ABSTRACT Secondary schools have experienced problems due to lack of adequate trained teaching staff, undisciplined students, inadequate physical facilities and failure to set educational objectives in curriculum and instruction delivery. These problems have jeopardized the head teacher‟s instructional supervision programmes in the concerned schools. The purpose of this study was to investigate the constraints faced by head teachers in instructional supervision in Matungulu, Machakos County...
ABSTRACT Poverty is an increasing problem and a major concern worldwide. By extending financial services to the poor we encourage self employment, decision making and sustainable growth, allowing beneficiaries to fulfill their personal as well as their professional goals by accessing a financial system, to obtain the essay funds in order to achieve personal objectives. As a result, the tools used in microfinance sector are the key to remove the threat of poverty permanently. 20 respondents we...
Abstract When one talks of a distributed e-time attendance registering, they actually mean automatically capturing and registering the intervals (time) at which attendants perform their daily attendance roles. Attendance management can be done in companies, organizations, and schools etc where employees’ daily attendance needs to be managed. In this report, we focus on a distributed c-time attendance system for employee management which captures login and logout time of employees and use th...
ABSTRACT This study focused on finding out of employees' involvement in decision making. Research was conduc·ted through different research methods so as to collect the needed data which was conducted/ca.'Tied out at TANROADS. The study revealed that the employees at TANROADS are involved in matters affecting their daily activities as far as the whole Agency with their representatives through their Trade Union. From the study it showed the significance of involving employees in decision mak...
ABSTRACT This research study was carried out to assess the factors affecting internal customer satisfaction in respect to procured inputs in national water and sewerage corporation (NWSC).for some years NWSC internal customers/users of procured inputs had been complaining about non-availability of the inputs and considered it a major constraint to improve performance in water and sewerage service delivery in towns where NWSC operates. The main objective of the study was to assess factors aff...
Abstract This research report is about Regional Economic integration and its relevance to Industrial growth. The problem identified was that despite the renewed talks on reviving the East African trade bloc, firms have continued to operate within nation boundaries and have therefore not enjoyed to the optimal level, the benefits affiliated to mass production. The purpose of this study was to analyze the role that REI has played towards the growth of industries in East Africa and the world at...
ABSTRACT This is a research report on the effect of budgetary controls in a ''not for profit" organization called AAU. It is a study on budgetary control as a financial tool in guiding the making of optimal financial decisions to attain high level performance. It was carried out to investigate on budgetary practices [budgetary control] in AAU, to evaluate the performance of the organization and whether there was a relationship between these controls and the organization performance of AA...
ABSTRACT National Water and Sewerage Corporation like many Organisations has experienced a rapid growth in size and this has called for the re-shaping of the concept; scope and application of modern companies auditing operations. The internal audit function reviews the control processes designed by management to ensure the reliability and integrity of information, compliance with policies and regulations safe guarding of assets economical and effecting use of resources. The research work was ...
ABSTRACT The research was intended to examine the impact of motivation on employee performance. The research was basically carried out to determine the level of effect motivation has on employee performance. Managers and leaders spent a great time on how to motivate employees. They informed and explain the organization vision to employee and influence them to behave in ways that ensure achievement of organizational goal, through motivation. Various scholars explain and define the concept of m...
ABSTRACT The study aimed at examining the inventory ri1anagement and customer satisfaction in Mukwano Group of Companies by taking objectives to determine the impact inventory levels on customer satisfaction in Mukwano Group of Companies, to examine the challenges in managing inventory and consumption, to establish the relationship between inventory management on customer satisfaction in Mukwano Group of Companies. Inventory management plays a vital role in enhancing customer satisfactio...
ABSTRACT The banking sector has increasingly become competitive. A dwindling economy, increases in the number of banks, high interest rates have all led to a rise in operational costs and consequent reduction in profits. This has necessitated banks to develop strategies that enable them to provide superior service at minimum costs. The objective of this study was to investigate the extent to which "Rubbing" (a process of reducing costs whereby banks are using remote locations where labour...
ABSTRACT This. research looked at the impact of HRM practices on organisational perfonnance in · the case of some rural banks in the Ashanti region of Ghana. Research over the years, has established significantly a positive correlation between HR practices and organisational performance. The assumption underpin.rung the practice of HRM is that people are the organisation's key resource and organisational performance largely depends on them. Therefore, if an appropriate range of HR policies ...
ABSTRACT A number of wide raising factors account for the strategic appeal of corporate diversification. Au organization may consider diversification because of market saturation, competitive pressures, product line obsolescent declining demand or fair of anti-trust action. Diversification has evolved as a resistible tool of increasing a finn's revenue and consequently profit. It involves expanding the scope of operations of a company into other product lines. This entails some restructur...
Abstract Competitive strategies involve a unique way of competing in a particular market. This can be achieved by a company learning a distinctive way of competing in different sets of markets. In an attempt to compete differently to achieve organizational objectives leads to the three generic strategies that is differentiation, cost leadership and focus strategy. The strategy on focus has two variants; cost focus and differentiation focus. Porter argued that for every firm that is competing ...
ABSTRACT Land use activities if unregulated impose a huge economic cost on water resources supplies, land productivity and water resources infrastructure and ecological damage to ecosystems. Water resource plays a central and critical role in supporting land use activities for crop production in Muoni sub-catchment. Land use activities such as unregulated agriculture and tree planting along and near water sources are some of the possible threats to water availability in Muoni sub-catchment. T...