Geology Research Papers/Topics

Hydrocarbon Potential and Palaeodepositional Environment of Subsurface Sediments of the Anambra Basin, South Eastern Nigeria

Abstract Subsurface core samples obtained from Enugu 1325 and 1331 wells within the Anambra Basin were characterized by standard organic geochemical methods; Rock-eval and GC-Ms; to deduce the hydrocarbon potential, source input of the organic matter and palaeodepositional environment of the basin. The lithologies in both wells consist of coals, shales and siltstones and belong to the Mamu Formation. The Total Organic Carbon (TOC), Soluble Organic Matter (SOM) and Genetic Potential (GP) of t...

Facies Model Building of Integrated Multiscale Data In Dn-Field, Onshore, Niger Delta, Nigeria

Abstract This study employs 3D Post-Stack Time-Migrated seismic data from the DN-Field, within the Coastal Swamp depobelt of the Niger Delta in predicting lithofacies and fluvial facies of OVK-1 sand bodies in the Agbada Formation, as a tool to identify new drillable prospects. A lithofacies model for OVK-1 reservoir sand body was generated after upscaling using Most Of, as the averaging method. Calibrated by fluvio-facies at the well locations, channel sands were identified in OVK1 reservoi...

Aspects of Source Rock Evaluation and Diagenetic History of the Akinbo' Shale Eastern Dahomey Basin, Southwestern Nigeria

Abstract The Akinbo Formation comprises a sequence of mostly dark, pale-greenish grey, laminated shale, slightly glauconitic shale, sandy shale with subordinate claystone lenses. Selected subsurface samples of the shaly facies as penetrated by Akinside 1582 well in eastern Dahomey basin, were investigated by sedimentological, mineralogical and geochemical parameters to ascertain the hydrocarbon potential and deduce the influence of variations of clay mineral indicators on the prospect. Values...

A Comparative Study Of Metamorphosed Supracrustal Rocks From The Western Nahaqualand Metamorphic Complex

ABSTRACT A regional study of highly metamorphosed supracrustal rocks was undertaken in the western portions of the Namaqualand Metamorphic Complex. The study area was essentially restricted to a north - south section some 50 kilometres wide and 220 kilometres long . Eight east-west-trending belts of supracrustal rocks were examined, together with several smaller paragneiss remnants , in an area dominated by quartzo - feldspathic gneisses of granitic composition. The supracrustal rocks were c...

Effect Of Rainfall Variability On Farming Practices And Adaptation Among Households Of Kisii Central Sub County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Agricultural productivity in Kenya, as in many developing countries, is significantly affected by rainfall variability. The reliability of the rain for agricultural purposes has reduced in the recent years due to climate variability. In the study area, there is a continued trend of more frequent and intense climate related disasters which is expected to have significant impacts on the livelihood activities. Most studies on the impact of climate variability on farming practices and th...

Origin Of Ohe Pond In Nsukka, Evidence From Geophysical Investigation

ABSTRACT   The study area is located in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State Nigeria. It lies between latitudes 6° 49' N, and 6° 50' N, and longitudes 7° 15' E, and 7° 21' E respectively. The area is underlain by Nsukka Formation, which is capped by the laterites, and underlain by heterolithic Sandstone / Siltstone layers with some clays or shale at some deeper horizons.  Geophysical investigation using Electrical Resistivity and IP methods with ABEM Terameter, SAS 1000, reveal...

Basin Subsidence Decompaction and Burial History Modeling Techniques.

Abstract A discussion of somc burial and thermal history modelling techniques is given, together with the applicability of these to some sedimentary basins in Nigeria. The rilcchanisms of basin formation discussed follow the basic concept that basin subsidence is an isostatic response to thinning of the crust and cooling of a thermal anomaly. The rate of subsidence! is mainly a function of thc cooling rate, further modificd by additional load related to replaccrnent of sea water by accumulati...

Amplitude Variation With Offset (Avo) Attribute Analysis For Seismic Reservoir Characterization And Seismofacies Study Of Kuyolo Field, Niger Delta Basin

ABSTRACT Amplitude variation with offset (AVO) attributes analysis, based on integration of geophysical and petrophysical data has become an important and innovative tool for the detection of hydrocarbons in many exploration provinces of the world, including the Niger Delta Basin. The method has been demonstrated to be effective when seismic data processing is carefully done with detailed petrophysical modeling from complete well log suites. However, routine application of the method has fro...

Groundwater Potentials Of The Nanka Sands Around Nanka-Oko And Its Environs, Anambra State

                                                         ABSTRACT   Investigations were carried out for groundwater potentials and hydro-geochemical characteristics of the Nanka-Oko area and environs, southeastern, Nigeria. The areas are underlain by the Nanka Sands Formation. Data from 14 vertical electrical soundings were interpreted using computer aided techniques (IPI2win software). A total of 16 borehole groundwater samples, were also analyzed for their phys...

Source Rock Evaluation And Depositional Environment Of Middle Eocene – Early Miocene Sediments In Umuahia And It’s Evirons, Niger Delta Basin, Southeasthern Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study area is bounded by latitudes 5027’N and 5034’N, and longitudes 7025’E and 7035’E. It falls within the Northern Niger delta Basin. The aim of this present study is to evaluate the hydrocarbon potentials of the sediments in the area, determine their age and environment of deposition. To achieve this aim, geochemical analysis (TOC and Rock-Eval) and Palynological studies were carried out on fifteen (15) samples. Results from the analysis indicates that the total organi...

A Sedimentologic and Stratigraphic Study of the Maastrichtian-Pateocene Sediments in Yuil Area, Bauchi State

ABSTACT The Maas trichian-Pale ocene sediments in Yuli area me composed of the Gombe Sandstone and the Kerri-Kerri Formation. They cover 400 square kilometres have a thichess of more than 100 metres. Six stratigraphic sections were studied, representing the entire stratigraphic succession of the Gombe Sandstone i n the Yuli area, The formation has a thickness of about 30 metres in the studied area. The Gombe Sandstone consists of folded beds of sandstone, siltstone and mudstone. The sandstone...

Integrating Seismic And Petrophysical Log Data In Reservoir Studies In "Famito" Oil Field, Onshore Niger Delta, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT Reservoir characterization has taken prominence in hydrocarbon exploration due to its role in proper understanding of the reservoir properties such as lithofacies, and petrophysical parameters, to enhance success in the quantification of the hydrocarbon reserve in place thereby diminishing exploration failures and enhancing successes. This research work is aimed at integrating three-dimensional seismic data and petrophysical log data to characterize reservoirs of interest, map struc...

Integrating Seismic And Petrophysical Log Data In Reservoir Studies In "Famito" Oil Field, Onshore Niger Delta, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Reservoir characterization has taken prominence in hydrocarbon exploration due to its role in proper understanding of the reservoir properties such as lithofacies, and petrophysical parameters, to enhance success in the quantification of the hydrocarbon reserve in place thereby diminishing exploration failures and enhancing successes. This research work is aimed at integrating three-dimensional seismic data and petrophysical log data to characterize reservoirs of interest, map struc...

Depositional Environment And Reservoir Architecture Of “Ji” Field, Niger Delta

Abstract This study is a contribution to the understanding of the depositional environment and reservoir architecture of the “JI Field”, Niger Delta Nigeria. The main objective was to integrate sequence stratigraphy and petrophysical evaluation in characterizing the reservoirs encountered in the wells. Well logs from six wells (JI01, JI02, JI03, JI09, JI10 and JI12-ST), biostratigraphic data from two wells (JI01 and JI02) and 3D seismic volume were analyzed to understand the reservoirs c...

Seismic Interpretation And Stuctural Analysis Of Closures In The Greater Ughelli, Central And Coastal Swamp Depobelts Of Niger Delta Basin

ABSTRACT The Niger Delta is located on a typical passive margin with sediment thicknessesin excess of 12 km at the basin center. The combined occurrence of rift structures, basin subsidence, rapid progradation of deltaic systems, development of growth faults and fold thrust belts in the offshore Niger Delta produced a very unique petroleum habitat with different structural styles and play types. Most of the prospects and producing fields in the region are related to faulted structures. Struc...

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