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Research Papers/Topics Education

The Impact Of Socio-Economic Factors On Academic Perferformance Of Pupils In Selected Primary Schools Of Mogobich Zone, Nandi-East District Kenya

ABSTRACT The study investigate the socio-economic factors affecting pupils performance in Mogobich zone and the following objectives guided the study; Investigate the relationship between family background and socio-economic factors. Establish relationship between pupils and academic performance and analyze the effects of socioeconomic factors on school enrolment. The study adopted a descriptive research design. This enhanced the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the socioeconom...

Effect Of Post Election Crisis To Education: Case Study Of Rift Valley Schools

Abstract The announcement oftl1e presidential election resnlts' in 30th December 2007 led to an escalation of posts in various parts of Kenya. The post-election violence experienced in Kenya since 30th December 2007 has resulted in a number of deaths and displacement of people from their homes in various parts of the country. Various sectors of the Kenyan society have been affected. This paper examines the effects of the post election crisis on education in Kenya with reference to the learner...

Challenges Faced By Physically Handicapped Learners In Inclusive Settings In A Wendo Division, Rongo District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was intended to examine the challenges of inclusion of children of children with physical Disabilities (handicapped in regular primary schools in Awendo division, Rongo district, Kenya. The study adopted a Quantitative research design. This enhanced the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the problems and impact of free primary education on the quality of special education for the physically disabled learners in Awendo division, Rongo District Kenya. The method...

Effects Of Teachers' Unethical Conduct On Primary Pupils' Academic Performance In Temeke Municipal Council, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was conducted in TEMEKE municipal council, Dar-es-salaam Tanzania. The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of teacher unethical conduct on primary pupils' academic perfonnance. . A total number of 259 respondents were involved as follows; Pupils Officers Teachers Male 91 6 11 female 109 11 31 total 200 17 42 Data was collected using questionnaires and oral interviews. The forms of ethical conduct included teachers, pupils sexual relationships, teachers' sellin...

The Impact Of School Drop Out Primary School Pupil's A Case Study Of Mengo Primary School In Kampala City

ABSTRACT The study was to investigate the impact of school dropouts in Mengo Primary school. The objectives of the study include; establishing the causes of school dropouts in Mengo Primary School The impact of school dropouts in Mengo Primary School. The research survey design was used; the population targeted included teachers, political leaders and parents The conclusions of the study included poverty, corporal punishments and diseases The impact of the study includes; high cnme rates, il...

Challenges facing private primary schools: case study of mwea division, mbeere district in eastren province of kenya.

ABSTRACT  The study carried out an investigation on the challenges faced by private primary schools in their effort to render and supplement the efforts of the government in as far as rendering education to the country's citizens is concerned. The study took Mwea Division; Mbeere District located in Eastern Province of Kenya as a case study. Previous studies indicate that a number of challenges do affect the operations of private primary schools but most importantly, the failure of these sch...

Challenges Faced By Teachers Handling Ll~Tellectually Challenged Learners Integratedin Regular School In Gatanga Division Trika District, Kenya

Abstract One of the biggest problems that people with disabilities have to bear is to live with able group special education have brought a lot of development although problems have cropped in positive altitude to these groups should be evitable. This is the only recipe that can salvage learners with intellectual impairments from the scorn ofthose who do not see them like other human beings Therefore this special study paper will enlighten the people on who a learners with intellectual impair...

Students Perceptions Of Guidance And Counseling Service A Case Of Kampala International University, Kansanga, Makindye Division

ABSTRACT This study was carried out on the "Students Perception of Guidance and Counseling Service' at Kampala International University - Kansanga. Its specific aims were to establish the Students' perception to guidance and counseling, to identify the need for guidance and Counseling, to find out the problems faced in guidance and counseling services with their possible solutions. To clearly grasp the problem of the study, a review of literature on the specific objectives was done. The stud...

Play And Its Effects On Early Childhood Education In The Selected Primary Schools, Mandera West District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the Effectiveness of Play on Early Childhood Development in ECDE Centers of Takaba Division, Mandera West District Kenya The specific objectives of the study were to Determine the profile of the respondents in regards to: age, gender and academic level, to investigate the importance of playing in regards to: academic achievement, problem solving, social and linguistic competence Confidence building and Healthy development and to identify...

Investigation on low enrolment in pre-schools in mwingi division, mwingi district.

ABSTRACT  The purpose of the study was to investigate on low enrohnent in pre-schools in Mwingi division, Mwingi district. The objectives were: " To establish causes to low enrolment in pre-schools. • To establish contribution of the govermnent on low enrolment in pre-schools. • To establish the strategies put in place to ensure increment in pre-schools. The data was collected by meaus of questionnaires, observation and interviews. The information was got from the population of central z...

The effects of guidance and couselling as an alternative to canning on secondary schools' discipline. Case study of kasipul division rachuonyo district-kenya.

ABSTRACT This study looked at the effects of guidance and counseling as an alternative to caning on secondary schools discipline. The topic attracted considerable research due to the instances of drug abuse, truancy, defiance and delinquency slowly taking riot in the learning institutions. It has been noted with regret that discipline has been greatly compromised hence falling academic standards. The purpose of the study is to try and examine how effective guidance and counseling has been in...

Attitudes Of Regular School Teachers Towards Inclusion Of The Physically Handicapped Learners In Regular Schools In Elangata Wuas Zone Kajiado District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the role of attitudes of teachers towards the education of physical handicap children in Elangata -Wuas Zone, Kenya. The spec~fic objectives of the study were to investigate the teachers’ knowledge on physical handicap in Elangata Wuas zone. Establish the acceptance of the physically handicap by regular school teachers in Elangata Wuas zone, and to investigate the effects of teachers’ attitudes on the physically handicap learners in Ela...

Teachers' Attitudes Towards Learners With Hearing Impairment In Nkubu Zone, Nkuene Division Imenti South

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .............................................................................................................. i APPROVAL .................................................................................................................... i i DEDICATION .............................................................................................................. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .....................................................................................

The Impact Of Using Information Technology In Teaching And Learning Of Mathematics In Secondary Schools Of Vurra County, Arua District

ABSTRACT The problem in this research aroused due to poor performance of mathematics in secondary schools in Vurra County, Arua District. The purpose of this study is therefore to assess the importance ofIT in teaching and learning of mathematics in secondary schools. The investigation was conducted in the three secondary schools in Vun-a County, Arua District. The researcher used about fifty (50) respondents of who were head teachers, teachers and learners who were closely linked with the u...

The Youths And Unemployment In Nakalasa Village, Mukono District

ABSTRACT  This study is on analysis of the youth's unemployment in Uganda. It is meant to establish whether the attentipn has been raised to address the problem of youth unemployment. The study aimed at examining the attitudes of work and it also established circumstances under I which youths survive without being employed as well as the probl~ they face as a result of being unemployed. The study found out that the youths in Nakalasa village faced a lot of problems which are interlinked and ...

2851 - 2865 Of 8017 Results