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Research Papers/Topics Education

Large Scale Land Acquisition Implications On Smallholder Rice Production: The Case Of Kilombero District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study was conducted to examine large scale land acquisition implications on smallholder rice production in Kilombero District. Purposive sampling procedures were used to obtain four representative villages. In each village 40 respondents were randomly selected leading to a sample of 160 respondents. Primary data was collected through household questionnaires, focus group discussion, key informant interview and physical observations while secondary data was collected from relevan...

The Implementation Of School Feeding Program. A Case Of Nyamuroro Primary School, Gokwe North District.

ABSTRACT The study focused on the implementation of the school feeding program recently introduced by the Government of Zimbabwe through the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education to provide supplementary feeding to primary school children especially those in rural areas, who are worst affected by shortage of food. Persistent drought over the years have left a lot of children being affected resulting in massive school dropouts drawing the attention of government and forcing it (governmen...

Local Perceptions Of Household’s Vulnerability To Food Insecurity In Bahi District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study assessed household vulnerability to food insecurity as locally perceived in Bahi district. It was based on the four randomly selected villages namely Mpamantwa, Ibihwa, Mnkola and Bahi Sokoni. Primary data were collected by interviewing 100 farming households, village elders, village leaders and Ward Agricultural Extension Workers. The study addressed the local perceptions of food security and vulnerability to food insecurity; characteristics of households vulnerable ...

An investigation into the teachers’ attitudes towards the performance of the girl child in upper primary grades in Gokwe South District

ABSTRACT The research was set up to investigate teacher’s attitudes towards the performance of girls in upper primary grades in Gokwe South District in the Midlands province of Zimbabwe. The research was as a result of seeing the plight of many girls who are performing poorly in academics. The poor performance of girls affect their secondary enrolment and also affect their opportunity in the job market. The research design employed was the descriptive survey and this was because of its...

Factors Influencing The Use Of Certain Agricultural Extension Teaching Methods For Increased Adoption Of Innovations In Mvomero And Morogoro Districts

ABSTRACT Specifically, the objectives of the study were to identify the commonly used extension-teaching methods by ALEOs, to examine criteria that ALEOs used to select certain extension-teaching methods, and to assess factors that hindered ALEOs to select certain extension methods. The population included all ALEOs working in the selected wards of Morogoro and Mvomero districts and smallholder farmers. Total numbers of respondents were 50 ALEOs, 25 from Mvomero and 25 from Morogoro Dis...

The Extent To Which Safety And Health Is Provided In Ecd Learning Environment In Urban Schools In Bulawayo Metropolitan Province.

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to find out the extent to which safety and health is provided in ECD Learning environment in urban schools in Reigate District in Bulawayo Metropolitan Province. Data were generated using qualitative research. The researcher used the descriptive survey design to explore issues related to health and safety in ECD centres. It allowed the use of interview and observations guides. The sample of participants comprised of two school heads, six ECD teachers, two...

Challenges And Prospects Of Parental Involvement In The Teaching And Learning In Early Childhood Education

ABSTRACT The study aimed at finding out the challenges and prospects about parental involvement in teaching and learning at Early Childhood Education level. The study employed a qualitative research approach and adopted a descriptive survey design. The population of the study consisted of ten schools in Hyde Park North cluster under Khami District in Bulawayo Metropolitan. A sample consisted of eighteen participants from three primary schools who were purposively chosen. The participants incl...

An Investigation Into The Challenges Faced By Those Infected With Hiv At Birth, The Support Systems Available To Them And Their Effectiveness: Case Study Mashonaland West Province.

ABSTRACT Children born with HIV survive with the pain and fears that come with it. They face many challenges some of which may even be life threatening. This therefore, requires them to have a clear understanding of their status and an effective and reliable support system so that they can effectively deal with these challenges. Mashonaland West Province is one of the Provinces with the highest HIV prevalence, prostitution, early marriages and pregnancies, hence this research intends to bette...

Gender Involvement In Instrument Playing: A Case Study Of The Salvation Army Brass Band

BSTRACT The major purpose for this study was to examine gender involvement in instrument playing in The Salvation Army church Brass Band. The research employed a case study in the qualitative form. The four corps Nkulumane, Mpopoma, Bulawayo Citadel and Bulawayo temple were chosen as the case study because the researcher attends church services at one of the corps. Interviews, questionnaires and participant observation were used to collect data. Collected data was presented in the form of gra...

An Examination On The Teachers’ Perceptions On The Implementation Of Inclusive Education At Early Childhood Level In Primary Schools. A Case Study In Hope Fountain Cluster Of The Imbizo Distr

ABSTRACT This study sought to examine the teachers’ perceptions of the implementation of inclusive education at Early Childhood level in primary schools in the Hope Fountain cluster in the Imbizo District. The research design followed both quantitative and qualitative approaches since data gathered was both descriptive and numerical. The research was conducted in Hope Fountain Cluster, Imbizo District in Bulawayo Metropolitan Province which consists of eight schools. A population of sixty f...

The Role Of Ngos In Lobbying And Advocacy For Market Access By Smallholder Farmers: A Case Of Mkuranga District

ABSTRACT Traditionally many NGOs have been supporting farmers to increase agricultural production, but farmers are facing another set of challenges especially of markets and marketing. Farmers are now expected to produce for market, but they lack access to reliable markets. Based on this ground, the study was conducted in communities of Mkuranga District to assess the role of NGOs in lobbying and advocacy for market access by smallholder farmers. The study objectives were: (i) to establish th...

Assessment Of Small-Scale Local Chicken Keepers Knowledge And Practices In Enhencing Household Livelihood: The Case Study Of Bagamoyo District, Coast Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study’s main objective was to assess small-scale chicken keeper‘s knowledge and practices in enhancing Household livelihood in Makurunge and Fukayosi wards in Bagamoyo District, Tanzania. The objective of the study was to determine chicken keepers’ knowledge on small-scale local chicken production, to identify local chicken keepers on management practices and to identify the relationship of socio-personal and socio-economic status of local chicken keeper’s knowledge and ...

Cultural Factors That Affect Early Childhood Learners In Rural Areas With Reference To Masehuni Cluster

Abstract This research study is on the cultural factors that affect early leaners performance in rural schools focused on the study through discussing the background, statement of problem, research questions guiding the study, research objectives, purpose of the study, theoretical framework, delimitations and limitations of the study were also outlined .Definition of terms, purpose of the study and chapter summary were also be given.

A Collection Of Children’s Game Songs For Use In Teaching Of Recorder To Beginners

Abstract The main purpose of this research was to identify and collect children‟s game songs that can be used to teach recorder to beginner students in primary schools of Zimbabwe. The research topic was necessitated by the advocacy of African pianism by professor Akin Euba of Nigeria. African pianism is a concept of using African oriented rhythms to teach the piano in an African way. The researcher saw a gap in using African play songs (in the context of Zimbabwean play songs) to teach the...

4531 - 4545 Of 8017 Results