Planning and Management Research Papers/Topics

An Assessment Of Solid Waste Management In Kisauni Division, Mombasa County

ABSTRACT The implementation of sustainable integrated solid waste management is one of the key parts to addressing sustainable development in the current generation. Current global trends of population growth urban and consumerism have dramatically increased the generation of waste in urban area. Inadequate waste services have led to informal burning and dumping in streets and open spaces, which is degrading the environment and creating profound public health concerns. With no strategy in pla...

Potentials And Constraints Of Kilombero Valley Among Agro Pastoralists Community

ABSTRACT  Environment degradation, loss of grazing lands, high grazing intensities and drought in northern regions of Tanzania, led to massive migration of pastoralists and livestock to more resourced areas in the south. This has brought different ethnic groups into same ecological ranges there by increasing environmental degradation and resource use conflict. Kilombero valley is one area which received many pastoralists now days with highest conflict incidents reported. The objectives of th...

Evaluation Of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Of Common Vegetation Habitats For Monitoring Rodent Population And Outbreaks In Isimani, Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Rodent pest outbreaks are major concern for agriculture in Africa and Tanzania in particular, especially in drier areas such as arid and semi-arid agro ecosystems. This is due to the fact that, if the problem cannot be treated with seriousness it deserves, 80% of the potential harvest may be lost. Crop losses occur at all stages (i.e. field to market). However, higher losses occur at the field/harvest and storage where rodents play a major role. Severe rodent outbreaks have...

Communities’ Consideration Underlying Valuation Of Agricultural Land: A Case Study Of Lushoto District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT A study was conducted in Lushoto, District, Tanzania to identify farmers’ perceived agricultural land value determinants to establish determinants for agricultural land valuation across different land use types. Remote sensing and GIS techniques were used to identify dominant agricultural land uses for screening the agricultural land value determinants across the land uses. Household survey, key informant interview, and focus group discussions were used to explore farmers’ criter...

Hillside Ditches Performance In Controlling Soil Erosion In Banana-Maize Farming System In Kiroka Village, Morogogo, Tanzania

BSTRACT Soil erosion by water is a growing problem in Tanzania particularly in mountainous areas. The control of soil erosion is one of the most significant issues, which results in improving crop production as well as smallholders income. A study was carried out to assess hillside ditches performance in controlling soil erosion in a banana-maize farming system in Kiroka Village, Morogoro, Tanzania. The study intended to characterize the soils, determine soil loss and assess the social econom...

Influence Of Human Activities On The Degradation Of Montane Forests In Magamba Nature Reserve, Lushoto District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT A study was conducted in Magamba Nature Reserve (MNR), Tanzania to determine the influence of human activities on the degradation of Montane forest in order to generate information for guiding forest conservation and management approaches. Field survey coupled with remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) were used to collect data on land use and human activity patterns. Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) tools including focused group discussion, questionnaire survey a...

Land Use/Land Cover Dynamics And Their Impact On Pastoralism: A Case Study Of Melela Ward, Mvomero District, Morogoro Tanzania

ABSTRACT Studies which have been conducted so far have focused on the processes of land use/land cover changes in different areas at regional and global levels. Not much has been done to quantify the factors that influence land use/land cover dynamics in Melela ward, Mvomero District, Morogoro, Tanzania. The main objective of the current study was to evaluate land use land cover dynamics and their impacts on pastoralism in Melela. Specifically, the study examined land use/land cover dynamics ...

Impacts Of Land Use Changes On Water Balance In The Ruvu River Sub-Basin: The Case On Mvuha River Sub-Catchment

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to assess spatial and temporal land use changes that have occurred over a period of 40 years in Mvuha River sub-catchment and its impacts to the water balance. The specific objectives of this study were i) to determine the spatial and temporal changes on land use and land cover in Mvuha River sub-catchment for the past forty years, ii) carry out statistical and trend analysis of temporal rainfall and river discharge and iii) to determine runoff hydrologic r...

S T U D E N T S _ B A C K G R O U N D Characteristics And Choice To Enrol Into Different Categories Of Public Secondary Schools In Busia County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Every year the Ministry of Education places students in various categories of public secondary schools in Kenya. However, the final form one enrolment in these school categories do not adhere to the Ministry of Education’s initial placements. This has mainly been attributed to differentiated students’ background characteristics. The purpose of this study therefore was to establish the relationship between students’ background characteristic and their decision to enroll into dif...

Enterprise Resource Planning System Integration For Academic Affairs Processes In Selected Public Universities In Kenya

ABSTRACT Despite the strict regulations put in place by the Commission for University Education, it is perceived by the education stakeholders that the academic sector in universities faces difficulties of handling large numbers of student enrollements that has escalated in the recent past due to increase in the number of universities and thirst for education making handling of voluminous data manually very cumbersome. This study was conducted to determine the efficiency of Enterprise Resourc...

Expansion Ofpublic Day Secondary Schools Andinternal Efficiency In Mumias East And Mumias West Sub-Counties,Kakamega County,Kenya

ABSTRACT Expansion of public day secondary schools was expected to enhance access and provide quality education to students who miss the opportunity to access boarding facilities due to high school fees charged. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of expansion of public day secondary schools in Mumias East and Mumias West Sub-Counties on their internal efficiency between 2010 - 2015. The specific objectives of the study were to: determine the effects of trends in enrolment o...

Assessing The Contribution Of Poor Urban Design To Congestion In Kisii Town

ABSTRACT Congestion has become one of the major problems in Kisii town. This has led to slowing down and delay of several activities in town. Congestion is caused when there is no smooth flow of traffic or the available public spaces like streets, walking paths and parking areas are not developed well enough to serve the number of people who intend to use it. The study tries to connect this to poor urban design of the town. The study then breaks down urban design to streets, public spaces and...

Effectiveness Of Poverty Reduction Strategies In Makueni District: A Case Study Of Nguu Division.

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to identify effectiveness of poverty reduction strategies in Nguu Division, Makueni District. Nguu Division is one of the areas that are hard hit by poverty in the district. The study looked at the various strategies which the Kenya govemment has put in place since independence, causes of poverty in the district, Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper, approaches to poverty reduction, a public management strategy and the different theories of poverty. To accomp...

School Attachment Practices And Student Teacher Performance In Teaching Practice In Kenyan Public Universities.

ABSTRACT School attachment is an important component of teacher education. Public universities have thus designed their own rules and regulations that guide school attachment practices to enable student teachers put into practice the theory they have learnt. However, school attachment practices by teacher training institutions remain a contentious issue. The purpose of this study was to establish the effect of school attachment practices on student teacher performance in teaching practice in ...

The Influence Of Community Participation On Sustainability Of Community Water Projects: The Case Of Pcea Water Project In Kitengela Division Kajiado County

ABSTRACT The Government of Kenya and non-governmental organizations have promoted interventions or projects aimed at improving water situations in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands though with some low level of sustainability. Initiating projects to ease accessibility to water in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands is a good cause; however, without proper planning and integrated approach that ensures sustainability of water sources and its accessibility, such projects will not have lasting impact. This proje...

91 - 105 Of 126 Results