Human Resource Management Research Papers/Topics

Effects of Lecturers Mental Workload And Job Satisfaction on Work Life Balance

ABSTRACT Due to the nature of the work of University lecturers’ they are likely to experience high mental workload and varied behavioral outcomes such as job satisfaction. These conditions may invariably affect how well they will be able to balance their work and personal lives concurrently. Notwithstanding these causal relationships, the working conditions of lecturers’ can influence their work-life balance. As such, the purpose of this study was to assess the effect of University lectu...

Human Relations And Job Performance In Ghanaian Mining Industries: A Case Study Of Anglogold Ashanti

ABSTRACT The study assessed human relations and job performance in Anglo Gold Ashanti Limited at Obuasi . Four research questions were formulated to guide the study. A descriptive survey design was employed. All workers of Anglo Gold Ashanti at Obuasi constituted the population. The population was rendered into stratas which represented the five divisions or departments in the company out of which 3% of the respondents were randomly sampled from each which resulted in the selection of 131 res...

Work-Life Balance And Employee Exit Intentions: Evidence From Three Selected Commercial Banks In The Wa Municipality

ABSTRACT In this modern, dynamic and complex business environment, organisations including commercial banks are under immense pressure to acclimatise to changes, opportunities and challenges in bid to compete and survive. This therefore puts pressure on staff to meet target. In this regard, staff may either have to concentrate more on their job to meet the demanding target at the neglect of their family and vice versa. It is in this regard that the current study seeks to examine the effect of...

Leadership Style And Student Performance: Evidence From Fosu College Of Education, Ghana

ABSTRACT Leadership styles have been recognised to have immense impact on the performance and growth of subordinates including employees, students and invariably organisational performances. However, in Ghana, students’ academic performances have been declining and unclear leadership styles have been found to be a major contributor. It was, therefore, relevant to examine the effect of leadership styles on student performance in Ghana focusing on Foso College of Education. The study specific...

An Examination Of Training Needs Assessment Of Academic Staff Of Bolgatanga Polytechnic

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine the training needs of academic staff of Bolgatanga Polytechnic. The general objective of this study is to determine the training needs of academic staff of Bolgatanga Polytechnic. In furtherance of the general objective, the study sought specifically to examine training policies are adopted by Bolgatanga Polytechnic for its academic staff, identify training needs of academic staff for current and future job assignments, explore methods employe...

Cost Of Basic Education And Its Implications On Human Resource Development

ABSTRACT This study researches into the effect of cost of basic education on human resource development in the Teshie Township. Specifically, the study sought to examine the relevance of basic education to human resource development, what motivates parents to send their children to school, the effect of cost of basic education on access to basic education and implication of cost of basic education on human resource development. Data for the study was collected from eighty nine (89) parents/gu...

Evaluation Of Employee Recruitment And Selection Practices Of Selected Commercial Banks In Cape Coast Metropolis

ABSTRACT The main purpose of the study was to evaluate the employee recruitment and selection practices of commercial banks in Cape Coast Metropolis. More specifically the study sought to ascertain whether the banks have employee selection policy, examine the employee recruitment and selection methods applied by the commercial banks, and evaluate the methods. Simple random sampling was used to select one hundred and twenty (120) respondents for the study. Management and Human Resource Manager...


ABSTRACT People cannot fully enjoy their personal lives whiles achieving all their job related goals. In many situations, people are forced to make compromises; conflict between their work and family are no exception. Work-family conflict is a determinant in maximizing productivity in every industry and in fulfilling the duties in respective homes. Parents are saddled with a lot of work and they are again demanded to care for their children. The inter-role conflict that occurs when engaging i...

Mobile Phone Recycling And Reuse In The Accra Metropolis: Prospects And Challenges

ABSTRACT The rapid advancement in mobile phone technology has also increased consumers appetite for newer versions. This has shortened the average lifespan of mobile phone and induced the need for resources to produce more phones. To ensure the sustainability of the global natural resources, reuse and recycling of mobile phones have been suggested as a potential alternative. The study sought to examine the prospects and challenges associated with mobile phone recycling and reuse in the Accra ...

Quit Intentions In The Customs Division Of The Ghana Revenue Authority

ABSTRACT This study sought to assess the extent of labour turnover in the Customs Division of the Ghana Revenue Authority and a cross sectional research design was adopted to help achieve the objectives of the study. A questionnaire was designed to collect the data for the study and after the data collection; a sample size of 161 was obtained for the study. From the outcome of the study showed that there is evidence of both internal and willingness to quit customs division of Ghana Revenue Au...

The Contribution Of Rural Banking To Human Resource Development In Agona Nkwanta Area: The Ahantaman Rural Bank In Focus

ABSTRACT Human resource development is vital for the development of every nation. As a result various attempts have been made by governments to ensure the development of its human resource. In Ghana, one of the efforts towards this direction was the establishment of rural banks. The study, therefore, examined the contributions of rural banking activities to human resource development in the communities in which they operate using the Ahantaman Rural Bank [ARB] as a case. It became evident tha...

Motivation And Employee Retention: Perception Of Staff Of First Atlantic Merchant Bank

ABSTRACT Retaining employees forms the basis for developing competitive advantage in any organization including banks. It is therefore imperative to consider employee retention role in the banking institutions. One factor that influences employee retention is motivation. This study primariliy assessed how financial and non-financial reward benefits motivate employeees at First Atlantic Merchant Bank with (FAMB) and how these in turn influence their employee retention. Specific objectives were...

Work-Life Balance And Performance Of Employees Of Volta River Authority Limited, Aboadze

ABSTRACT Work-life balance has become major factor in modern trends in human resource management that will enable direct relationship between competent and committed organization and its employees. Studies in the work-life balance literatures have shown that work-life balance has some influence on employees‘ performance but has not been conclusive. The study moves out to investigate the relationship between of work-life balance and employees‘ performance at Volta River Authority, Western ...

Access And Utilisation Of Free Maternal Health Services In The Savelugu-Nanton District In The Northern

ABSTRACT The Free Maternal Health Services Scheme emanated from the conditions and benefits that were outlined in the Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative embarked upon by the Government of Ghana to alleviate the plight of the poor and vulnerable in society as well as improve upon the living conditions of the citizenry. As a policy, the essence of the scheme was to ensure easy access and utilization of antenatal care, delivery and post – natal care services by women in the rural...

Leadership Styles And Performance Of Employees At Ameen Sangari Company Limited, Cape Coast

ABSTRACT Effective leaders are enablers that directly point to competent and committed employees. Studies in the leadership literature have shown that leadership styles and employees‟ performance are of major determinants of organisational performance. The study set out to establish the impact of leadership styles on employees‟ performance in Ameen Sangari Company Limited, Cape Coast. Having used quantitative approach and correlation design, census method, interview guide, multiple linear...

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