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Research Papers/Topics Education

Advancing the use of “Continuous zero-based reassessment of assumptions, hypotheses and methods”: A vital tool and technique in the interests of better science

The approach conceptualized, described and advocated in this paper may appear to be highly conventional and non-radical at the outset and at a preliminary or a cursory glance, but it has plenty of substance to offer to the healthy pursuit of rigour, dispassionate objectivity, and wholesome and balanced scientific activity. We do not aim or propose to set the cat among the pigeons or create an unwarranted flutter that could potentially rattle and alienate scholars, but instead create in the me...

Forging “Methodological inductivism” in the interests of better science: Encouraging Methodological inductivism as a harbinger of meaningful change in different kinds of scientific endeavour

We begin this paper by defining various pertinent and relevant terms such as the term inductivism in science, hypothetico-deductivism, and subsequently also provide the definitions of various other terms such as a methodology which naturally also include and encompass terms such as research and scientific methodology, scientific methods, scientific techniques, scientific processes and scientific procedures; we then proceed to lay down the bare essentials of what we would like to call “Metho...

Instituting “Institutional coherentism” as a prerequisite for high-quality science: Another crucial step for winning the battle for consistent high-quality science

Abstract  This paper is proposed because even though coherentism and internal and external validity are often rigorously pursued in the real-world by researchers and many eminent scientists of repute, the idea of “institutional coherentism” the way we define and understand it in this paper, rarely is. The approach described in this paper probably does not exist in toto or unqualifiedly elsewhere , hence the justification and the basis for this paper. We also provide examples to show why ...

Classroom Games in Spelling (CGIS) Enhancing Poor Spelling Skills of Grade 8 Students

Students in some sections or classrooms inevitably perform poorly in class. There are many variables to take into consideration that can affect this issue, one of which is spelling difficulties. In Tambongon National High School, Grade 8, we observed 10 students who struggled with spelling. This study aims to identify approaches and plans for enhancing student performance. In response to this issue and the researchers' objectives, the researchers created an intervention called Classroom Games...

Baking Innovative and Creative Techniques into Scientific Method

The core objective of this paper is to investigate and propose methods and means through which various classes of innovative and creative thinking techniques which include both existing techniques in popular current usage, and those yet to be conceptualized and theorized can be baked into scientific method both integrally and intrinsically, and in a natural and a harmonious fashion. This we believe can lead to faster and more comprehensive scientific progress across disciplines and geographie...

Digital Transformation and Organisational Climate on Job Satisfaction of Teachers in Lagos State

ABSTRACT Despite the growing importance of digital transformation and organizational climate in education, there is a notable gap in the literature regarding their combined impact on teacher job satisfaction. Understanding the interplay between these factors is essential as it can provide valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities faced by teachers in the digital age. Therefore, this research seeks to address this gap by examining the impact of digital transformation and organi...

Influence of Gender on Sport Participation and Performance

TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1       Background of the Study                                                                                           1.2       Statement of Problem                                                                                                ...

Motivational incentives on business educators performance in Teaching business studies

ABSTRACT In today’s world, being an educator is an difficult challenge. Beyond the day to day of tutoring and marking, educators/ professors are faced with pupils with behavioral or family issues, learning disabilities, and more. Due to economic condition of the country most states find it hard to motivate or give incentive to their teachers. This situation has raised public concern as well as negative perception of stakeholders towards the schools and ultimate goal of education in schools...

The Effect of Entrepreneurial Characteristics on Business Performance in Ogun and Lagos State

ABSTRACT This study assessed the effect of entrepreneurial characteristics (Risk-taking propensity, innovativeness and self-confidence) on the business performance in Ogun and Lagos State. It specifically examined the effect of risk-taking propensity on business performance of Feedmill and Foodco in Ogun and Lagos State; assessed the impact of innovativeness on business performance of Feedmill and Foodco in Ogun and Lagos State; determined the effect of self-confidence on business performance...

Influence of Economic Status on the Social Health of Undergraduate Students at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria

Abstract This paper explores the influence of economic status on the social health of undergraduate students at Ahmadu Bello University in Zaria, Nigeria. Education is a fundamental aspect of individual growth and societal development. However, students' economic backgrounds can significantly impact their social well-being. To execute this research, four research questions and four research hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. In this study, descriptive survey design was used with t...

Promoting science activism for the twenty-first century and beyond: Positioning science activism to promote course corrections in science and to lead to higher scientific output across societ

We begin this paper by providing a brief definition of activism, carrying out a brief overview of activism through the ages, and also present a review of the different types of activism as carried out in different geographies and segments of society. We also state why activism is still sorely lacking in various fields in the sciences to promote the cause of the sciences, and explain why we need to step up the ante, and promote science activism which can also be known as scientific activism, i...

Educational Management Crisis Under the Post Covid-19 Pandemic Realities in Nigeria

This research is a study of the situational realities Nigeria has been plunged into in the aftermath of the COVID-19 global pandemic which translate into educational management crisis, following the decline in the surge of the global pandemic. The study investigates the present situation of systemic academic declension caused by the ripple effect of the pandemic in the educational sector. It forelays the ground for a plethora of chain-reaction of endemic crisis of educational management witne...

Reducing the ‘latency period’ for the acceptance of new scientific ideas: Positioning the ‘latency period’ for the acceptance of scientific ideas as an indicator of scientific maturity

There is often an inordinate time span from the time a new idea is gestated till it is widely accepted in scientific and in popular circles, with wide variations commonly observed across geographies and disciplines. This elapsed time may be referred to as the ‘latency period’ for the acceptance, or even a structured and a justified rejection, as the case may be, of new or novel ideas. This can be observed in most societies around the world, unfortunately even in more advanced ones. There ...

Challenges Facing Heads of Public Secondary Schools in Implementation of School Development Plans in Morogoro Municipality, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate on the challenges facing heads of public secondary schools in implementing their school development plans in Morogoro Municipality. The study was cross – sectional and employed survey method. Two instruments were developed and used to collect data for the study. They were questionnaire and interviews. The total number of the respondents were 100 and were selected to address the research objectives. Teachers who participated in the ...

Effects of Yogic Practices on Polypharmacy

The occurrence and concurrency of Noncommunicable chronic diseases increase with age, and therefore, the number of medications used increases correspondingly. Polypharmacy is a scenario in which five medications or more are consumed concurrently (regardless of dose and duration of consumption), which leads to reduced quality of life, physical problems, increased drug interactions, adverse effects, and medical complications and increases the cost of treatment. Moreover, polypharmacy incr...

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