Computer Science Research Papers/Topics

Solution Of Linear Algebraic Equations By Cramer's Rule Method Using Pascal Programming

ABSTRACT The purpose of this work is not to present a collection of routines that might appear in a professional software library; rather, the intention is to introduce a method of solving linear algebraic equations using Pascal Programming. This dissertation solves linear algebraic equations by Cramer's rule method using Pascal Programming. The basis for this method of solution was obtained from the knowledge of numerical method, such a method lies within the discipline of numerical analysis.

Simulation Of Real Time Analog Clock Using Brescenham Michener's Algorithm

ABSTRACT The project takes care of the algorithmic technique and computer programming in the simulation of real time analogue clock using Brescenham and Michener' s Algorithm. A simple graphic package (SGP) which are routines and identifiers compiled into a set of Turbo Pascal �� namely U-sgp-declare and U-sgp-2d were used in compiling the program. The Brescenhan and Michemer' s Algorithm which is the main stay draws the circle and also was used to calibrate the face of the circle as cloc...

Royalton Hotel Front Office Information System

Abstract A study of Royr.!1on l1Dh::s f;-0;1. o,Tice was ca:-ried out; to uriderstand the system and determine the information rcqui:·emcnL Duri;1g the course or this study, problcn􀁃s ai1cct ing the systems were identified. We then designed a new system which is computer based rulting into consideration the problems identified. This new sysl.crn will replace the olcl one. Conversion plan has been mapped out and users manual included.

Design And Implementation of Web based Movie Ticket Reservation System

Abstract Movie Ticket Booking System is an online based application that can be accessed through the internet via a mobile device like phone, tablet and laptop etc by anyone at any time. This application is responsive and will help reserve tickets. Users are required to login to the system to book for ticket and make payment via e-payment system options. Watching movies with family and friends in theatres is one of the best medium of entertainment after having a hectic schedule. But all this...

Performance Analysis Of Internal Sorting Algorithms

ABSTRACT Internal s o r t i n g a l g o rithms constitute a class of util ity prog rams that are widely used in performi n g rout i n e comput i n g operations . This thesis exam i n es t h e t h eory and structu res of these algorithms and i l l ustrates t h e i r basic principles w i t h f l owcharts and tabular presentations. PASCAL codes were also d evel oped and implemented for the methods.

Online Hotel Reservation System

ABSTRACT The aim of this project is to develop an online hotel reservation system, a case study of FORT ELLIS Hotels LTD Gwagwalada, Abuj a which corrects the inefficiency of the current existing manual system, where all bookings and reservations and other management activities are done manually. For improving hotel business and providing scope for global reservation of rooms we developed an online hotel reservation system which is a web application. The major programming language that was us...

Online Counseling System

ABSTRACT This project is insight into the design and implementation of an Online Counseling System. The primary aim of this project is to eradicate the long queues at the counseling unit. It was discovered in the course of this study that students or counselees have neglected the face-to-face counseling mode which is been offered by the university because of the stress in registering for counseling and seeing the counselor, so the need for a better system came about with online counseling sys...

On Robust Automatic Offline Isolated Handwrjtten Word Verification Algorithm On Robust Automatic Offline Isolated Handwrjtten Word Verification Algorithm

ABSTRACT Automatic Offiine Isolated handwriting word verification system using template matching (pixel by pixel matching) is proposed in the research work. The composition of 400 word essay, the handwritten biometrics of 50 people (students); 25 males and 25 females to handwrite the essay five times in separate sheet of papers the aim here is to verify if a particular handwriting is from that same person or is a fake. No speclfzcation for pen type and color were given. The collected document...

Generalized Numerical Solution Of Mixed Systems Of Elliptic And Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations

ABSTRACT A variety of physical processes may be characterised mathematically by a function, F say defined by (m>1) independent variables

Automated Canteen Ordering system.

ABSTRACT Nowadays people do not have much time to spend in canteen by just waiting for the waiter to take their order. Many customers visit the canteen in their lunch break and recess, so they have limited time to eat and return to their respective offices and colleges. So, this software helps them to save time and order food whenever they want without calling the waiter again and again. Manual system involves paperwork in the form of maintaining various files and manuals. Maintaining critica...

The Design And Implementation Of A Dispatch/Logistics (Delivery) Website

ABSTRACT This Project research depicts a Logistics delivery company application. This application consists of features that can help Individuals across the capital to be able to deliver their goods and products from one point to the other in a very hassle-free manner. The application comes with features like the registration feature, the requested feature, etc. To enable users, access the application fully. Information and data gathering during the development of the system was done through i...

Application For Online Commodity And Delivery System

ABSTRACT Individuals shop regularly including weekday and weekends but most people find their free time on weekends to shop for important products like groceries. Studies show that about 60 million people shop on weekends and online in Nigeria. The difficult part of shopping online is the act of waiting on long queues and with the recent pandemic, people are now more reluctant to join those queues. The purpose of this project was to create an E-Commerce mobile application that is dedicated to...

Design and Implementation of a Real Time Chat Application

ABSTRACT CHATTY was created with the mind set to not just be another chat application but to add a level of clean UI (user interface) or a solid app structure function over a secure broadcast network. CHATTY is an effort for a more modern approach to internet security on a communication medium. The design of the UI (user interface) was greatly influenced by the Already exiting Chat Applications so as to give it users a fresh but familiar UI (user interface) design. The Implementation of CHATT...

Design And Implementation Of An Inventory Management System For Walid Halal Spices

ABSTRACT This thesis portrays the Inventory Management System adequately to decide the possibility and convenience of a completed system. The main idea is to trace the trading from the sales registers with extra highlights for deciphering the information. It utilizes a server model with an associated database to permit numerous stores and other locations to be associated. This takes into account later extension while as yet supporting the focus on independent small ventures. This thesis depic...

The Design And Implementation Of An E-Farming System Application For Bello Gostu Farms

ABSTRACT There are so many farmers in Nigeria with good products, the kind that someone somewhere wants to buy, but one of many problems that buyers face is that they have no access to the poultry producers or don’t even know those products exits. Now, Bello Gostu Farms App is an app that is developed to tackle the aforementioned. The purpose of the app is to enable users to surf through and find the available products from all parts of the nation. Also, to tackle the issue of “insufficie...

676 - 690 Of 1653 Results