Environmental Health Science Research Papers/Topics


In this study, the heavy metal tolerance and antibiotic resistance patterns of bacteria isolated from Oroma wetland in Port Harcourt, Nigeria were investigated. The response of bacterial species isolated from the wetland to some selected heavy metals (zinc, lead, copper and iron) was investigated on basal medium containing different concentrations of the metals.  The isolated bacteria were identified based on their colonial, microscopic and biochemical characteristics and belonged to followi...


A quality management system (QMS) is a set of policies, processes and proceduresrequired for planning and execution (production/development/service) in the core business area of an organization. (i.e. Areas that can impact the organization’s ability to meet customer requirements. The term "Quality Management System" and the acronym "QMS" were invented in 1991 by Ken Croucher, a British management consultant working on designing and implementing a generic model of a QMS within the IT indust...

Occupational Health and Safety

An organization’s activities can pose a risk of injury or ill-health, and can result in a serious impairment of health, or even fatality, to those working on its behalf; consequently it is important for the organization to eliminate or minimize its OH&S risks by taking appropriate preventive measures. An organization’s OH&S management system can translate its intentions to prevent incidents into a systematic and ongoing set of processes (supported by the use of appropriate methods and too...

Findings of Ongoing Renovation Work in Shorooq Building Apartment Contracted by Royal Way Services LLC Dubai (A Practical Project)

This is my practical project report for Nebosh IGC3 that earned me Excellent grade.  With 25 hazards and 5 good practices. This report is based on the findings of ongoing renovation work in Shorooq building apartment contracted by Royal Way Services LLC Dubai. The aim is to evaluate Health and Safety practice such as working conditions and processes that are unsafe in order to provide recommendations where applicable and ensure compliances. 


1,277 patients were diagnosed and treated (July – September, 2017) for malaria, typhoid or co-infection at the University Health Services; 34.06% of the patients were diagnosed and treated in July; 32.58% in August; and 33.36% in September, 2017. The study reveals that the prevalence or incidence of malaria, typhoid and co-infection is higher in males (53.80%) than females (46.20%).  7.75% of the study population had blood cultures confirming only typhoid infection; 31.95% had blood cul...

Assessment of Heavy metal concentration in storm runoff generated at Alabata mechanic village, Camp, Abeokuta, Ogun state, Nigeria.

Water is a vital source of life essential for survival of all living organisms. Surface runoff and soil may become contaminated by the accumulation of heavy metals deposited by the activities of auto mechanic village. Runoff samples were obtained during rainfall from Alabata Mechanic Village located at Camp, Abeokuta, Ogun state; during the establishment of peak rainfall (May and June) and cessation of rainfall (November and February). This study examined runoff samples to quantify the concen...

The Impact of Environmental Sanitation in Lagos State, Nigeria: A Case Study of Agege Local Government Area

ABSTRACT   This study was conducted to determine the Impact of Environmental Sanitation in Agege Local Government Area of Lagos state, Nigera.  One hundred and fifthy (150) respondents were selected through simple random sampling technique. Data were collected through the administration of questionnaires and were analyzed on frequency distribution table. It was revealed that 47% of the sampled respondents still dispose their waste in Open dump, while 36% of the respondents are still using...

Physico-Chemical Quality of Well Water Within Araromi Automobile Spare Parts Market Agodi, Ibadan

ABSTRACT This research work physico-chemical quality of well water within Araromi Automobile Spare Parts market Agodi, Ibadan. The research work assess the physico-chemical characteristics of thewell water sample collected in the study area and also identify analyze and compare the heavy metal concentration with national and international standards. The procedure adopted included observation, and the water sample was collected from seven hand dug well within the study area using 750ml water c...

Parasite Diversity and Health of Oreochromis Mossambicus and Labeo Rosae From Loskop Dam, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa

Land-use activities occurring in the upper catchment of the Olifants River System affect  the water quality of Loskop Dam. Such activities lead to water pollution and that affect  the health of fish and other aquatic organisms. The aim of the study was to determine  the health status of Loskop Dam by assessing the health and parasites of Oreochromis  mossambicus and Labeo rosae as biological indicators. The selected fish species were  examined during summer (March) and winter (June) 2018...


Increased agricultural and domestic activities around and within aquatic ecosystem could poseserious threats to the habitat quality and ichthyofauna diversity. Nigeria is a country notablefor the alarming rate of water pollution. On the other hand, increased human populace aroundthe Apodu Reservoir has led to an intensifying rate of pollutants’ influx into the water body.To date, there is limited information on the habitat quality and associated genotoxic effectsof pollutants on physiology...

Coagulation as a Means of Water Treatment

TABLE OF CONTENT Cover Page----------            1 Table of contents ---------              2 Abstract----------             3 Introduction----------   5 Water Treatment ----------             7 What are Coagulants -------            -             8 Inorganic Coagulants --------              8 Organic Coagulants -------            -           -           10 Coagulant Selection --------             11 Mechanism of coagul...

Local Responses to Global Ecological and Environmental Challenges

Since the late 90s, the Niger Delta of the Federal Republic of Nigeria has been faced with many ecological threats. These include cholera outbreak, Lassa fever, oil spillage, black soot and flooding, among others. However, this essay focuses on black soot, oil spillage and flooding in three communities in Rivers State, one of the six states in the Niger Delta. These communities are most affected among the state's total of over one hundred. Their names are Aluu, Rumuolumeni, and K-Dere communi...

Health implication of students housing in Nigeria

ABSTRACT The students housing has been a major area of concern with increasing students population as a result of increasing interest in higher institution of learning over the years. The rise in population which has led to various problematic conditions of students housing has indeed met with renewed interest in sourcing and researching the best practicable approach towards the enablement of efficient, conducive academic driven environment. In order to ensure that tertiary institutions in Ni...

Hydrochemical Evolution of Ground and Surface Water within the Amansie and Adansi Districts

Source–rock deductions of major ions and saturation states of minerals in groundwater were employed to determine the origin of dissolved ions and the thermodynamic controls on the groundwater composition respectively in groundwater within the Amansie and Adansi Districts. The main objective of this study is to characterize groundwater and delineate soil-water-rock interactions responsible for the chemical evolution of groundwater within the districts. Fifty-nine boreholes, twelve wells and ...

A comparative study of the pollution status of Sakumo II and Muni Lagoons in Ghana

The pollution status of Sakumo II and Muni Lagoons and Mamahuma and Gbagbla Ankonufeeder streams, which feed Sakumo II along the coast of Ghana, were assessed and compared.As expected of saline waters, pH values of both lagoons fell within a slightly neutral to salinerange whilst, the feeder streams were moderately saline. Conductivity distribution also showedsaline (.5.0mScm21) characteristics of the lagoons, while, the feeder streams are brackish(1.5–5.0mScm21). DO concentrations in both ...

286 - 300 Of 351 Results