Statistics Research Papers/Topics

Population And Economic Growth In Uganda (1994 - 2012)

ABSTRACT This research report set out to investigate the relationship between Population and economic ;rowth (measured by GDP) in Uganda (1994-2012). The study employed time series survey data 3ince examined data for a short time. Its objectives were; to establish the trend of Population in Uganda (1994-2012), to establish the trend of GDP growth of Uganda (1994-2012), to Lnvestigate the relationship between Population and GDP growth in Uganda (1994-2012). The aypothesis of the study was...

Mobile Banking And Financial Performance Of Commercial Banks Tn Kansanga Along Ggaba Road

ABSTRACT The introduction of customer friendly service by the bank such as rn-banking (i.e. telephone Banking, internet banking, Automated Teller Machines among others) as a way of delivering convenience service to customer has become common in the recent year as a way of gaining competitive advantage and maintaining customer loyalty and increase share in order to improve the financial position of a company. The study main objectives were; to find out m.~ banking technology used among co...

Robust M-Estimators Of The Population Mean

Abstract Valuable information may be contained in outliers. Data collected from many medical equipment such as the ECG time-series may result in unusual patterns, a situation that may represent disease conditions. Some outliers may therefore provide an insight into crucial information that may lead to the discovery of new knowledge.Due to the diculties involved in the study of outliers, majority of current research works have chosen not to out-rightly reject the outliers but have adopted...

Modelling Of Demand For Endowment Life Insurance In Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was done to determine the model for endowment life insurance in Tanzania. Longitudinal research design covering data from year 2003 to 2017 was used. These data were typically secondary collected from the National Insurance Corporation (T) Limited. A trend line graph was used to fit the demand model to predict the endowment life insurance in Tanzania. Among the fitted models, cubic regression model was found to be the best model fit for endowment life insurance. The study...

Time Series Analysis Of Oil Price Shocks And Inflation In Tanzania- An Ardl And Var Approach

ABSTRACT  Oil is essential raw materials in running daily economic activities in Tanzania. The importation of oil in the country is heavily increasing due to the increasing number of cars, motorcycles, industries, and other machines which need oil for their operations. But the imported oil has been going along with the imported inflation in the country. It is assumed that the strong and stable inflation influence economic growth of a country since it inspires savers, investments, and enhance...

Markov Chain And Stock Price Movement In Nigeria (1985-2013)

ABSTRACT The share prices of the stock market are volatile in nature. Investors are at risk without an indepth knowledge of the operations of the stock market. We used regression analysis to ascertain the relationship between the movement of share prices and economic growth. A regression model was developed to capture the effect of the movement of share prices in the Nigerian stock exchange market on economic growth. Markov chain was used to find effect of the share prices. The results show ...

Determination Of Volatility Clustering In Garch Family Models Using R

ABSTRACT This work investigated the volatility clustering of exchange rate of Nigeria Naira against the United States of America Dollar. The data used in the present study consist of the monthly exchange rates of the Naira to Dollar from January 1999 to December 2012 obtained from the Central Bank of Nigeria. The main focus is to provide a proper understanding of the theory and empirical working of GARCH family models and to determine volatility clustering. The EGARCH(2,2) model was selected...

Statistics Project Review Of Methods Of Estimating Parameters In Nonlinear Mixed-Effects (Nlme) Models

Abstract. This study is a critical review of theoretical issues that underline the linear mixed effects (LME) and nonlinear mixed effects (NLME) models. These two areas are revisited under maximum likelihood and restricted maximum likelihood estimation frameworks. We also review methods of estimating parameters in both linear and nonlinear mixed effects models. In the case of LME, we consider different ways of developing the likelihood estimators, key among these methods are the “pseudo-dat...

Forecasting Foreign Exchange Rates In Kenya Using Time Series: A Case Of Usd/Kes Exchange Rates

ABSTRACT In October 1993, Kenya adopted a floating exchange rate system where the exchange rates are determined by forces of demand and supply for the local currency. Exchange rate forecasts are necessary to evaluate the foreign denominated cash flows involved in international transactions. Therefore exchange rate forecasting is important to evaluate the benefits and risks attached to the international business environment. This study therefore sought to fit a Seasonal Autoregressive Intergra...

Determinants Of Economic Growth In Nigeria: An Autoregressive Distributed Lag (Ardl) Modeling Approach

ABSTRACT The research also examines the relationship between the ARDL procedure and the fully modified OLS approach of Phillips and Hansen to estimation of cointegrating relationship between all the variables, and economic growth, these results provide strong evidence in favor of a rehabilitation of the traditional ARDL approach to time Series econometric modelling. The ARDL approach has the additional advantage of yielding consistent estimates of the long-run co-efficient that is asympt...

Queuing System At National Microfinance Bank, A Case Study Of Uluguru Branch, Morogoro Urban

ABSTRACT Statistics is one among the old and wide discipline spread across the global. As many studies and topics have been researched, published and presented in various set up and purpose. Some topics or areas of statistics are extensively covered in those researches in some areas. The study on queuing has not been done extensively in Tanzania. The queuing is a common practice to all public service centres where the demand surpass the supply. This study investigates the performance of queu...

Forecasting Performance Of Students In Mathematics In Certificate Secondary Education Examination (Csee) In Zanzibar

ABSTRACT This study has been conducted with the main objectives to investigate the pattern of students‟ performance in mathematics and to forecast the performance of students in mathematics in secondary schools in Zanzibar for next 6 years on the basis of best selected model. The study used secondary data of all 64,446 students from 123 schools of Zanzibar, who sat for final examination from 1986-2016. The yearly data of students' results were collected from Ministry of Education and Vocat...

New Acceptance Sampling Plans Based on Percentiles for Type-II Generalized Log Logistic Distribution

Abstract This article describes the development of an acceptance sampling plan based on percentiles for Type-II generalized log-logistic distribution (TGLLD) introduced by Rosaiah et. al. [1]. The plan is developed by considering the lifetime percentiles as a variable and the life test will be terminated at a pre-specified time. The objective of the test is to determine the minimum sample size required to achieve a specific lifetime percentile at an acceptable level of consumer and producer r...

Survival Models For Cervical Cancer Patients Data From The Ocean Road Cancer Institute (Orci)

ABSTRACT Many analyses of cancer survival data prefer to use Cox proportional hazards (CPH) model which had influence on development of cancer covariates in the field of survival analysis. Study attempted to evaluate parametric, semi-parametric and non parametric approach to find a model for available cervical cancer survival data from ORCI in order to show applicability and workability in medical data. Life table method calculates probabilities of censored patients when survival times groupe...

Statistical Analysis And Modeling Of Prevalence Of Malaria In Nyasa District-Tanzania

ABSTRACT Malaria remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality, leading more than 600 million cases and two million deaths each year Worldwide. Over 90% of these cases occur in sub-Saharan Africa where Falciparum Malaria is pervasive and the major killer of children less than 5 years old. This study was conducted to figure out the demographic factors that influence the prevalence of Malaria in Nyasa District and to assess the level of knowledge and awareness on malaria incurred by the domi...

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