Geology Research Papers/Topics

Geology of Ekerekunta And Environs documented

ABSTRACT The present study area is bound within the latitude of 5055” N to 6° 0’ 0” N and longitude of 7055” E to 8° 1’ 0” E in the Southern Benue Trough, within the Afikpo syncline and Abakaliki anticlinorium, in south eastern Nigeria. The shale unit underlie the bioturbated sandstone unit. Sedimentary structures were also observed in the study area, which include tabular cross stratification, beddings, herribone structures, asymmetrical ripples and trough cross beds. Asymmetri...

Lithofacies Analyses And Diagenetic Evaluation of the Reservoir Units in Well XYZ Field, Onshore, Niger Delta, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT Lithofacies and petrophysical analysis formed the basis for the diagenetic evaluation of the reservoir units in well XYZ 006, XYZ field, Onshore, Niger Delta, Nigeria. Detailed examination of cores taken from the Lithologic section in XYZ-006 well, led to the recognition of several distinctive component facies comprising of fourteen (14) facies. These was subjected to facies analysis using the Markov Chain statistical technique. The modal analysis of the studied core samples exhibit...

Spatial Patterns Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (Aids) In The Accra Metropolitan Area (Ama)

ABSTRACT Nearly two decades into the outbreak, the HIV/AIDS epidemic has spread throughout sub-Saharan Africa with complex spatio-temporal variability within countries Based on epidemiological evidence, several broadly distinctive HIV/AIDS prevalence patterns have been reported reflecting a variety of factors such as sophistication in surveillance systems, political attitudes, openness towards recognition, and release of AIDS information. This thesis examines the geography of clinical AIDS in...

Petrography And Geochemistry Of The Anyaboni Formation Of Kwahu Group, Voltaian Supergroup, Ghana: Implications For Provenance And Uranium Exploration

ABSTRACT An integrated petrographic and geochemical study of the Anyaboni Formation, Kwahu Group, Voltaian Supergroup in Ghana was carried out to infer the provenance, tectonic setting, paleoweathering and paleoclimate conditions and uranium mineralisation potential of the basin. Twenty representative rock samples were collected from the Anyaboni Formation in Asesewa and its surrounding areas for petrographic and whole rock geochemical studies. The major elements were analysed by ICP-OES and ...

Engineering Geological Evaluation Of Sub-Grade Lateritic Soil From Ijuri, Igbesa And Redemption Camp

ABSTRACT Geotechnical evaluation of sub grade and subbase materials from Redemption camp and Igbesa and Ijuri area within the sedimentary terrain of Eastern Dahomey basin of South-Western Nigeria were analyzed for their physical and engineering properties required for construction purposes. Total of 13 soil samples were taken, 6 from the location Redemption Camp and 7 from Igbesa and Ijuri area for analysis. The physical characteristics such as Grain Size, Specific Gravity, Moisture Content,...

Engineering Geological Evaluation Of Burrow Pit For Subgrade Lateritic Soil Along Atan-Agbara Road, South-Western Nigeria

ABSTRACT The main aim and objective of the project is to evaluate the foundation soils along atan-agbara road as highway subgrade and sub-base material, to determine the geotechnical basis (if any) for the observed failure cases as studied. The methodology stage involves; Field investigation which entails Desk study stage and Reconnaissance survey and sampling. The samples were collected at different depths from the burrow pit in the study area, naming it TA, TB and TC. This samples are then...

Aspects Of Hydrocarbon Potential And Clay Mineralogy Of The Patti Formulation, Southern Bida Basin, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Among the major lithostratigrahic units making up the Bida Basin are the lokoja and Patti formation overlain by the Agbaja Ironstone.

Hydrocarbon Potential Evaluation Of Shallow Waters West Of Accra Basin

ABSTRACT Exploration activities have intensified in the Tano basin following the discovery of oil and gas in commercial quantities at the Jubilee fields. The analogue Accra-Keta Basin is still under explored but found to be highly prospective. In this context, this research utilized a twenty (20) two dimensional (2D) seismic line and well data comprising of gamma ray log, density log, sonic log, spontaneous potential and resistivity logs. These data sets were used to evaluate the hydrocarbon ...

Hydrochemistry And Stable Isotope Assessment of Ground Water And Surface Water, Bongo District, Upper East Region Ghana

ABSTRACT The hydrogeochemical data of groundwater and surface water of Vea dam water of the Bongo District in the Upper East Region of Ghana were examined to determine the main factors controlling the groundwater chemistry and the resultant water type formed in order to determine the suitability of the water for different uses. Conventional graphical methods combined with multivariate statistical analysis are the main methods applied to groundwater and surface water hydrochemical and stable ...

Hydrochemtcal and Isotopic Characterization of Groundwater in the Buem, Voltaian and Togo Formations of the Volta Region, Ghana.

ABSTRACT Variation in groundwater chemistry and isotopic composition has been observed in the northern part o f the Volta Region. The geology o f the study area consists o f quartz schist, quartzitic sandstone, shales, mudstones and siitstone. The extent to which the water chemistry and isotopic composition has been affected by geology is however not known. This study therefore seeks to determine the general chemical character of the groundwater in relation to the different lithologies and de...

Albian – Cenomanian Palynofacies And Palynostratigraphy Of Ctp-1 Well, Offshore Tano Basin

ABSTRACT This study describes and identifies palynomorphs (spore/pollen and dinoflagellates) from different levels of the CTP-1 well succession in the offshore Tano Basin in order to establish palynostratigraphy of the studied sediments. The palynomorphs are used as an age tool for the sediments after comparison with other species or sediments reported from other parts of the world, especially the North Gondwana Province (ASA) region. Sedimentary Organic Matter is used to establish palynofaci...

Hydogeochemical Assessment Of Surface Water And Ground Water Quality In Agbowo-Orogun Area Of Ibadan, Southwestern Nigeria

ABSTRACT The Agbowo-Orogun area of Ibadan, which is within the basement complex of southwestern Nigeria, is underlained by banded gneiss of the migmatites-gneiss complex. A total of thirty-five water sample?., made up of thirty-two from groundwater and three from surface water, were analyzed for their physico-chemical characteristics with the aim of assessing their quality and usability. 

Textural And Geochemical Characteristics Of The Ajali Sandstone, Anambra Basin, SE Nigeria: Implication For Its Provenance

ABSTRACT This study presents the mineralogical, textural and geochemical characteristics of the regional Maastrichtian Ajali Sandstone in Anambra Basin, SE Nigeria. The intent is to highlight possible constraints on the chemical weathering conditions of the source materials on one hand, and to infer the provenance on the other hand. The investigation approach involved field studies and collection of samples from 12 different outcrop locations, followed by laboratory studies involving grain-si...

Hydrogeocheraical Investigation Of Surface Water And Groundwater Around Ibokun, Ilesha Area, Southwestern Nigeria

Abstract In the Ibokun area of the Ilesha schist belt of southwestern Nigeria, the dominant rock types are granite gniess and amphibolite. The granite gneiss is medium to coarse grained, with lineation marked by alignment of biotite and microcline porphyroblasts. The amphibolite is commonly massive to weakly foliated, consisting to bluish-green to yellowish-green to sheaf-like aggregate of hornblende set in a fine grain matrix of tabular plagioclase. A total of 25 water samples, obtained from...

Sedimentological And Geochemical Characteristics Of Outcrop Sediments Of Southern Bida Basin, Central Nigeria: Implications For Provenance, Paleoenvironment And Tectonic History

Integrated sedimentological and geochemical studies have been carried out on the sediments of the Lokoja and Patti Formations within the southern Bida Basin with a view to deducing the provenance, palaeodepositional characteristics and tectonic history of the sediments. Field observations show that the Lokoja Formation is made up of conglomerates, coarse to medium grained sandstone and claystone while the Patti Formation consists of medium – fine grained sandstone, claystone, shale, siltsto...

121 - 135 Of 187 Results