Economics Research Papers/Topics

Analysis Of Economic Efficiency Of Irrigation Water-Use In Mwea Irrigation Scheme, Kirinyaga District, Kenya

ABSTRACT  Given the increasing freshwater scarcity, the performance of irrigation is critical in increasing and sustaining agricultural productivity in the water-scarce and largely arid and semi-arid Kenya. Irrigation currently accounts for most of the water withdrawals in the country, and the required improvement in the performance of irrigation is hampered by inadequate benchmarks upon which to base effective planning. This study was conducted between September and October 2008 to analyze ...

Crop Growing And Economic Welfare: A Case Study Of Katikamu Sub-County Luwero District.

ABSTRACT This study explored the effect of crop growing on the economic welfare a case study of Katikamu sub county Luwero district.. The objectives of the study were; to establish the level of economic welfare, to determine the level of crop growing and to establish the relationship between crop growing and economic welfare in Katikamu sub county Luwero district. In this study, a stratified random sampling technique was used and a self-administered questionnaire was adopted during data colle...

"The Role Of Commercial Banks In The Economic Development Of Uganda" Case Study Commercial Banks In Ntungamo Subcounty

TABLE OF CONTENTS DEDICATION ...................................................................................................................... i DECRARATION ................................................................................................................ ii APROV AL ........................................................................................................................ iii TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................

Cooperatives And Agricultural Development In Elgon Reg Lion A Case Study Of Bugisu Cooperatives Union (Bcu)

ABSTRACT This repmi presents the findings of BCU aimed at assessing the role of BCU towards agricultural development in the Elgon region. Its major findings are three; First BCU has attained 36 percent on average of its endeavourer to attain agricultural development through training of farmers, development of infrastructure, increasing the saving culture, sharing of profits (Bonus), determining the price and income generation ,distribution and redistribution. Secondly the problems facing BCU...

Role Of Islamic Banks In Welfare Improvement: Case Study First Community Bank, Northern Kenya Wajir Branch

ABSTRACT The people ofWajir have a long time and still earning their living from livestock keeping like camels, cattle, goats, sheep and very few from peasantry agriculture where bananas, maize, mangoes, tomatoes are grown majorly for subsistence purpose. The minority of people in Wajir district are dealing in motor vehicles mechanics, taxi drivers. The majority women inclusive are petty traders with retail and wholesale business in Wajir district: The research focused on the role played by ...

Relationship Between Exports And Gdp Growth In Uganda: (A Case Study Of Periods Between 1992-2011).

ABSTRACT The study was conducted under the topic “Relationship between Exports of and GDP growth in Uganda: (A case study: Periods Between 1992-2011)” The research instruments used for data collection are time series tests, observation, sampling and data Analysis. The researcher made the following findings in accordance with the study objectives: Gross Domestic Product has been showing a general increase over years under study in Uganda (1992-2011). An increase in the GDP growth is due to...

Foreign Aid And Economic Growth In Uganda (2000 To 2010)

Abstract The title of this study is Foreign Aid and Economic Growth in Uganda (2000 to 2010). Its objectives were; to establish the trend of Foreign Aid in Uganda (2000-2010), to establish the trend of GDP growth of Uganda (2000-2010), to investigate the relationship between Foreign Aid and GDP growth in Uganda (2000-2010), the hypothesis of the study was there is no relationship between Foreign Aids and GDP growth in Uganda. Analysis such as Correlation, regression analysis mechanisms ...

The Impact Of Financial Services On The Performance Of Small And Medium Size Enterprises: Acase Study Of Wobulenzi Trading Centre Kampala

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to determine the impact of financial services on the performances of small and medium enterprises in Wobulenzi trading centre Uganda. A cross sectional, descriptive and analytical research design was used. A correlation analysis between the business performances against loans usage and financial acivices was calTied out to test the direction and strength of relationships between the study variables A regression analysis focusing on financial services ...

International tourism and economic growth in Zimbabwe: An ARDL - bounds testing approach

This study investigated the effect of international tourism development on economic growth inZimbabwe, using time series data spanning over the period 1980 to 2017. The main aim of thestudy was to examine whether international tourism is a pathway to economic recovery inZimbabwe. The study adopted the tourism growth model proposed by Balaguer and Cantavella-Jorda [1] and applied the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) bounds testing approach and itsassociated Error Correction Model (ECM). T...

Effects Of Value Added Tax Reforms On Household Welfare And Collection Efficiency And The Determinants Of Its Compliance Gap In Kenya

ABSTRACT The study evaluated the Value Added Tax reform process in Kenya, and established its effect on welfare of households and collection efficiency of Value Added Tax. In addition, the study estimated the Value Added Tax gap in Kenya and evaluated its determinants. The study made use of the Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System model to assess the effects of Value Added Tax reforms on household welfare, Value Added Tax efficiency was measured using the Collection-Efficiency model and Valu...

Determinants Of Current Account Balance In Kenya

Abstract Current account is one of the components in the Balance of Payment of a country. It covers all the transactions that involve the real sources (goods, services, income).It comprises the international balances of transactions in trade of goods and services, factor income and current transfers. Current account balance is significant because it is key economic indicator of country’s external performance. Despite this voluminous literature, there is hardly any consensus as regards the ...

Population Growth And Economic Growth 2000-2013 In Uganda

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to establish the Effect of population growth rate on Economic growth. The study adopted a cross sectional design which was quantitative and qualitative in nature. It involved descriptive and analytical research designs. The data was tested for reliability, analyzed using statistical package were presented basing on the study objectives. The results revealed a significant negative Effect of population on Economic growth. This means that high levels of popu...

Microfinance And Poverty Reduction In Selected Microfinance Instutions In Nairobi Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to show the relationship between micro finance and pove1iy reduction and how microfinance has led to reduction of poverty in Kenya. The main or general objective of the research was: I. To establish the contribution of micro-finance services in pove1iy reduction in Kenya. II. To identifY the various micro-finance services offered by micro-finance institutions in Kenya.. To identifY the problems that hinder micro-finance services in Kenya. The target popul...

Taxation And Performance Of Small Scale Businesses In Custom Market, Juba,Southernsudan

ABSTRACT This study examined the effects of Taxation on the performance of small scale businesses in the custom market in Juba, Southern Sudan. It was correlational descriptive and analytical based on primary and secondary data. Face to face Interviews and questionnaires and observation were utilized in gathering data fro a sample of 70 vendors selected using purposive and convenient sampling techniques. Findings of the study were, most tax collectors were harsh when collecting taxes thus flu...

Foreign Direct Investment And Economic Growth In Uganda (2002-2011).

ABSTRACT The study is focused on Foreign Direct Investment and economic growth (measured by GDP) in Uganda (2002-2011), the study employed time series survey data since it examined data for a short time Its objectives were; to establish the trend of Foreign Direct Investment in Uganda (2002-2011, to establish the trend of Economic growth of Uganda ((2002-2011), and to investigate the relationship between Foreign Direct Investment and Economic growth in Uganda (2002-2011). The hypothesis of th...

451 - 465 Of 1539 Results