Philosophy Research Papers/Topics

Studies On Spirometra Species Isolate From Minjingu And Seroprevalence Of Human Sparganosis In Selected Districts Of Manyara And Arusha Regions, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The genus Spirometra belongs to the order Pseudophyllidea and family Diphyllobothridea. The aim of the present study was to determine the complete life cycle of the tapeworm Spirometra and characterize the parasite using traditional parasitological methods and molecular biology techniques, and determine seroprevalence of spargana antibodies, knowledge, attitudes and practices on sparganosis infection among humans in Babati and Monduli districts, Tanzania. The investigation was condu...

The Role Of Traditional Institutions In Forest Resources Management In South Uluguru Mountains, Morogoro Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Understanding the role traditions play in forest resources management from the insider's perspective is central in determining dynamics in forest management at the community level. It has been populated that engaging, rather than disengaging local communities in efforts towards natural resources management including forest resources is cardinal based on communities' historical interactions with their resources. Accordingly, the value of traditional practices in natural resources man...

Weaver Ant Oecophylla Longinoda Latreille (Hymenoptera Formicidae) As Biocontrol Agent On Major Insect Pests Of Cashew And Mango In Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Experiments to determine the potential of Weaver ants, Oecophylla longinoda Latreille (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) as biocontrol agents of major insect pests of cashew and mango were conducted at Naliendele Agricultural Research Institute in Mtwara and Kibaha in the Coast region, during 2012/13 and 2013/14 fruiting seasons. Cashew is attacked by Coconut bugs, Pseudotheraptus wayi Brown; Mirid bugs, Helopeltis spp. and Thrips, Selenothrips rubrocinctus Giard. Mango is threatene...

Developing An Integrated Soil Fertility Management Decision Support Tool For Arabica Coffee (Coffea Arabica) In Selected Areas Of Northern Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT  Coffee is one of the major export crops in Tanzania, contributing 24% to the agricultural gross domestic product (AGDP). The crop contributes directly to the livelihoods of over 420 000 farm families and indirectly to over 2 million people employed in the coffee value-chain. The Tanzanian average coffee production is variably pegged at 45 000 – 52 000 metric tons annually, while smallholder coffee productivity per tree ranges between 250 and 300g of parchment which is lo...

Getting To Yes: Belief Convergence And Asymmetrical Normative Entrapment In EUACP EPA Negotiations

 The theoretical origins of this dissertation arise from a quest to understand and explain two key puzzles relating to EU negotiations for a Free Trade Agreement (called Economic Partnership Agreement) with the African Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) States. These negotiations have been ongoing since 2002. These puzzles are:    One, there is the puzzle of how to explain the variable speed that now differentiates ACP regions and states in their ratification of their 2007 EPA agreement? ACP sta...

Network Frames And Their Link To Commitment In Drought Early Warning Information Systems: Evidence From The FEWS NET-KFSSG Anti-Famine Campaign

This study examined the effectiveness of Kenya’s famine early warning information (FEWI) network from 2007 to 2013. The study assessed: presence of collaborative networks (NC), strength of networks (C), organizational commitment (OC), types of information commitments (IC), and perceived impact (PE) by stakeholders at FEWI’s strategy-capacitybuilding-network, the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) and the coordination-implementer-network, the Kenya Food Security Steering Grou...

The Problem Of God’s Existence In Kant’s Philosophy

Immanuel Kant rejected the classical ontological, cosmological, and teleological arguments for the existence of God on the grounds of their probabilistic status. Having comprehensively analysed, criticized, and rejected the classical proofs of God’s existence, Kant turned to the moral field to find justification for the belief in God. Having concluded that speculative or pure reason (which supports the classical metaphysical argument) cannot escape the sphere of probability, Kant turne...

An Evaluation Of Thomas Kuhn’s Concept Of Paradigm Shift In Science

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to expose and evaluate Thomas Kuhn’s concept of paradigm shift in science with a view to showing that scientific progress is not achieved by appealing to traditional methods of doing science only. Scholars who uphold the traditional idea of science like Rudolf Carnap, are of the view that scientific innovations must exist within a tradition. They forgot that science can also be driven by moral, political and religious beliefs which according to Harding...

Assessment Of The Impacts Of Climate Variability And Change On Rainfed Cereal Crop Productivity In Central Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT  Though production of cereal crops in Tanzania could succumb to the projected climate change, research has mainly focused on maize (Zea mays L), the main staple crop for the country, and just little work has been done to analyse climate change impacts specifically on sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench]. This study analysed the nature and sources of vulnerability on sorghum production by smallholder farmers due to climate variability and change and evaluated possible farm-l...

The Role Of Institutions In Mitigating Natural Resourcebased Conflicts Between Farmers And Pastoralists In Kilosa And Mvomero Districts, Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Recurrent conflicts between farmers and pastoralists have brought significant impact on both groups and the society at large in Kilosa and Mvomero districts. Mitigation of conflicts between farmers and pastoralists, with the intention of bringing up peace and tranquility in the community is important for empowering farmers and pastoralists in terms of skills in modern farming without encroaching other land, keeping livestock without disturbing others and arbitration mechani...

Robert Nozick’s Entitlement Theory Of Justice And The Crisis In The Niger Delta, Nigeria

ABSTRACT For the world to be fit to live in, there needs to be a preponderance of peace, and peace is not the absence of war, but the presence of justice. Hence, Augustine says, “remove justice and what are kingdoms but gangs of criminals on a large scale.” Where justice is denied, the results are evident - a state of war of everyman against everyman, violations of rights, bloodshed, and clash of interests. While the interests of the stronger prevail, the weaker ones resort to resistance...

Exploring The Feasibility Of Restorative Justice As A Mechanism For Reconciliation Among The Survivors Of Kenya’s Ethnopolitical Violence,

Following Kenya’s instances of ethno-political violence in the period 1992-2012, there are concerns that a comprehensive redress for victims of human rights abuses remains largely a mirage. This study is driven by the concern that despite numerous transitional justice efforts carried out by the government and the civil society, relationships among communities in Molo sub-county remain tense, marked with suspicion and a desire for revenge. This study seeks to find out whether restorative jus...

Contributions Of Community Based Approaches To Countering Youth Radicalization In Kenya’s Mombasa And Nairobi Counties.

This research investigated the community-based approaches and interventions that have been adopted by communities in Nairobi and Mombasa Counties of Kenya in counterradicalization work. Community-based approaches focusing on building the resilience of communities to react and respond to challenges posed by youth radicalization including their involvement in violent extremism are now considered to be a key plank of any counterterrorism work globally. The underlying perspective for this shift i...

Determinants Of Demand For Family Planning Services In City Slums In Kenya

The Kenya government, in collaboration with other stakeholders involved in the provision of family planning services, have put in place various strategies and policies to increase uptake of family planning services. These are aimed at increasing contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR), reduction in both total fertility rate (TFR) and unmet need for family planning services. Despite the various strategies and policies, total fertility rate still remains high at 4.6 percent, while CPR and unmet nee...

Evaluation Of Potential Vector Control Methods That Target Outdoor Feeding Anopheles Mosquitoes

ABSTRACT Insecticide-Treated Nets (ITNs/Long Lasting Insecticide-Treated Nets (LLINs) and Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) have contributed to halving global malaria incidence and mortality rates. Achieving zero malaria transmission using these methods which target indoor-feeding mosquitoes is hampered by residual malaria transmission attributable to outdoor-feeding mosquitoes. This study evaluated potential malaria vector-control methods that target outdoor-feeding Anopheles mosquitoes to con...

226 - 240 Of 571 Results