Social Work and Administration Research Papers/Topics

The Role Of Behavioural Change In Mitigating Hiv/Aids In Makindye Divison, Kamp Ala City

Table of contents DECLARATION ................................................................................................................... i APPROVAL ......................................................................................................................... ii ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ............................................................................ vi DEDICATION ....................................................................................................

The Relationship Between Poverty And Maternal Health Conditions Of Women In Rural Areas Of Warr Sub-County, Zombo District.

ABLE OF CONTENTS D ECLARA TI ON ............................................................................................................................. .i APPROVAL ................................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...................... : ..........

Early Pregnancy And School Dropout Among Girls In Selected Secondary Schools In W Akiso District

Abstract In conducting the research on the topic mentioned, this chapter brings forth the introducti,,11 background of the study. statement of the problem, purpose of the study. study objecti, •· , research questions. the scope of the study in terms or geography. content/'ariables and time. ,ignificance of the study. conceptual frame\ork and eventually operational delinitions or', · :erms. LI Background of the study feenage or adolescent pregnancy means pregnanc) in a woman aged IO to 19 ...

The Psycho-Economic Causes Of Pregnancy Among University Students A Case Study Of Kampala International University

ABSTRACT This research was carried out in Kampala International University, the aim was to assess the psycho-economic causes of pregnancy among university students after realizing that a big number of students fall victims of this act in universities. This was done through gathering data from different respondents using different methodologies. Data was collected from 50 respondents where, 10 were university members of staff (including, 6 university lecturers, 2 administrators and 2 doctors ...

Community Based Organization And Community Development In Bwijanga Sub County Masindi District.

This study dealt with examination of the relationship between community based organization and community development in Bwijanga sub county Masindi district. The study was based on analysis of secondary and primary data about community based organization and community development. Generally, the dissertation had five chapters with several sub-sections und~r each chapter. Chapter one presented the introduction, under which there were subsections like; background of the study, statement of the ...

Peer Influence And Aggression Among The Youth In Lwengo District, Uganda

The study was to investigate peer influence and aggression among the youth in Lwengo District, Uganda. The study had four research questions and three objectives which included; To establish social determinants of peer influence on youth in Lwengo To establish the economic determinants of peer influence on youth in Lwengo To analyze the causes of youth violence in Lwengo District To evaluate the influence of media violence on the youth media It was revealed in that there were social determina...

Factors affecting the participation of rural women in community development: A case study of naboa sub-county budaka district, eastern uganda.

Abstract This chapter explored the background ofthe study. the statement ofthe problem. purpose ofthe stud>. the objectives of the study, scope of the study. significance of the study and operational definitions of key tenns. 1.1 Background of the study Rural women world o~er are an integral and ~ita1 force in the development processes that are the key to socio-economic progress. Rural women include farmers. wage workers, petty traders. artisans. industrial home workers. micro-producers and d...

Management Styles And Job Satisfaction In Mukono Municipality-uganda

The research determined the relationship between Management styles and Job Satisfaction in Mukono Municipality. The research achieved the following objectives, to establishing the level of management styles’ application, job satisfaction, to establish whether there is a significant relationship between management styles application and Job Satisfaction in Mukono municipality. Questionnaires were used for reaching respondents who were randomly selected to be part of the study and the data co...

Socio-Economic Effects Of Sudanese Refugees Settlement In Koboko District: 1983-2004

Abstract This section composes of the background of the study, the statement of the problem, purpose of the study, the objectives of the study, scope of the study and the significance of the study. 1.1 Background to the study The incident of refugee started as soon as mankind merged into organized communities. From ancient times for many reasons or others, persons were forced to leave their own communities for other places. Such movements might have been caused by oppression by rulers, wars, ...

To Investigate Factors Contributing To Street Children, A Case Study Of Meru Municipality, Meru Central District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The research is aimed at investigating the factors contributing to the street children problem. Case study of Men, municipality Mem Central district, Eastern Province, Kenya. The major variables of the study are poverty, child neglect and peer pressure. This study was aimed at investigating the factors contributing to the street children phenomenon. It was carried out in Mciii municipality Meru central district of eastern province of Kenya. The variables examined were poverty, child ...

An Investigation Of The Role Of Women’s Empowerment On Community Development In Lokopo Sub County, Napak District, Karamoja Region North Eastern Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION APPROVAL DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv CHAPTER ONE 1 BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY 1 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Background of the Study 1 1.2 Problem Statement 4 1.3 Objectives of the study 4 1.3.1 Main objective ofthe study 4 1.3.2 Spec~ic objectives ofthe study 4 1.4 Research questions 5 1.5 Scope of the study s 1.5.1 Geographical scope s 1.5.2 Context scope s 1.5.3 Time scope 1.6 Significance of the study s CHAPTER TWO 6 LITERATURE REVIEW 6 2.0 Introduction 6 2.1 Th...

Challenges To The Implementation Of Upe In Uganda In Mbarara District

'This study was on the challenges to the implementation of UPE In Uganda with a case of Rutanga subcounty Mbarara District The study was carried out for a period of one month. The need for the study arose due to the failure of the UPE programme In the area. The researcher used in-depth interviews, key formants, and documentary . review during the study based on the objectives such as establishing how the existing physical facilities affected UPE implementation, annalysing the levels of ...

Health Records Management In Health Reporting In Western Ugaf~~Da, A Case Study Of Bukuku Health Sub District Kabarole District

ABSTRACT Health reporting is an integrated system meant to provide functional health information on a routine basis from lower level health units in Bukuku health sub district to the Director of Health services (DDHS). It involves the collection of data on health and other related areas. The processing, analysis, utilization and dissemination of information for informed decision making in the matters affecting people’s health and well being. Records management is however associated with a ...

The Relationship Between Drug Abuse And Behaviour Change Among The Youth In Makindye Division Kampala District A Case Study Of Katwe Slum

Abstract Drug abuse is the compulsive, excessive and self-damaging use of habit forming drugs or substances, leading to addiction or dependence. Drug abuse is a problem that has increased behavioural problems such as aggression, violence and eating disorders. This research seeks to study the relationship between drug abuse among the youth and how it shapes their behaviour. While there are many different kinds of drugs, the proposed study is focusing on marijuana, khat ‘Mairungi’, nicotine...

To Examine The Problems That Hinder Community Development; Case Study Osukuru Sub County, Tororo District

A lot of problems hinder community development in different areas and in this particular study Osukuru sub county in Tororo district used as the case study. A lot of efforts have been put in by the community workers for example schools constructed and teachers employed, roads have been constructed, easy access to market areas but the people have few income generating activities and some of them can not afford to maintain their children in school even after the introduction of UPE. The AI...

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