Economics Research Papers/Topics

Analysis of the Impact of Inflation Reduction on Output and Unemployment In Nigeria

It has been enunciated that it is possible to reduce the size of the sacrifice ratio in an economy without a corresponding increase in the rate of inflation. Besides, for the Nigerian economy, there are issues relating to the inflation-output relationship, among which is how inflation inertia impacts on output and unemployment. It is therefore apt to ascertain what Nigeria’s sacrifice ratio could be after many successful inflation reductions over the years. Adopting the Instrumental Variabl...


In fiscal economics, tax has been recognized as veritable instrument in generating revenue and stabilizing growth. However, to determine if a country has made efforts at increasing tax revenue over a period, tax performance in the dynamic sense which measures the sensitivity and response of the tax revenue in relation to GDP is imperative. Motivated by this, we adopted the buoyancy approach to examine Tax revenue-GDP relationship using Nigeria data. This is to ascertain if the government is k...

Equity in financing Health care services in Nigeria

Health care services in Nigeria are mainly financed through out-of-pocket payment. This study investigated the extent to which payments towards health care are related to ability to pay and if poor households make proportionally more out-of-pocket payment on health. In analyzing this, the study utilized data from the General household survey of the National Bureau of statistics of 2014. The study employed the Kakwani progressivity index in analyzing the objectives of the study. The findin...

Distributional impact of policy induced prices on husehold welfare in Nigeria

In the face of continuous rise in price of essential commodities arising from the 2015-2016 currency crises which led to the introduction of different policies to tame the ugly tide, this paper analyzes the distributional impacts of the resulting prices on household welfare using two rounds of household data and commodity prices generated from National Bureau of Statistics Using pre-crisis post crises information and adopting Deaton and Muellbauer (1980) and Friedman & Levinson (2002) framewo...

Tax Revenue and Economic Growth in selected ECOWAS countries, Evidence from Sure Model

The need for African countries to improve tax revenue-GDP ratio has open up debate among policy makers. This study is motivated to analyse the impact of tax revenue, direct and indirect tax on economic growth of ECOWAS countries, using Seemingly Unrelated Regression Estimate (SURE) analysis for five selected Economic Community of West African States (Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Benin and Burkina Faso) using data from 2000-2015 generated from World Bank World Development Indicators, 2016. Fi...

Measuring the Welfare Impact of Public Expenditure on Primary Health care services

In this study, attempt has been made to measure the welfare impact of public expenditure on primary health care services in rural Nigeria employing the benefit-incidence approach. Primary and secondary data were generated from various health care centres and samples selected from various localities in Ika South Local Government Area of Delta state. From the sample selected, households were decomposed into non-poor, moderately poor and core poor. An analysis of the data depicts that the no...

Revisiting the economic growth-welfare linkages Empirical evidence from Nigeria

This study aims at ascertaining the relationship between welfare and economic growth in Nigeria, capturing both economic and environmental welfare. Nitrous oxide emission and Carbon dioxide emission in Nigeria are used to capture environmental welfare while government education expenditure, per capita health expenditure and per capita income are used to capture economic welfare. Using quarterly data spanning 1999-2016 and employing the cointegration analysis as well as the Ordinary Least Squa...


It is argued that while increase in budgetary allocation to social services is highly desirable, it is not sufficient to guarantee enhancement in better health outcome. This paper links public health expenditure, economic growth and health outcomes and the causality among them using Nigeria data. The finding suggests increase in public health expenditure has decreased infant mortality rate while infant mortality rate is negatively correlated with economic growth. Interestingly, the direction ...

Public Health Expenditure and Health Outcomes in Nigeria

The study investigates the effect of public health expenditure on health outcomes in Nigeria, as captured by life expectancy at birth and infant mortality rates. The result shows that public health expenditure and health outcomes have long-run equilibrium relationship. Furthermore, the results showed that an increase in public health expenditure improves life expectancy and reduces infant mortality rates. In addition, urban population and HIV prevalence rate significantly affects health ou...


The inter-relationship among savings, inflation and economic growth is an important conjuncture in the linkage evaluation of economic performance. Towards making them sustainable, the Nigeria government has initiated reforms, some of which in the last seven years. Despite these reforms, no study has been undertaken on the linkages among these variables with existing studies having confided themselves to looking only at the relationship between inflation and investment and the impact of in...


To attain sustainable development goals, reduction in child mortality is necessary. However, a major challenge exists in the procurement of healthcare services by individuals which is determined to a large extent by their level of income. Adopting random effect and fixed effect methodology and using survey data from Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (2012) and General Household Survey (2012), this study examines the relationship between household income and child mortality. For the analys...


This paper empirically analyzes the impact of economic liberalization on industrial sector performance in Nigeria. Applying the OLS estimation technique with standard errors corrected for serial correlation on the dummy variable structural break model, this paper holds that economic liberalization has a significant impact on performance of the Nigerian manufacturing, mining and quarrying, and power subsectors, respectively and the aggregate industrial sector. The interaction of the policy wit...


In enhancing youth employability and entrepreneurship, the designing and funding of youth development programmes adopting a national approach is necessary but not a sufficient approach to poverty reduction. This is because there are discrepancies in the nature and rate of unemployment in various sectors, regions, communities, urban and rural areas in the country which cannot be tackled using a national approach. In other words, youth development programmes should concentrate, from formulation...

Budgeting for development Lessons from 2013 capital

Adopting the descriptive approach, this study examined the performance of 2013 capital budget in Nigeria in line with attainment of the transformation agenda in the country. The findings suggest that the level of capital budget implementation is insufficient to foster the desired development. This poor performance is attributable to inadequacy in the budget implementation plans, non-release or late release of budgeted funds and lack of budget performance monitoring. The study recommends a par...

Examination of the Dynamic relationship between Poverty and Inequality

A major challenge in both research and policy debate is the understanding of how inequality is related to poverty. Although several studies have shown that inequality plays significant role in the rising poverty, the degree of poverty in any country or region is a function of the extent of inequality in the distribution of their income. In line with this, Dreze and Srinivasan (1996), Bradshaw (2006) opined that the plain meaning of poverty is relative deprivation which is inequality. Conve...

1186 - 1200 Of 1539 Results