Computer Science Research Papers/Topics

An Application For Online Commodity And Delivery System

ABSTRACT Individuals shop regularly including weekday and weekends but most people find their free time on weekends to shop for important products like groceries. Studies show that about 60 million people shop on weekends and online in Nigeria. The difficult part of shopping online is the act of waiting on long queues and with the recent pandemic, people are now more reluctant to join those queues. The purpose of this project was to create an E-Commerce mobile application that is dedicated to...

The Detection And Prevention Of Sniffing On Networks

ABSTRACT With the presence of some faults in online protocols and operating systems, any person who is connected to a network, especially in a Local Area Network (LAN) can fall victim to his information getting monitored by another person that is connected to the same network. Due to this problem at hand, an uninformed person can have his private information endangered to getting exposed to other unknown persons. Such act is called “Sniffing” and mostly occurs on networks. By sniffing the...

Web-based Charity Management System

ABSTR ACT This r esearch wo rk generall y summari z es the acti viti es carri ed out in t he desi gn and impl ement at i on of t he Web-ba sed chari ty management system. This charit y manag ement is a non-profit organi zat ional syst em in whi ch non-governm ent al organisations and donors ca n come i n and request and donat e funds and mat eri al s such as cloths, hospit al equipment , etc. These obje ctives are c reati ng online payment, creating l ogi n and regi st er page, appoi ntment b...

Online Clearance System

ABSTRACT The online clearance system is an internet-based study initiative that will help facilitate the queuing system in the clearance process of the university. The online clearance system can provide an efficient handling of information that is very easy for universities to use since it is internet-based and can be viewed from anywhere and at any time. The computer-based architecture in this project was introduced using the PHP language, CSS, HTML and the software database as MySQL. The p...

Decision Support System For Telecommunication Companies In Nigeria: (A Case Study Of Airtel Nigeria)

ABSTRACT The challenges faced by telecommunication industries are many, there is need to eliminate or curb some of these challenges and that is when a decision support system comes into play. A decision support system (DSS) is one which can aid to strategize management within industries to make vital decisions in relation to customer and network data. This enables managers in their areas within their industries to fully utilize the amount of data available to make decisions in relation to ut...

Design And Implementastion Of An Online Resources For Marriage Crises Resolution

ABSTRACT Many married couples experience their relationship changes over time. During the first years of the relationship, they had spent many evenings just talking with each other. They wanted to share joys, hurts, and hearts. There was closeness between the two of them that just made them want to get to know one another more and more. This project is about those in need, it provides information, resources and marriage counseling through an online designed base. It also helps in linking thos...

Secured System For Fueling Station Services

ABSTRACT This project report describes a mobile android based application which aids users in paying for the services rendered at fuelling stations. This application consists of features that makes the payment process quick, easy and seamless. The application comes with features like google maps to help users find nearby fuel stations. This dissertation also consists of the activity diagrams, application architecture, uses cases and entity relationship diagrams. The technologies used in the e...

Personal Services Locator

ABSTRACT In this Thesis, The Personal Services Locator helps users to find personalized workers or “Handymen” as fast as possible. The issue of finding a person or an individual to do a certain job has always been around, even though it has been reduced with the use of adverts and various social media, it’s not as fast and as efficient at locating people. This application finds the closest person(s) with the services running depending on which personalized service the user is looking fo...

A Dynamic Model Of Social Media Monitoring Tools With Sentiment Analysis

ABSTRACT The proposed system is a dynamic model of social media monitoring tool with sentiment analysis. Social media platforms contain a lot of data which might be considered ambiguous to businesses/organizations. Most organizations make use of social media platforms for advertisement as they reach a large crowd in a short period of time and are also more affordable compared to other options. Businesses find it difficult to have a clear vision/insight on how well their business has grown aft...

Face Recognition Based On Principal Component Analysis

ABSTRACT Facial recognition plays a significant role in different applications such as human computer communication, video surveillance, face tracking and face recognition. Efficient face recognition algorithm is required to accomplish such task. Face recognition is one of the most active research areas in computer vision and pattern recognition with practical applications. In present networked world, the need to conserve the security of information is becoming both increasingly significant a...

Design And Implementation Of Employee Management System

ABSTRACT Over the years, paper-based system for information management has been carried out across most of business and organizational sectors. Overcoming this problem is the main focus of this project in order to reduce the risk of redundancy. This thesis describes the design and implementation of a system that will have the capability for storing related information about employees through database. The system serves as a bridge between the database and the users that helps in maintaining a...

Car Rental System

ABSTRACT This application presents a data management system for a car rental company. This enables the administrator to keep track of all the customers information. This system increases customer retention and simplify vehicle and customers management in efficient way. The car rental management system has a very user-friendly interface. Thus, the users will feel very easy to work on it. By using this system admin can manage their rental, bookings, customer issues and vehicle issues etc. The c...

The Design And Implementation Of Health Zone

ABSTRACT Living as a human being, health is taken as a priority everywhere you go to. As the famous saying goes “Health is Wealth”. Some people are wealthy but are not healthy. A person can encounter any illness at any time. A person cannot say that him/her is over having a certain illness because, when it comes you cannot take it back. People are suffering from different kind of diseases all over the world. But in this case the problem is not only the disease but knowing about the diet a...

Design And Implementation Of SMS Based Water Billing System (A Case Study Of Bagudo Local Government Water Board, Kebbi State)

ABSTRACT Billing is a critical function of most Water Boards especially towards sending the bill to their consumers. Most problems, currently seen, result from the manual processes followed. Calculation errors, delays in system updating and bill sending, also report tracking issues are the major problems that water boards find difficult to find answers for. This project work provides a solution called an sms based water billing system to collect, process and notify consumers about consumptio...

Design And Implementation Of Hostel Management System

ABSTRACT “HOSTEL ALLOCATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” is a web-based application developed for managing various activities in the hostel. For the past few years the number of educational institutions is increasing rapidly. 

691 - 705 Of 1653 Results