Public Administration Research Papers/Topics

The Challenges of Public Administration towards Efficiency in Public Services (A Case Study of Federal Airport of Nigeria)

TABLE OF CONTENTTable of content CHAPTER ONE1.0 Background of the study1.1 introduction1.2 statement of the problem1.3 purpose of the study1.4 importance of the study1.5 scope and limitation of the study1.6 organization of the studyCHAPTER TWO2.1 civil services2.2 Characteristic of civil service2.3 Functions of motivation2.4 Functions of head of administration2.5 Motivation2.6 Theories of motivation2.7 Abraham h maslow hierarchy of need referenceCHAPTER  THREE3.0 Research methodolo...

The Effect Of Employee Rewards On Pupil Performance in public Primary Schools. Case Study Of Wobulenzi Town Council Luwero District- Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ...................................................................................................................... i AP PROV AL ............................................................................................................................. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................................................... iii TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................

Social Intervention And Welfare Of Vulnerable Groups In Uganda. A Case Study Kibaale District

ABSTRACT Social Intervention and welfare of vulnerable groups in Uganda of Kibaale District The study was based on three specific objectives; to analyze the level of social intervention in Kibaale district, to determine the influence of social intervention on welfare of vulnerable groups and to assess the level of vulnerability of the vulnerable groups in Kibaale district. It was based on descriptive findings that will ensure people’s ideas/opinions about the problems under investigation we...

Cultural Practices And Girl Child Education In Kagamba Sub-County Rakai District, Uganda

ABSTRACT The study was concerned to inquire into cultural practices and girl child education in Kagamba ub County, Rakai district. The study was guided by the general objective: To establish the ripact of cultural practices that limit girl child education out of the general objective, specific bjectives were formulated that is, how cultural practices hinder the girl child education and to nd out solutions to the challenges caused by cultural practices in the attainment of girl child clucation...

Federalism And Political Stability In Somalia A Case Study Of Mogadishu City

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivLISTOFTABLESLIST OF FIGURESACRONYMSCHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION1.0 Introduction1.1 Background of the s~tudy1.1.1 Historical Perspective1.1.2 Theoretical Perspective 21.1.3 Conceptual Perspective 31 .1 .4 Contextual Perspective 41 .2 Statement of the problem 41.3 Objectives of the study 51.3.1 General objective 51.3.2 Specific Objectives of the Study 51.4 Research questions.1.5 Hypothesis 61.6 Scope of the study 61.6.1 Geographical S...

Corruption and Service Delivery in the Republic of South Sudan A Case Study of Central Equatoria State Juba

ABSTRACT The study focused on corruption and service delivery in the Republic of South Sudan and it considered primary data. It was guided by the following research objectives; the forms of corruption affecting Service delivery in South Sudan, what is done by the government to prevent and punish corruption culprits in the Republic of South Sudan and the practical recommendations on how to deal with corruption and build strong institutions with zero tolerance to corruption in the Republic of S...

Decentralization and Performance of Local Government in Social Service Delivery in Kagadi District

ABSTRACT The study set out to establish the effect of decentralization and performance of local government in social service delivery in kagadi district. The study was to assess the contributions of decentralization in promoting health service delivery in Kagadi district, to explore the challenges encountered in implementing decentralization of health service delivery and explores measures for improving decentralization and, hence promotes efficient health service delivery in Kagadi district....

Employee Behavior and Organizational Performance in the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Kampala-Uganda

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of employee behavior on organization performance in the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries in Uganda. The study was guided by the following objectives, to identify the causes of poor performance in the ministry, to examine the influence of employee behavior on performance of workers, and to establish the solutions to poor organisational performance in the ministry of Agriculture, Animal husbandry and fisheri...

Corruption As A Correlate Of Ineffectiveness In The Education Sector: A Case Study Of Katoogo Parish, Nama Sub-County, Mukono District

ABSTRACTThe research on corruption as a correlate of effectiveness in the education sector wasdone in Katoogo Parish, Nama Sub County Mukono district. The main issue was to find out manifestations of corruption, causes of corruption in the education sector or schools for that matter and the relationship between corruption andthe effectiveness of the education sector.The participants in the research were teachers who were administered questionnairesto and the data was analysed using ...

Impact Of Community Participation On Service Delivery In Uganda A Case Study Of Arua District

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION....................................................APPROVAL....................................................................................... iiiDEDICATION........................................................ ivACKNOWLEDGEMENT................................................... VTABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................................. viLIST OF TABLES................................................... ixLIST OF ACRONYMS! ABBREVIATIONS...

National Policy for the Conservation of Wetland and Their Management in Kabale District: A Case of Hamurwa Sub-County

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Background to the study 11.3 Statement of the problem 91.4 Purpose of the study 101.5 Objectives of the study 101.5.1. General Objective 101.5.2. Specific Objectives 101.6 Research questions 101.7 Scope of the study 111.7.1. Content scope 111.7.2. Geographical scope 111.7.3. Time scope 121.8. Significance of the study 121.9 Conceptual Framework 131.10. Definition of key term...

Community Participation and Service Delivery in Local Government of Wakiso, Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTSContentsDECLARATION iiAPPROVAL iiiDEDICATION ivACKNOWLEDGEMENT VTABLE OF CONTENTS viABSTRACT ixCHAPTER ONE 11.0 Introduction I1.1. Background to the Study1.2 Statement ofthe problem 51.3 Purpose ofthe Study 61.4 Objectives ofthe Study 61.4.1 General Objective 61.4.2 Specific Objectives 61.5 Research Questions 71.6 Research Hypothesis 71.7 Scope ofthe Study 71.7.1 Theoretical scope 71.7.2 Geographical Scope 71.7.3 Content Scope 81.7.4 Time Scope 81.8 Significance ofthe Study 8...

The Effect of Gambling on Youth Unemployment in Uganda A Case of Rubaga Division Kampala District

DEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENTSTABLE OF CONTENTSLIST OF ACRONYMSABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 11.1 Introduction1.2 Statement ofthe Problem 51.3 Objectives 61 .4 Research questions 61.5 Scope and limitations 61.6 Conceptual framework 71 .7 Conceptual Framework 7CHAPTER rI~wO 9LITERATURE REVIEW 92.0 Introduction 92. 1 The concept of gambling and youth unemployment 92.2 Youth and Development 112.3 Adjustments and Sub Cultures 142.3,1 Unemployment and Underemployment 14 2.3.2 Crime and Deviant Beh...

The Role of Local Leaders in the Implementation Of Government Programs: Case Study of Rubaga Division, Kampala District

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION APPROVAL ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ~iv TABLE OF CONTENTS v LIST OF TABLES viii ABSTRACT,..... ixCHAPTERONE~1BACKGROUND STUDY,. 1 1,2 Back ground of study “,~. ,,~. 1 L3 Statement of the problem~.~. ~ ‘“‘““3 L4,lGeneral Objective ~ ,,“,“, ~ L4~2 Specific Objectives ~,,“‘. ““““ ~“,,“ 4 L5 Research Questions ,~,. ,,,,,‘,. ““ ,~,““ 5 L6 Scope of the Study ~ ,~““,, ““‘“,“‘“,“, 5 17 Significance of th...

Decentralization and Education Service Delivery in Kanungu District Local Government (2010-2017)

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .11APPROVAL IiDEDICATIONTABLE OF CONTENTSOPERATIONAL DEFINITION OF THE KEY TERMS ixCHAPTER ONE1 .0 IntroductionI .1 Background of the Study1.1.1 Historical perspective• 1 .2 Theoretical perspective• I .3 Conceptual perspectiveI .4 Contextual perspective1.2 Statement of the Problem 61.3 Purpose of the Study 7I .4 Research Objectives 7I .4.1 General Objective 7.5 Speciflc objectives 7I .6 Research Questions 7I .7 Scope of the Study 8I .8 Sign iflcance of the stu...

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