Philosophy Research Papers/Topics

Effects Of Home Background Factors On Students’ Academic Achievement In Agricltural Sciences In Katsina State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT  Educational goals and systems around the world differ in many respects. The concerns to meet with the national and Katsina State educational goals regarding the supply of human resources stem from the decreasing number of qualified candidates for admission into the field of agriculture in the higher institutions of learning. The overall objective of this study was to establish the effects of home background factors on students’ academic achievement in agricultural sciences in Kat...

Effectiveness Of Smallholder Farmers’ Adaptation Strategies In Improving Well-Being In Light Of Climate Change In Iringa District Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT  Climate change is happening and poses significant challenges to households, businesses and governments. Different adaptation strategies are carried against impact of climate change by smallholder farmers in semi-arid areas of Iringa District but little is known about their effectiveness in improving smallholders’ well-being. The overall objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness of adaptation strategies in a changing climate and climate variability in semi-a...

Spatial Diversity Of Households’ Participation In Poverty Reduction Programmes In Tanzania: A Case Of Tanzania Social Action Fund (Tasaf)

ABSTRACT Most development policies emphasize on households‟ participation in poverty reduction programmes to achieve poverty reduction outcomes. However, many studies argue that most of the participatory programmes adopted in Tanzania are ineffective. One of the major reasons for ineffectiveness is spatial diversity of households‟ participation in poverty reduction programmes. Unfortunately, none of such studies have identified the level and factors and effects of spatial diversity of ho...

Sustainable Options For Wetland-Based Livelihoods: The Case Of Pangani River Basin, Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT This study demonstrates how theories of development and international conventions related to wetlands management are translated into national policies and the consequences of their implementation. The study adopted UK‟s Department for International Development (DFID) livelihood framework in designing sustainable options for wetland based livelihoods in the Pangani river basin, Tanzania. Comparative and case study research designs adopted in the study considered three live...

Effects Of Non-Tariff Barriers On Maize Production And Marketing In Songwe Region Of Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study assessed the effect of Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs) on production and marketing of maize for smallholder farmers in Mbozi and Momba Districts located in Songwe region in Tanzania. Specifically, the study pursued the following objectives to; i) determine the percentage contribution of NTBs on transaction costs for smallholder farmers and traders in the two districts (ii) determine the influence of NTBs on market participation decisions for smallholder farmers in the two dist...

Economic Potential Of Newly Introduced Chicken Strains At Farm Level In Selected Areas Of Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT In Tanzania, local chicken farming is an integral part of the rural economy with a high potential for poverty reduction and enhancing food security. However, despite its contributions to household economy and food security, local chicken productivity remains low because of low genetic potential, diseases and poor feeding. One of the options to increase local chicken production and productivity is the adoption of the chicken strains with high genetic potential. In that respe...

Control of haemonchosis using barbevax® vaccine in indigenous sheep and goats in melela ward, Morogoro Tanzania.

ABSTRACT A cross sectional study was carried out during the dry season (between June and August 2014) to establish the status of helminth infestation in nine traditionally managed small ruminant flocks in Mlandizi village of Melela ward in Mvomero district of the Morgoro region. A longitudinal study was thereafter implemented from August 2014 to January 2015 to determine the influence of Haemonchus spp. target Barbevax® vaccine on gastrointestinal parasite burdens in traditional sheep and g...

Communication Media Preferences By Rural Communities For Acquisition Of Agricultural Information In Mvomero And Kilosa Districts, Morogoro, Tanzania

ABSTRACT It has not been established yet whether or not the availability, accessibility and content of communication media and their related factors influence heterogeneous groups in their preferences for communication media for the acquisition of agricultural information in rural communities in Tanzania. This study aimed at establishing preferences for communication media for the acquisition of agricultural information by rural community members in Mvomero and Kilosa Districts. It comprised...

Prevalence, Awareness And Management Of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus In Mwanza City, Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a metabolic disease caused by either inadequate insulin produced by beta cells of the pancreas or inability of body cells to respond to insulin produced. Prevalence of this disease is increasing rapidly around the world. This study was conducted to assess the prevalence, awareness and management of T2DM among adults in Mwanza City, Tanzania. A multistage random sampling technique was employed to obtain representative subjects. A total of 2...

Evaluating The Effectiveness Of Out-Grower Projects In Reducing Poverty In Rural Zambia: A Case Of The Eastern Province

In 1991, the Zambian economy was liberalized and the agricultural sector was not spared. The out-growerprivate sector interest in outgrowing grew and has been on an increase ever since.In 1991, rural poverty stood at 88 percent and 46.8 percent for urban poverty respectively. The Living Conditions Monitoring Survey (LCMS) conducted in 2015 revealed that rural poverty stood at 76.6 percent and 23.4 percent for urban poverty respectively. To this effect, rural poverty still remains high and pre...

Investigating The Relationship Between Mandatory Contractual Savings And Stock Market Development In Sub-Saharan African Countries

This study investigates the relationship between mandatory contractual savings and stock market development in Sub-Saharan African (SSA). It also investigates the compatibility of the policies and regulations adopted in SSA countries, with the relationship between mandatory contractual savings and stock market development. Before the exploration of the relationship, an analysis of the characteristics of both mandatory contractual savings and stock markets was done.  The rationale of the stu...

A Business Case For The Adoption Of A Knowledge Management Strategy And Government Policy As Precursors For Divapreneurship Development In Zimbabwe

This thesis showcases a business value proposition to policy makers for the adoption of a new business paradigm involving the infusion of knowledge management practices, strategic thinking and government policy intervention for divapreneurship development in Zimbabwe.  The significance of knowledge management (KM), in women entrepreneurial development arises from the fact that KM is considered as one of the most effective strategic toolsfor enterprise survival (Kim and Koh, 2011).  Notwiths...

Exploring The Factors Influencing The State Of Physical Infrastructure Of Subordinate Courts In The Republic Of Zambia

The Judiciary, as the guardian of the Constitution, through its Courts, plays its principle role of administering justice, promoting the rule of law and protecting human rights of individuals, as such it should be housed in proper fit for purpose infrastructure. However, the Judiciary in Zambia, especially at Subordinate Court level, has continued to operate in pre-independence court buildings which are too small and not conducive for the dispensation of justice in the modern era. Though the ...

Strategic Lean Thinking And Value Management For Gravel Roads In Zambia: A Case Study Of Output Performance Based Road Contracts

This research topic is entitled ‘Strategic Lean Thinking and Value Management for Gravel Roads’. The study captured 82 respondents as research sample to a case study of Output Performance - Based Contracts (OPRCs) for the Construction and Maintenance of Gravel Roads in Zambia. Purposive sampling was used as most research participants were drawn from second generation OPRCs that were active between 2009 and 2014. The study was aimed at devising new Construction and Maintenance Contract met...

Embracing The Second Academic Revolution: An Entrepreneurial University Model For Malawian Universities

The emergence of an entrepreneurial university in the United States and its consequent adoption in mostly developed and developing economies has made governments virtually all over the world to recognize the potential of the university as a resource to enhance innovation environments and create a regime of science-based economic development. In addition to addressing gaps in the National Innovation System, an entrepreneurial university provides solutions to myriad challenges faced by higher e...

181 - 195 Of 571 Results