Philosophy Research Papers/Topics

Evaluation Of Strategies For Improvement Of Grass Silage Quality For Smallholder Dairy Farmers In Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Silage production strategy has never been widely adopted by majority of dairy farmers in Tanzania. On the other hand, most silage making technologies are expensive and not technically viable under smallholder production. Studies which have been done in developing cheap, practical and technically feasible silage making technologies concentrated on a single dimensional approach of intervention, i.e. pre-ensiling treatments, additives, others on ensiling amount and storage pos...

Effect of irrigation regimes on yield and quality of grapes (vitis vinifera l. Cv. ‘makutupora red’) in Dodoma Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT A growing viticulture industry in Dodoma, Tanzania has sparked a need to establish best management in irrigation practices for the improvement of quality of vine grapes and wine. Drip irrigation is important in vines cultivation in tropical semi-arid areas as it improves water productivity more than other irrigation systems. Fully irrigated grapes have shown to have higher yield and lower grape quality when compared to rain fed grapes which are coincidently under limited wa...

Sustainability Of Community-Based Development Projects In Tanzania: A Case Of Drilled Wells Projects In Kondoa And Chamwino Districts Of Dodoma Region

ABSTRACT Despite institutional and policy reforms to enhance the sustainability of drilled wells projects in the Dodoma Region, the sustainability of those projects in the region remains a major challenge. Therefore, the research was done with the general objective to examine the sustainability of community-based drilled wells projects in two districts of Dodoma Region Tanzania. The specific objectives were to: determine factors affecting the sustainability of community-based drilled wells p...

Genotype – Pathogen Characterization And Markers Identification For Angular Leaf Spot Disease Resistance In Common Bean In Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT This work aimed at characterizing Angular Leaf Spot (ALS) and Pseudocercospora griseola in relation to its host and characterization of resistant genotypes amongst the locally adapted genotypes. A survey was conducted in nine regions where disease severity was established and samples of pathogen and genotypes collected for variability study based on molecular and pathogenicity characteristics. Resistant genotypes were characterized based on their response to ALS in field an...

The Effect Of Cold Storage And Cooking Procedures On The Levels Of Oxytetracycline Residues In Beef From Dodoma Region, Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT  Worldwide, there is increased use of antimicrobial drugs due to the occurrence of diseases of human and animals. The general objective was to study the effect of cooking procedures and cold storage on the levels of Oxytetracycline (OTC) residues in beef in Tanzania. The study used a cross-sectional research design whereby both quantitative and qualitative data were collected from the Dodoma region, Tanzania. The household survey was conducted to assess knowledge, attitude ...

Influence Of Terrain, Soil And Water Inter-Relationships On The Distribution Of Plant Communities In Jozani Groundwater Forest, Zanzibar, Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT  On a coastline, tidal water and air constantly reach land surface and/or aquifer. Tropical forests before or adjacent to this line are usually having a wide range of habitats. Jozani Groundwater Forest (JGWF) is one of the tropical coastal forests with a wide range of floral and faunal habitats. The forest (JGWF) has a significant role in biodiversity conservation and ecotourism. International bodies including UNESCO recognize JGWF as the most important part of Jozani-Chwa...

Environmental And Cassava Variety Influence On Dynamics And Impacts Of Cassava Green Mite, Mononychellus Tanajoa (Bondar) (Acarina: Tetranychidae) In Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT In Tanzania, cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is an integral component of most cropping systems and is among the most important staples in many zones. It is an essential component as a food security crop and provides useful opportunities for extending labour use and sometimes considered as a famine reserve when cereals fail due to its drought tolerance. Cassava is attacked by several pests, among which cassava green mite, Mononychellus tanajoa (Acarina: Tetranychidae) is ...

Ethical Issues In The Management Of Hiv/Aids Patients In Nakuru District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The cure of HIV/AIDS has not been discovered, hence causing fear, discrimination and stigmatization to the victims. The general objective of this study was to establish whether healthcare professionals understood and adhered to different codes of professional ethics while treating HIV/AIDS patients, and whether lack of this contributed to fear, discrimination and stigma. The study examined this problem through the utilitarian ethical theory propagated by Jeremy Bentham and John Stuar...

Organizational Strategic Capabilities, Compliance With Regulations And Competitive Advantage Of Commercial Banks In Kenya

The business environment today is characterized as Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous thus the capability to sense and respond to market threats and opportunities with speed and surprise has become essential for survival of organizations. The commercial banks operating in Kenya are experiencing a fast pace of change characterized by customers‘ sophistication, strict regulation and supervision, technology advancement and liberalization of banking license leading to rapid internationa...

Household Socioeconomic Determinants Of Nutritional Status Of Children Under-Five Years In Fishing Communities In Pangani District, Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Undernutrition among children under five years old is still a public health problem in Tanzania despite the global and national efforts in combating it. The Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MoHCDGEC) has initiated a number of projects and programmes in order to curb the problem of undernutrition in Tanzania. Despite the efforts, Tanzania has the highest rate of prevalence of undernutrition in East and Southern Africa. This study was c...

Modelling Spatial Variability Of Soil Moisture Holding Capacity In A Dry Sub-Humid Landscape

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Moisture scarcity is a limiting factor for sustainable agricultural productivity of dry sub-humid agroecosystemsof sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Designing sustainable agricultural system management strategies responsive to the fluctuating soil moisture regime is essential. Detailed and accurate information on soil moisture storage conditions is essential for modelling agricultural system productivity. Moisture storage capacity of the soils is quantified by moisture holding capa...

Effectiveness Of Agricultural Extension Human-Wildlife Conflict Mitigation Strategies On Human-Wildlife Conflict Among Smallholder Agro-Pastoralists In Laikipia County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The agriculture sector in Kenya is critical in the achievement of food security, employment creation and provision of raw materials for agro-industries. The sector is affected by various challenges that impact negatively on its performance. Human-wildlife conflict is one of the pressing challenges farmers in Laikipia County are experiencing despite agricultural extension promoting various mitigation strategies. Available evidence showed that information on the effectiveness of Agricu...

Agricultural Education And Youth Farm Entrepreneurial Intention: Evidence From Selected Folk Development Colleges In Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT  Education is widely acknowledged as a transformative tool for any desired human behaviour. Similarly, agricultural education and training has been a pivotal tool in improving productivity and efficiency in the agricultural sector. However, its outcomes in terms of graduate alignment to farming entrepreneurship is questionable since majority of youth graduating from agricultural colleges have shown limited interest in engaging in farm related enterprises. Besides, disintere...

Legal Aid Service Interventions And Women Empowerment Against Violence In Morogoro Rural And Kongwa Districts, Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Legal Aid Services (LAS) providers have paid much attention to advocating women’s human right issues. Yet, violation of women rights manifested in various forms of Gender Based Violence (GBV) against Women is still rampant. Experience shows that, in most cases, victims remain silent and therefore perpetrators of violence are not reported to formal or informal institutions for legal actions. Since most of the perpetrators are men, violation of women rights is one of the mo...

Genotypic Diversity And Antimicrobial Resistance In Salmonella Isolates From Food Animals And Animal Products

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Salmonella infection is the second leading cause of foodborne illness in humans worldwide. Salmonella spp. as one of the foodborne pathogens are widely distributed in food animal production systems. Food animal products, therefore, are considered as the major reservoir for the pathogens. Salmonella spp. have the potential to contaminate food across the production chain. Most strains of commonly occurring serotypes, such as Typhimurium, have been shown to exhibit multi-drug ...

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