Communication Studies Research Papers/Topics

An Examination of Television Political Advertising Before The 2012 Presidential Elections

ABSTRACT  The study is an analysis of the content of political party television advertisements preceding the 2012 general elections. The study, among others, aimed to find out which of the two major political parties, the ruling NDC and the opposition NPP, relied on negative advertising to achieve their aims. It also sought to find out which issues the two parties focused on. The study was anchored in the functional theory of political campaign discourse. A content analysis of seventy-one te...

Newspaper Coverage of Cocaine Crime in Ghana; A Content Analysis of Daily Traffic And Daily Guide

ABSTRACT Newspapers play an important surveillance role in exposing all activities in society and bringing them to the attention of their patrons. In turn, public attention to these exposures and representations become the subject matter of public discussion and determination of issue salience within society. This study examined newspaper coverage of cocaine issues in Ghana by content analyzing sampled editions of the Daily Graphic and the Daily Guide in 2014. The study set out to examine th...

Content Analysis of WWW.MYJOYONLINE.COM And WWW.GRAPHIC.COM.GH Coverage OF The 2016 General Elections OF Ghana.

ABSTRACT This study content analyzed the January 2016 to January 2017 articles relating to the 2016 general elections in Ghana that appeared on two news portals - and The objectives of the study were to identify the dominant frames that were used by the two online portals in covering the elections as well as the level of prominence attached to the election coverage. It also sought to find out the level of bias in their coverage. A quantitative content analysis...

Portrayal Of Women Parliamentary Candidates During The 2012 Elections By The Daily Graphic, Daily Guide And The Enquirer

ABSTRACT This study is a quantitative content analysis of media coverage of female parliamentary candidates by the Daily Graphic, the Daily Guide and The Enquirer in the 2012 general elections in Ghana. The principal goal of the study was to determine the nature and extent of coverage afforded the female candidates in comparison to the male candidates and to establish whether gender played a role in coverage by the three newspapers. The research specificallysought to find out whether the cove...

Foreign TV Programmes in Ghana; A Comparative Study of GTV, VIASAT 1 AND ETV- GHANA

ABSTRACT  Research evidence suggests that developed countries, particularly the US, are imperialistic when it comes to cultural products. This has been attributed to the fact that foreign television programmes, from information rich countries, flood the schedules of local television stations of information poor countries. This phenomenon is referred to as cultural imperialism. The main objective of this study was to ascertain whether the claim that there is Western dominance of media content...

Exploring The Funding Of Public Service Broadcasting In Ghana’s Democracy

ABSTRACT This research was undertaken to explore the sources of funding of the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation to determine whether it was reflective of that of a Public Service Broadcaster or other Broadcasting Systems. Two qualitative approaches were adopted for the study, focus group discussion and in-depth interviews were used in data collection. Two groups of six persons were used for the focus group discussion and two persons for the in-depth interview. The results indicated that GBCs fu...

Animation As A Persuasive Tool In Internet Advertising Messages: A Study Of University Of Ghana Students

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to find out how animation affected internet advertisements. This study was conducted to see if, by incorporating animation into internet ads, these ads may become more effective at influencing audiences. In essence it sought to find out if animation enhanced the persuasive effect of internet ads. This study was conducted within the framework of the hierarchy of effects model. This model suggests that individuals are persuaded in three main stages. The...

Provider-Patient Communication In Maternal Health

ABSTRACT The health issues of pregnant women cannot be effectively addressed without due consideration to communication. The way in which health providers communicate with pregnant women can have significant effects on health outcomes. Effective communication can help bridge information, knowledge and awareness gaps to enable pregnant women play active roles in their health issues and motivate them to patronize maternal services. The purpose of this study was to find out the perceptions of p...

Determinants Of News Selection: A Study Of The Daily Graphic

ABSTRACT The study was designed and carried out to find out the criteria that govern the selection of news at the Daily Graphic. The study focused particularly on the front page news. The study was also intended to assess what informs the choice of certain news items over others and why some news items are presented prominently on the front page over others. Three methods were used in this study: a survey, content analysis and in-depth interviews. Seventy-two editions of the Daily Graphic a...

Portrayal of Ethnic Minorities in Ghanaian Newspaper; A Case Study of The Fulani

ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study is to determine how Ghanaian newspapers, especially the most widely circulated state-owned Daily Graphic and privately owned Daily Guide portrayed the Fulani ethnic minority in their reportage. The study used a quantitative content analysis approach in the gathering and collection of data. The census technique was used to sample 858 issues of the two dailies from 2013 to 2015. Eight categories were coded and analysed. The framing theory was adopted as ...

Electronic Media Violence and Juvenile Delinquency: A Case Study of Inmates Of The Senior Correctional Centre, Accra

ABSTRACT This study explored the perceived circumstances surrounding inmates of the Senior Correctional Centre‟s involvement in criminal acts, all a bid to find out theses young offenders‟ thoughts about electronic media violence and their involvement in crime. The meanings which the inmates themselves made of their perceived risk factors were also of great interest. Using the social learning theory by Albert Bandura (1977) as the anchor of this study and guided by other studies on the su...

151 - 161 Of 161 Results