Planning and Management Research Papers/Topics

Impacts Of Instream Sand Harvesting On Water Supply, A Case Study Of River Thwake, Makueni County

ABSTRACT This paper examines the impact of sand harvesting from rivers on the environment, water quality and quantity along Thwake River, Makueni County. Sand acts as a safe aquifer for water flowing below and through it. Removal of sand results in destruction of underground aquifers and loss of safe water. Sand scooping adversely affects surface water quality and quantity and damages the aquatic ecosystem. Haulage of sand by heavy trucks causes environmental degradation by accelerating soil...

The Challenge of Cleaning and Maintaining Mathare River in the face of growth of the Mathare Slum Settlements in Nairobi

Abstract Due to the increasing forms of environmental degradation, many countries have realized the importance of safeguarding their natural resource bases and have made such management actions like river rehabilitation their priority. This project report explores and analyses the challenge of cleaning and maintaining Mathare River in the face of the Mathare slum settlements in Nairobi. It was carried out between September 2013 and April 2014. Mathare River is one of the three rivers within ...

Effects Of Subsidized Secondary Education On Access To Public Secondary Schools In Nyamache Division, Kisii County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The subsidized secondary education was introduced in 2008 as a result of Kenya’s effort to attain Education for All (EFA) by 2015 as indicated in the Sessional Paper no. 1 of 2005. The subsidized secondary education was implemented in February, 2008 by the Coalition Government. This was to reduce cost of education for parents, increase access to education and to increase transition rates from primary to secondary transition rates in coping with the United Nations aim to achieve Mi...

An Assessment Of The Level Of Compliance With The Solid Waste Management Regulations (2006) In Starehe District, Nairobi County

ABSTRACT  Globally, solid waste management is a serious challenge for cities in developing counties. The ever-increasing quantity of waste generated in cities in developing countries poses a risk to ecosystem and human health. The challenge is equally notable in regions such as Asia and Africa where there are less developed countries lacking modern waste management technologies. Kenyan cities are not exceptional. The country’s capital, Nairobi, faces a major environmental challenge of poll...

Strategies Adopted By Secondary School Principal To Address The Rising Cost Of Education: A Case Study Of Kuresoi District, Nakuru County

ABSTRACT The growing expenses associated with education are often a catalyst for rising tuition and fees, and they play a large role as educators plan for the future of their institutions. The escalation of school fees at secondary level has been the immediate consequence of measures to be taken to reduce cost of education in Kenya. This study used a descriptive survey design where it targeted Principals in secondary schools of Kuresoi District in Rift Valley. The study stratified the school...

The Potential Impact Of Railway Infrastructure On Connectivity Within Nairobi Metropolitan- A Case Of Limuru Town (Kiambu County)

ABSTRACT This study finds ground from the fact that railway infrastructure provide effective transport and plays a significant role in enhancing and improving urban growth and urban dynamics. Railway transport is the second most-used mode of transport after roads in Kenya, for both freight and passenger traffic. It has been argued that improvement of this mode of transport in Kenya would boost the economic performance of business enterprises which would in turn contribute to social economic ...

The Influence Of Subsidized Secondary Education On Access To Educational Resources In Public Day Secondary Schools In Migori County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The Kenya government, through the Sessional Paper No. 1 of 2005 made secondary education part of basic education. This saw the NARC government introduce freeday Secondary Education in 2008 to enhance transition from primary to secondary level of education. Provision of a tuition free secondary education is a government policy targeting the poor so that educational resources can be equitably distributed across all members of society. This study sought to establish the influence of su...

Impact Of Open Pit Artisanal Gold Mining A Case Study Of Rongo Constituency

Abstract This research explores the socio-ecological impacts in Rongo district caused by artisanal small scale gold mining. The International LabourOrganisation (ILO) acknowledges gold mining by itinerant miners as the means of livelihood for more than 13 million people in the developing world. Although there are many potential socio-economic benefits of artisanal small scale gold mining, there are numerous negative impacts from these small and inefficient operations as a result of wasteful ...

Evaluation of Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Projects; in Nairobi County

Abstract This chapter entails introduction to the study, statement of the problem, study questions, objectives of the study, justification of the study, significance of the study and the conceptual framework. The construction industry is formed of establishments primarily engaged in the building of structures or engineering projects like highways and utility systems; establishments primarily engaged in the preparation of sites for new construction and establishments primarily engaged in sub-d...

An Assessment Of Existing E-Waste Management Systems In Institutions Of Learning In Ruiru Subcounty, Kiambu County

Abstract The usefulness of ICT has led to an overwhelming elastic demand for electronics most computing devices such as mobile phones and computers. Individuals, learning institutions and government institutions worldwide are adopting ICTs at a fast pace. Widespread consumption has resulted into huge amounts of Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) or e-waste generated from non-usable or old electronics. E-waste management in developing countries is one of the least revised env...

Availability And Utilization Of School Resources On Students’ Academic Achievement In Public Day Secondary Schools In Kisii County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study intended to investigate the relationship between availability and utilization of school resources on students‟ academic achievement in Public day secondary schools in Kisii County, Kenya. The concern was why the decline in students‟ academic achievement in public day secondary schools in Kisii County when the government of Kenya is funding all public secondary schools through the Free Day Secondary Education(FDSE) program. The study was guided by the following objective...

The Implications Of Rapid Expansion Of Day Secondary Schools On Provision Of Quality Education In Imenti South District, Meru County-Kenya

ABSTRACT The expansion of secondary education in Kenya has been on the increase because education received great attention right from the time of independence to the present day. Despite the Government‘s efforts to spearhead this expansion of secondary education in order to enhance access and provide quality education for all, some of the newly established secondary schools have faced numerous challenges which hinder the attainment of this objective. The primary purpose of this study was to...

Strategies For The Prevention Of Road Carnages Along Kibarani Hot Spot, Changamwe Sub-County, Mombasa County- Kenya

ABSTRACT Globally, it is clearly evidenced that road transport is the main cause of many vital accidents where many lose their lives and others become lamed and crippled for the rest of their lives. This is due to careless driving and overtaking where roads are too narrow, alongside intoxication, poor road designs as well as lack of road signs. Kenya is no exception to this global trend since it has become a threat to many. Prone areas to this in Kenya such as Kaseve in Machakos county, Maima...

Effect Of Tuition Fees Waiver On Equity And Internal Efficiency In Public Secondary Schools In Bungoma County, Kenya

Tuition fees waiver in education has the potential to promote equity and internal efficiency in public education at all levels in all Counties in Kenya. When the government of Kenya introduced tuition fees waiver in public secondary schools in 2008, the students‟ enrolment generally improved. However, their progression and composition by their household socio-economic status in these schools in Bungoma County remained unknown. The problem of this study therefore was to answer this cent...

A Framework For Sustainable E-Waste Management In Manufacturing And Processing Industries, Industrial Area Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Kenya’s manufacturing and processing sector is among the key productive sectors identified for economic growth and development because of its immense potential for wealth, employment creation and poverty alleviation. Currently Kenya’s industrial sector is one of the largest in sub Saharan Africa, the sector is highly fragmented with more than 2,000 manufacturing enterprises. The presence of these industries has led to rise in e-waste due to changes in technology, wear and tear, ...

61 - 75 Of 126 Results