International Law and Diplomacy Research Papers/Topics

A Critique of the Legal Regime Governing the Protection of Children During Armed Conflict

Moderninternational and non-international military conflicts have catastrophic consequences for children. The nature of armed conflicts, their causes, and consequences have changed dramatically over the last threedecades,asseenintheBalkansandthePersianGulf,orintheCentralAfricanRepublic,theDemocraticRepublicoftheCongo,Lebanon,Libya,Mali,Nigeria,Syria,Somalia,Sudan,andSouthSudan.Inthisenvironment,questionsconcerningtherespect,protection,andrealizationofeconomic,social,andcultural i1rights i1hav...

New Frontier of Digital Diplomacy - Social Media and National Security in Contemporary Ethiopia

ABSTRACT Today, the ongoing debate surrounding social media and their national security threats has gained much scholarly attention given their far-reaching implications on the society in general and diplomacy in particular. Hence, the study primarily explored social media and national security as new frontiers of digital diplomacy in contemporary Ethiopia. This study followed a qualitative approach as study design on the basis of interpretative research paradigm. Since the topic is a littl...

Appraisal of the Security Council as Machinery for the Maintenance of International Peace and Security under the UN Charter

ABSTRACT  The United Nations which was founded in 1945 after the Second World War reflects humanity’s aspiration for peace; security and progress. Thus, one of the cardinal points of the preamble of the Charter of the United Nations is that members of the organization resolve to pool their resources together to actualize certain objectives. These objectives include inter alia; the practice of tolerance; to live in peace with one another as good neighbours; to bring about an international r...

Aspects of Environmental Norms under the World Trade Organization

ABSTRACT  This study was to establish aspects of environmental norms under the world trade organization and to determine existing conflicts between trade rules with Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs). The study uses qualitative comparative case-study methodology to analyze ten environmental-based, GAIT article XX exceptions cases. Each of these cases had been brought before the dispute resolution mechanisms of GATT and WTO respectively. The study is driven by a desi;~e to gain some...

Native System OF Land Tenure In Gape Colony And The Transkeian Districts.

ABSTRACT The Native tribes which cotjle under our consideration are those situated in the Eastern districts of Cape Colony and in the districts collectively known as the Transkei. It should be noted, in ~he first place, that these tribes had not had a long and undisturbed occupation of their territories. They were,~ colonists of almost as recent an origin as that of their white neighbours. They had been constantly disturbed as regards the occupation of their lands by their own migra...

An Examination Of The Opportunities And Challenges Facing Women In Ghana’s Ministry Of Foreign Affairs And Regional Integration (2000-2019)

ABSTRACT Historical accounts from various countries globally have proven that women were exempt from officially participating in diplomatic activities until the early 1990’s. In Ghana, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration has helped implement Ghana’s foreign policy over the years. Although Ghanaian women have participated in decision making, management and development, not enough women in Ghana have played significant roles in politics and public service. Using the qua...


ABSTRACT Over the years, the concept of good governance, which guided the study has become the mantra for donor partners, the Global West and some NGOs, as an ideal way of addressing the perennial problems facing developing countries. Good governance eventually became a precondition for aid in Africa in an attempt to propel African leaders to respect human rights, implement economic reforms, ensure alternation of power in a free and fair election, among others. Among other things, African lea...

The Doctrine of Res Judicata of an International Arbitral Awards

INTRODUCTION Every legal order recognizes the need for finality of disputes and it is commonly known as Res Judicata1 . This principle exists in all jurisdictions and it is aimed at putting an end to the adjudication of disputes. Some writers suggest it is rooted in public policy and others take the view as not taking the second bite at the cherry2 , this principle is important to dispute resolution. Dispute resolution can take many forms such as litigation, to alternative forms among which i...


Abstract The refugee situation in Kenya has experienced important changes in the last 20 years. Faced with the refugee crisis of the early 1990s, there was a major shift away from a previous government-led, open, and laisse-faire approach to refugees. The government’s emerging strategy was clear; to offer temporary protection, delegate dealing with refugees to UNHCR and to contain them in remote areas of the country. Kenya is a signatory to 1951 UN Convention Relating to the Status of Refu...