Planning and Management Research Papers/Topics

The Status And Challenges Of Open And Distance Learning In Kenya’s Public Universities

ABSTRACT  The ever increasing demand for university education, overstretched residential facilities and the need for continued learning have led to the emergence of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) in Kenya. These ODL programmes have however been faced with challenges which this study sought to identify. The focus of this study was on ODL delivery models in Kenya, training and motivation of staff, cost and consistency of the programmes delivery across geographical locations, learner‘s inte...

An Assessment Of Environmental Impacts Of Quarrying Activities In Ndarugo Area, Kiambu County

ABSTRACT Artisanal mining has been for many years disregarded, where large scale mining that involves large scale extraction of minerals such us valuable metals, oil and gas has been documented and given much concentration. Small scale mining however has had a significant role to play in the developing countries, where it takes opportunity of the abundant available labor while only requiring limited amounts of less than abundant capital. Nevertheless, this sector of the economy surrounded by...

Family And Institutional Factors Contributing To Low Participation Of Girls In Secondary School Education In Siakago Division, Embu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT This research was undertaken mainly to establish the factors influencing participation and completion of secondary school education among female students in Siakago Division, Embu County, Kenya. The study was aimed at finding out the enrolment and completion of female students in secondary schools in Siakago Division; and to explore the home, school, community and structural factors that affect participation female students in secondary schools in the Division. It also sought to fin...

Status Of Private Accommodation For Undergraduate Students In Kenya: A Case Of Kenyatta University

ABSTRACT This study investigated the status of private accommodation facilities for undergraduate students and the effect these have on their educational output. It was done in Kenyatta University (KU). The University had a hostel capacity of 10,086, whereas the total undergraduate student population was 50,425. Specific objectives of the study were to; assess the adequacy of private hostels accommodation, establish the effect of accommodation on the undergraduate students‟ academic life, ...

Nexus between Environmental Safety and Solid Waste Management: A Case Study of the Kenya Defence Forces

Abstract Ever-increasing urban and industrial development throughout the world is leading to levels of waste and pollution, which seriously threaten the natural resources upon which humankind depends for its survival. International commitments to principles of sustainable development include consideration of waste and the use of renewable resources. Therefore, the implications of waste disposal throughout a product’s life cycle need to be recognized in order to assess the true environmental...

Using satellite data as a tool to monitor compliance and enforcement of forest conservation regulations: karura forest, Nairobi county.

ABSTRACT Forest Conservation is important in maintaining the natural biodiversity fabric of a given ecosystem. Although remote sensing methods and techniques using satellite data have been useful tool in monitoring and mapping Environmental risks and disasters, as well as in environmental protection projects, they are scarcely used in environmental legislation implementation in Kenya. Karura Forest reserve covering 1041.3 hectares and located North of Central Nairobi County is one of the lar...

Social And Institutional Determinants Of Academic Performance Among Boys In Secondary Schools Mombasa County, Kenya

ABSTRACT For many years now, boys have dominated many spheres of life including education. However, in recent past, girls have started outshining boys particularly in education. To be specific, between the years 2010 and 2013, girls have performed better than boys in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education by a significant margin of 1.2% in schools in Changamwe Sub County. The study sought to determine the Influence of Guidance and Counseling services provided to boys at school on boys’ a...

Environmental Implications Of The Charcoal Business In Narok-South Sub-County, Narok County

ABSTRACT The forest cover in Kenya which is below the international required standard of 10% coverage is rapidly becoming depleted due to the ever increasing human demand for fuel wood. Unsustainable exploitation of forest resources for commercial charcoal production is a worrying phenomenon in Narok-South Sub-County, Narok County of Kenya. The fast disappearance of tree cover may influence climate change which may in the long run affect crop yields, tourism activities and deepen poverty lev...

Integration Of Motorcycle Transport In Selected Urban Areas And Its Implication On Safety And Livelihoods In Kenya

ABSTRACT Urban centres in Kenya have experienced rapid uptake of motorcycles for commercial transportation to fill the gap between transport service supply and demand. This rapid increase is due to zero rating of motorcycle imports and relatively more efficient and affordable motorized transport offered by this mode. Motorcycle transport presents road safety challenges and opportunities in employment. A review of literature reveals that there is relatively less focus on motorcycle transport s...

The potential of roof catchment as a flood management strategy at mavoko sub-county in machakos county.

ABSTRACT The traditional approach for coping with urban flooding has been linear whereby all the rainwater that has fallen over a wide area is conveyed to and managed by sewers or rivers lines. When the carrying capacity is insufficient, possible counter measures are considered only to the line; denoting the upsizing of the sewer, widening of the rivers or increasing the pumping capacity. Due to heavier and unpredictable rainfall, the water conveyance system in the whole sub-county is limite...

Constraints In The Use Of Ict In Teaching –Learning Processes In Secondary Schools In Nyandarua Southdistrict, Nyandarua County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Information communication technology (ICT) is a major drive in most world economies. It has been used in almost all the sectors of the economy. In developed countries like United States and Canada it has been incorporated in the education sectors as a tool for administration, management and in curriculum for both teaching and learning processes in most developing countries like Kenya, hence the study was geared towards secondary schools in Nyandarua south District, Nyandarua county, ...

Street Hawking and its Impacts on Nairobi Central Business District Urban Space.

ABSTRACT This study provides insight into the street hawking phenomenon and evaluates its impact on the Nairobi Central Business District. There is a common saying that “where there is traffic, there is business” which reflects a characteristic of Kenya market hawkers. It is hard to image how hawkers do business. They stand by the street, some of whom carry goods in hand and some on head. Anytime there is traffic, they rush to it and try to sell their goods to people in the vehicles. Owi...

Modelling The Spatial Relationship Between Built-Up Volumes And Surface Urban Heat Islands In Upper Hill, Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Urban heat island refers to the thermal temperature differences between rural and urban areas. The factor that has been attributed to this phenomenon is urbanization, where natural land cover is replaced by concrete and other man-made impervious surfaces. Causes and effects of heat islands and urban climates are varied. The urbanization process dislocates the natural solar and hydrologic balances by transforming the radiative, thermal, moisture and aerodynamic characteristics of a re...

An Assessment Of The Contribution Of Urban Agriculture To Households’ Livelihoods In Roysambu Ward, Nairobi County.

ABSTRACT Urban agriculture plays a significant role in national development by contributing towards food security, employment creation and income generation. However, it is associated with diverse negative impacts on public health and the environment. Development of UA has been affected by lack of specific laws and policies geared towards addressing the development this important sub- sector. However, various legislations refer individually to the sub-sector. Some of these legislations indire...

The Response Of Kasikeu River To The Impacts Of Anthropogenic Activities In Its Catchment Area

Abstract River catchments sustain human civilization and related biodiversity. The numerous resource bases from river catchments include: drinking water supply, abstraction of water for agriculture, for hydropower generation, recreation, transport, construction materials and fishing. However, despite their value to mankind river catchments are under pressure and are facing degradation and threat from communities and from climate change. Kasikeu River catchment is located within the Kilungu ca...

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