Business Administration Research Papers/Topics

The Effects Of Microfinance Institutions On Poverty Reduction In Lira Municipality. A Case Study Of Finca-uganda Lira Branch

Microfinance has been increasingly acknowledged as a significant tool for poverty reduction in development. There has been an extensive debate on the success of microfinance institutions for women’s poverty reduction. A number of literature debates suggest microfinance institutions as a panacea to poverty reduction. However, argument from the literature review in this study showed that, although microfinance may have positive impacts on poverty reduction, it is unlikely to be an easy s...

Entrepreneurship Skills And The Performance Of Women's Small -Scale Enterprises In Jinja District, Uganda

ABSTRACT The research carried out ,vas based on the entrepreneurship skills and the performance of women's small -scale enterprises: case study of Jinja district, the objectives of the study were to investigate on the effect of entrepreneurship skills and performance of women's small-scale enterprises in Jinja district, to examine the role played by entrepreneurship skills in the business design and organization of women owned enterprises in Jinja district, To find out how entrepreneurship s...

The Use Of A Mobile Phone As An Aid To The Growth Of Agriculture In Uganda A Case Study: Logoba Village In Moyo District

ABSTRACT Mobile phone emerges as a great tool to enhance the system of transfer of infonnation in agriculture, so an effort in this study has been made to enumerate the uses of mobile phones in growth of agriculuture in Logoba village in Moyo district which is based on combination of ICTD and diffusion theories to understand mobile phone adoption in a holistic mam1er. In doing so, the presented findings provide insight into why individuals within resourceconstrained environments can adopt mo...

The Impact Of Internal Control System On Rganisations Profitability Acase Study Of Standard Chartered Bank (Uganda)

This report carries the information collected by the researcher during his research. The study was to assess the effects of computerized accounting on customer service delivery a case study of Standard chattered bank. Standard chattered bank was selected to form the basis of the research study. The main objective was to investigate the effects of computerized accounting on customer service delivery in business organization especially Standard chattered bank. The methodology used by the ...

Impact Of Corporate Governance On Tiie Performance Of Comercial Banks Inkenya

This survey was conducted between the months of February and June 2010. It is set to examine the extent of the application of Corporate Governance practices in the banking sector in Kenya. The survey was founded on the premises that Corporate Governance is a vital ingredient in maintenance of a dynamic balance between the need for order and equality in society. Corporate Governance is an integral part of the banking sector, considering the role played by the banking and financial institu...

Impact Of Financial Management On The Performance Of Organizations A Case Study Masaka District Administration Finance Department

The research was carried out on the impact of Financial Management on the performance of organiza~ions case study of Masaka District Administration Literature reviewed that Financial Managements promote sound financial discipline It was also observed that new accounting techniques by the local government are responsible for the increased productivity on service delivery The study was cross sectional , descriptive and designed to collect data from respondents like the district treasurers, chie...

The Effect Of Credit Management On The Sustainability Of Financial Institutions In Centenary Rural Development Bank

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of credit management on the sustainability of financial institutions in CERUDEB-Centenary Rural Development Bank Ltd. The specific objectives of the study were to evaluate the relationship between pre-credit disbursement process and financial institutions sustainability, to establish the relationship between credit terms and clients' needs' satisfaction and to evaluate the relationship between credit delivery and repayment process....

Child Marriage And Its Impact On Development A Case Study Of Paya Sub County In Tororo District, Uganda.

This report presents the fmdings of the study on "Child Marriage and its impact on Development" which was carried out in Paya Sub County, Tororo district, Eastern Uganda. The research developed a conceptual model to illustrate the causes-effect relationship of Child Marriages. The study had four objectives; to verify whether child marriages take place in Paya Sub County, to examine the conditions and factors that lead to child marriage and also establish the extent to which child marriage...

Automated Teller Machines And Financial Service Delivery A Case Study Of Backlays Bank

The Auto111ated teller 111achine (ATM) is one of the technological advances that brought about chnnge in the way banks provided a service to their customers. The ATM was introduced with the view to automate the operations of the banks and thus reduce the need for bank tellers and in the long run reduce costs. The view of automating the services of a bank tel ler eventuall y culminated into new and improved deli very systems for other bank products. With the introduction o f A TM charges,...

Career Development And Organizational Performance Case Study: Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited Headquarter Dares Salaam Tanzania

The study was carried out in Tanzania Electric Supply Company (TANESCO) along Morogoro Road, Dar -es -Salaam, Tanzania. The study focused on career development and organizational performance. The study was limited to career development which was characterized by management styles, succession planning, and training and organizational performance which were characterized by improved Quality of work lives, attraction of talent individuals, motivation and satisfaction basing on the period of...

Small And Medium Size Enterprises (Smes) And Poverty Reduction In Njeru Community Buikwe District

The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between SMEs and Poverty reduction among small and medium size enterprises in Njeru Community, Buikwe district. The study design comprised of a combination of both descriptive and cross sectional research designs and both qualitative and quantitative data were employed. Stratified sampling was used to determine the sample size. A sample size of 36 computed by a formula for krejcie and Morgan 1970 was considered, primary data was ...

The Effectiveness of Marketing Strategies As Practiced By Petroleum Companies

This chapter is based on the research proposal on which the final project has been based. It consists of the following area; the background to the study, the problem statement, the hypothesis, the objective, the scope ,the significance of the study, the methodology adopted by the study and finally the problems and limitations faced during the course of this study. Shell Uganda limited is an oil marketing company which is profit making and has in Uganda for over 68[sixty eight] years. It ...

The effects of credit policy on the performance of commercial banks: a case study of chase bank (cbk), nakuru branch kenya.

ABSTRACT This research aimed at the effects of credit policy on the performance of commercial Banks in Kenya. [ts was guided by the following objectives; to establish the relationship between credit policy and performance in commercial banks; to examine the roles of credit policy towards performance of Chase Bank; to determine how Chase Bank has reviewed their credit policy in regard to performance md to analyse the impacts of credit policies on the performance of Chase Bank. Having employed...

The Impact Of Micro Finance Institutions' Operations On Women Economic Empowerment

ABSTRACT This research was conducted to establish the impact of the operations of MFis on economic epowerment of women. The study involved getting some personal information like age and the nnmber of children supported by the clients to make it easy to understand their status and it was found out that most of them had small families but still found problems in catering for their needs. ! ! The study also found out that most of the clients were small business proprietors represented by 92%! '...

Collective Investment Schemes And Risk Analysis Of Selected Ugandan Investors. : A Case Of African Alliance Uganda (Unit Trust Section)

ABSTRACT To broaden the choice of investment vehicles, involve the general public in the process of investing in securities and to enable the majority of Ugandans to participate in the on-going privatization, the Collective Investment Schemes (CIS) bill 2002 was passed by parliament. The act is aimed at enabling average Ugandans to participate in the equity, debt and money markets and will further strengthen domestic resource mobilization. Capital Markets Authority (CMA) is currently finalizi...

1366 - 1380 Of 4713 Results