Environmental & Physical Sciences

Environmental & Physical Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Medical Care Waste Management Practices And Their Potential Effects On The Health Of Human Scavengers At Inyathi District Hospital Dumpsite.

ABSTRACT The research sought to investigate medical waste practices and their potential effects on human scavengers at Inyathi District Hospital dumpsite. Qualitative research design was used in answering the objectives of this study. Thirty health workers were randomly sampled at the hospital whilst purposive sampling was employed in selecting the key informants from Ministry of Health, Inyathi Hospital and Bubi RDC. Questionnaires for health workers, interview guide for scavengers and key i...

The Role Of Community Based Organizations In Solid Waste Management. A Case Of Masvingo Urban, Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT The study investigated the role of community based organizations in sustainable solid waste management. Solid waste management has become a big issue in our day and age at local, national, regional and even at global scale. Community based organizations in developing countries have been done but there are gaps in the real documentation in their full participation in solid waste management, constraints affecting them as well as suggested solutions. The study’s main aim was/is to ide...

Human - Large Carnivore Conflicts In Communities Adjacent To Tarangire National Park, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  In 2018, between February and June we conducted a study on HLCC around Tarangire NP and observed that agricultural development activities and human population growth have destructed suitable habitats previously occupied by wildlife. This situation had intensified HLCC in sub- Saharan Africa as a result carnivores population is declining due to human revenges for livestock depredated and human attacked. In Tanzania, HWC have been well documented especially in Serengeti NP and Selous...

Factors Contributing To Accident Causation In The Grate Cooler Section At Sino-Zimbabwe Cement Company From January 2005 To December 2013.

ABSTRACT The major aim of this research was to examine factors contributing to accident causation at Grate Cooler section from 2005 to 2013.The cross sectional design was used .A stratified random sample method was used. The study population consisted of 165 employees at Grate Cooler Section with a sample of 92 workers which included seven heads of departments. Research instruments which were used to gather data included questionnaires, observations and interviews .The major findings was that...

Critical Evaluation Of The Contractors’ Occupational Safety And Health (Osh) Management Systems In The Prevention Of Occupational Accidents At Zimplats, Selous

ABSTRACT This study focused on the critical evaluation of contractors’ occupational safety and health (OSH) in managing accidents at workplace at Zimplats, Selous. The objectives of the study were to analyse causes of accidents in contractors, to evaluate establishment of contractor OSH system, evaluate establishment of contractor OSH management system, determine efficacy of the OSH management system in accidents reduction and to analyse the safety culture of contractors.A cross sectional s...

Comparative Effects Of Minjingu Phosphate Rock And Triple Super Phosphate On Residual P In An Ultisol

ABSTRACT The use of relatively high rates of phosphorus (P) is known to result in a build up of P in soils and there are frequent claims that the use of phosphate rocks results in higher residual effects than water soluble sources. Thus the objective of this study was to assess residual P in treatments where relatively larger amounts of P from triple super phosphate (TSP) and Minjingu phosphate rock were applied. Total amount of P applied was 480 kg P /ha applied to Kanhaplic Haplustult at th...

Selected Wood Properties Of Two Lesser Known And Lesser Utilized Indigenous Agroforestry Species From Kilosa District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to determine basic density, fibre length and some strength properties of Lonchocarpus capassa and Combretum zeyheri suitable for growing under agroforestry systems in Kilosa district. A total of three 13 year old trees from each species were sampled in Rudewa Gongoni village for the study. Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) and height of each tree were measured. The trees were then felled and cut into logs. Each log was cross cut into three 1.5 m billets represe...

Volume And Biomass Estimation Models For Tectona Grandis Grown At Longuza Forest Plantation, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Quantifying tree volume, biomass and Carbon (C) stocks potential of tree crops by using allometric models is vital for understanding the contribution of forests on climate change mitigation effort. The existing allometric models for accurate estimations of total tree volume and total tree biomass for Teak (Tectona grandis) has limitation of application such as models being developed from few sample trees for model development and covered narrow range of diameters and excluded trees w...

Veld fire management strategies in rural areas: The case of Ward 1 in Hwedza

Abstract This study sought to assess veld fire management strategies in Hwedza Ward 1. Data was collected using questionnaires, field observation and key informant interviews. Major causes of fire in the area include hunting land clearance and smoking bees. Results show that people in Ward 1 have benefited from the introduction of a veld fire management plan that was introduced by EMA in 2010. Frequency of veld fires has declined from 31 between 2005 and 2009 to 11 between 2010 and 2014. As a...

An Exploratory Analysis of the Effects of Climate Change on Vegetation.,” The Case of Mutoko District in Mashonaland East Province, Zimbabwe

Abstract A plethora of researches have been done worldwide to determine and illustrate the effects of climate change on ecosystems, biodiversity especially on vegetation, using the most imperative climatic variables, rainfall and temperature which are of vital importance to plant species growth henceforth, determine biomes, ecosystem and woodlands plant species composition, structure and distribution. This study focused on effects of the climate change on vegetation in Mutoko District in Mas...

Isolation And Characterization Of Phosphate Rock-Solubilizing Microorganisms From Soils And Rock Phosphate Samples Of Panda Hill And Minjingu, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Plants acquire P from soil solution as the phosphate anion. Phosphorus for plant can be obtained from soluble P fertilizers or from insoluble phosphate rocks. It is highly fixed by calcium and by Fe and Al oxides depending on soil pH. Phosphorus solubilizing microorganisms play a major role in P nutrition through solubilisation of insoluble phosphate rocks. The use of phosphate solubilizing microorganisms as inoculants increases P uptake by the plant and crop yield. This study was un...

Comparative Study Between Government And Private Forest Plantations Management Practices: Case Studies Of Sao Hill And Green Resource Forest Plantations, Mufindi Iringa Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study was carried out in Sao Hill and GRL for comparison of management practices applied between government and private forest plantations. The study focused at identifying existing management practices, examining cost involved in forest management practices, assessing forest stand parameters and identify challenges facing management practices in Sao Hill and GRL in five years from 2012 to 2016. Data were collected through direct measurement in the forest stand parameters, struct...

1381 - 1395 Of 2176 Results