African Studies Research Papers/Topics

Co-Text and Implicature in Bi. Msafwari’s Topical Discussions

Abstract Decoding meaning in communication depends on semantic properties assigned by grammar and the speaker's intended meaning. Therefore, it is necessary to infer the intended meaning from the cues the speaker provides in the utterance. In such a case, context bridges the explanatory gap between sentence meaning and the speaker's meaning. Context is fundamental for language comprehension because meaning is dependent on it. This implies that context makes clear the intended meaning of any ...

“We do not bury dead livestock like human beings”: Community behaviors and risk of Rift Valley Fever virus infection in Baringo County, Kenya

Abstract/Overview Background:Rift Valley Fever (RVF), is a viral zoonotic disease transmitted by Aedes and Culex mosquitoes. In Kenya, its occurrence is associated with increased rains. In Baringo County, RVF was first reported in 2006–2007 resulting in 85 human cases and 5 human deaths, besides livestock losses and livelihood disruptions. This study sought to investigate the county’s current RVF risk status. Methodology and principal findings:A cross-sectional study on the knowledge,...

The Representation of Francafrique in French Media: A Case Study of the Sahel 2013-2021

Abstract: This study aims to interrogate orientalist discourses used by French media to construct a distorted representation of the Sahel and facilitate France's securitization of the region. The research focuses on Le Monde and Le Figaro, the two largest newspapers in Metropole France, by mapping their discursive legitimization strategies across the three dimensions specified in Fairclough's model of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). This research study deploys postcolonialism as a theoret...

The Challenges of Tiv Traditional Healing in the Era of Globalization.

Abstract  Traditional medicine and healing is a cultural heritage that forms part and parcel of a people’s intrinsic reality. It is the basis for all medicines, developed by different cultures of the world. Among traditional societies, this form of healing still remains the main source of treatment for various kinds of ailments. The advent of Western civilizations and the concomitant age of globalizations brought numerous challenges on this form of health care delivery. Some of these chall...


Abstract: In Africa, the human person is the supreme force, the most powerful and dominant among all created beings. While this decreed power makes the lower beings subservient to humanity, it is only intended to be a source of harmony in the advancement of the hospitality and the joy of the human species. Today however, the traditional lifestyles of Africans are threatened with virtual extinction by insensitive development over which the indigenous peoples have no participation. Africa has n...

Indigenous Resistance to Slavery by The Builsa People of Northern Ghana

ABSTRACT There is enough historical evidence to show that the northern part of Ghana was affected by slavery in many ways. My thesis discusses slavery in Builsa territory located in the present day Upper East Region of Ghana. I pursued the studies using a number of strategies such as oral interviews, personal observation and participation and archival search to better understand the reason behind slavery in Builsa. Of special interest in this research is the way slavery and memories of slave...


ABSTRACT The origin and meaning of Yoruba, a name which designates a people and their language, is shrouded in controversy. Hitherto, there was no accurate knowledge of the origin and meaning of the name but alternative facts and misinformation which fueled the apparent controversy; there was also misconception about the name which discouraged conducting any research into its origin and meaning. Various researches on “Yoruba” were conducted mainly from an historical perspective; consequen...

Migration and Transnationalism in Teju Cole's Open City

The novel, titled Open City, is a metaphor which the author uses to allude to migration and globalization. It is also an obvious reference to the declaration of Brussels as an open city during World War 1. Cole examines multiple themes related to transnationalism as his protagonist, a Nigerian American doctor wanders about in New York in an attempt to track migrating birds, examines the numerous relationships he has had with other immigrants like himself.   Julius is an embodiment of the con...


Abstract This research focuses on securitization in the tribal areas that traced back to the British arrival in the region. Both the British and Pakistan treated the tribal belt with imperial and national security consideration. The British perceived it the center of gravity against the Czarist Russia for India’s survival and security during the nineteenth century Great Game and afterward. Pakistan after independence continued the region with the same colonial pattern against Afghanistan, I...

Aesthetic Analysis of Folklore in Emmanuel Asika's Erimma

Abstract Folklore or oral tradition is found to be a favourite indigenous resource for African playwrights and they draw on it to enable them mold the aesthetic concerns in drama/play writing. Considerable critical interest has grown around analyzing the nuances of folklore, society and drama in the context of Africa. Critics like Obiechina confirm that folklore has survived in Africa in spite of the introduction of ‘writing’ as a phenomenon and the foreign tradition which it bears. In ...

Chimbuko La Dhikiri: Mabadiliko Na Athari Zake Kwa Jamii Ya Wazanzibari

SHUKRANI Kazi hii imekamilika kutokana na michango ya watu mbalimbali walioshirikiana nami kuona inafanyika kama ilivyopangwa. Sina budi kutoa shukrani zangu za dhati kwa watu wote walionisaidia katika kufanikisha utafiti huu. Kwanza, kabisa napenda kumshukuru Mungu kwa kunipa uhai, uzima na afya njema hata nikaweza kufanikisha kazi hii bila matatizo yoyote yale ya kiafya. Pia alinipa akili na ufahamu wa kufanikisha kazi hii na kufikia tamati. Pili, namshukuru msimamizi wangu, Dkt Muhammed S...

Matumizi Ya Falsafa Ya Usihiri Katika Riwaya Teule Za Euphrase Kezilahabi

SHUKURANI  Napenda kutoa shukurani zangu za dhati kwa taasisi na watu mbalimbali waliotoa ushauri na michango yao ya hali na mali iliyowezesha kukamilisha kazi hii. Awali ya yote, napenda kutoa shukurani zangu za dhati kumshukuru Mwenyezi-Mungu (sw) kwa kunijaalia afya njema katika kipindi chote cha masomo yangu. Afya ambayo iliniwezesha kuikamilisha tasnifu hii kwa muda mwafaka. Kwanza, namshukuru msimamizi wangu, Dkt. Athumani S. Ponera, ambaye licha ya majukumu mengi mengine yaliyomkabili...

Usawiri Wa Ufungwa Katika Riwaya Za Kiswahili: Mifano Kutoka Katika Riwaya Za Umleavyo Na Haini

SHUKURANI Shukurani zangu ninawapa wafuatao nikiwataja kwa makundi: Kwanza, Mwenyezi Mungu Mtukufu, kwa kunijaalia afya njema, maarifa, busara na hekima ambavyo nilivitumia kama nyenzo kubwa tangu kuanza hadi kumalizika kwa utafiti huu. Pili, kwa mama na baba yangu, kwa malezi yao bora waliyonipatia. Pia mume wangu, Bw. Salum Mohamed Gumukah, na watoto wetu kwa ushirikiano mkubwa waliouonesha katika kuhakikisha kazi hii inafanikiwa. Salum, uwe mume wangu milele! Tatu, ninatoa shukurani zangu...

Usemezano Katika Riwaya Ya Kiswahili

SHUKRANI Shukrani jazila nazitakadamisha kwa Mwenyezi Mungu Raufu, imetimia tasnifu! Yeye ndiye wa kushukuriwa zaidi, amenipitisha salama katika tesi za ulimwengu katika kipindi chote cha masomo ya darasani na wakati wa uandishi wa tasnifu hii. Ama kwa hakika kidole kimoja hakivunji chawa, wala figa moja haliinjiki chungu, na mkono mmoja hauchinji ng‟ombe, walipata kusema wahenga. Kamwe siwezi kujidai kuwa yote nilofanya ili kazi hii itimie nimeyafanya kwa urazini ama ujanja wangu tu, ila ...

Huzuni Katika Nyimbo Za Taarab Za Waimbaji Bi Fatma Issa Na Shakila Said

SHUKURANI Kwanza kabisa, napenda kumshukuru Mwenyezi Mungu mwingi wa rehema kwa kunijaalia uzima na afya njema katika kipindi chote cha kukamilisha utafiti huu. Pili, ninamshukuru msimamizi wa utafiti huu, Dkt Muhammed Seif Khatib ambaye alikuwa mwongozaji wa kazi hii na alifanya juhudi kubwa kuhakikisha kuwa utafiti huu unamalizika katika hali ya ubora zaidi. Mwenyezi Mungu amlipe ujira mwema, Amina. Aidha, nawashukuru walimu wangu wote walionifundisha kozi za Fasihi ya Kiswahili ambao kwa ...

1 - 15 Of 154 Results