, barns, poultry houses, recreation areas and food processing sites. The study is to evaluate the susceptibility of Musca domestica to deltamethrin, cypermethrin and DDVP insecticides. Topical bioassay was used to perform adulticidal test, while dipping method was used for larva and pupa, different concentrations were used which ranges from 0.5ml/L-10.0 ml/L for larvae and pupae while 5.0 µL/fly-50.0 µL/fly was used for adult Musca domestica. Th...

Optimization and Screening of Extracellular Enzymes produced by Pseudomonas Aeruginosa during LDPE degradation

ABSTRACT Plastics are synthetic polymers made by chains of carbon atoms with hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, Sulphur built around the carbon chains (Shah et al., 2008). These polymers are involved in every domain of our lives ever since its production began from the year 1950’s, plastics have been produced at an augmented rate to meet day to day demands of the entire world. Accumulation of plastic waste in the environment causes chemical pollution when methods like incineration are used to get ...

Assessment of claiments satisfaction on compensation payment

TABLE OF CONTENT Title Page ----------i Approval----------ii Declaration----------iii Dedication----------iv Acknowledgement---------v Table of Content----------vi Abstract----------viii CHAPTER ONE (INTRODUCTION) 1.1Background of the Study--------1  1.2Statement of the Problem--------2 1.3Aim and Objectives of the Study-------3 1.3.1Objectives----------3 1.4Research Questions ---------4 1.5Significance of the Study--------4 1.6Scope of the Study---------4 CHAPTER TWO (LITERATURE REVIEW) 2.0...

The Impact of Climate Change on African Commodity Trade

Africa is the world's second-largest continent, covering an area of approximately 30.2 million square kilometers. It is home to 54 countries, each with its unique culture, history, and natural resources. The continent is rich in natural resources, including oil, gas, minerals, and agricultural commodities, which are in high demand globally. The African continent plays a significant role in the global commodity trade, providing the world with critical raw materials. Africa is a leading produce...

Phytochemical Analysis and Effect of Sodom Apple (Calotropis procera (Aiton)) on Maize Weevil (Sitophilus zeamais(Motsch.) in Storage in Bauchi

ABSTRACT Laboratory experiment was conducted to determine the insecticidal activity of leaves and stem bark powder of Sodom apple (Calotropis procera) and optimum concentration for the management of maize weevil (Sitophilus zeamais). Actellic dust 50g was used as positive control and untreated Maize seeds serving as negative control. The experiment was laid in Completely Randomized Design (CRD) comprising of Leaf powder (1, 3 and 5 g), stem bark powder (1, 3 and 5 g), Actellic dust and contro...

Water Purification Characteristics of Chitosan

ABSTRACT Alum (potassium aluminum sulfate-K+Al3+ (SO42-) 2), ferrous sulfate (Fe2+ SO42-), ferric chloride (Fe2+2Cl-) and ferric chloro-sulfate (Fe2+Cl-SO42-) were commonly used as coagulants. However, a possible link of Alzheimer’s disease with conventional aluminum based coagulants and other adverse bioaccumulation cases associated with heavy metal have become an issue in wastewater treatment. Hence, special attention has shift towards using biodegradable polymer like chitosan in treatmen...

Electrochemical Study of Conducting Polymer/Lignin Composites

Electropolymerization and redox behavior of lignin composites were characterized by cyclic  voltammetry (CV), electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM), and Fourier transform  infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Oxidation of lignin (LG) composites mixed with different polymers such  as; Poly (o-phenylenediamine) (POPDA), Pyrrole (Py), 4-amino-3-hydroxynaphthalene-sulfonic acid  (AHNSA) on working glassy carbon electrode (GCE) were performed by cyclic voltammetry in a  three-electrode ...


This project titled Bioaccumulation of persistent pollutants in Clarias gariepinus gotten from Ogu Creek is based on ecotoxicology and utilized African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) as a model in estimating the bioaccumulation of pollutants in living tissues of organisms in Ogu creek which is a point of poorly treated effluent discharge. The persistent pollutants include Zn, Cr, Cd, Pb, Mn, and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH). The concentrations of the heavy metals were determined with Atomi...

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