Guidance And Counselling Research Papers/Topics

Domestic Violence and Socio-Economic Development Among Families of Kishapu Village in Shinyanga Region

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ..................................................................................................................... .i APPROVAL ............................................................................................................................ ii DEDICATION ....................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGMENT ..............................................................

War Crime And House Hold Income In Ogur Sub County, Erute North, Lira District

ABSTRACT This research is about War Crimes and house hold income in Ogur Sub County. This area was gripped in what it was set to be until recently when a peace agreement has been negotiated between the government of Uganda and the LRA rebels. the Uganda government has been on many occasions inherently unjust, repressive and extremely violent against certain section of its citizens particularly those in Northern Uganda. This explains why a section of people took arms against it. There were div...

The Effect of Hiv/ Aids on Employees' Performance in Kagando Hospital Kasese District

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .......................................................................................................................... i APPROVAL .................................................................................................................................. ii DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................ iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .............................................

HIV/AIDS and the Environment: Impacts of HIV/AIDS and Its Preventive Measures: Case Study, Mabira Area, Lugazi District.

TABLE OF CONTENTSDeclarationDedication iiAcknowledgement iiiTable of contents ivList of tables vAbstract viCHAPTER ONE1.1 Background of the study1.2 Statement of the problem 21 .3 Objectives of the study 21.3.1 General objective 21.3.2 Specific objectives 21.4 Scope of study 21.5 Significance of the study 2CHAPTER TWO2,1 Introduction 42.2 HIV/AIDS and conservation organizations 42.3 HIV/AIDS and communities in relation to resource managementand conservation 42.4 Changes in land use 52.4. 1 Ch...

The Socio-Demographic Effects of HIV/AIDS On Women in Acholi Sub Region

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IIAPPROVAL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- mDEDICATION---------------------- ----------------------------------------- IVACKNOWLEDGEMENT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- vTABLE OF CONTENTS -- ---------------------------------------------------------- VILIST OF TAB LES ---------------------...

Stigma And Discrimination Of People Living With Idv/Aids In Buny Aruguru County, Bushenyi District, Uganda

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research study was to The overall objective of this study was to examine whether people living with HIV/AIDS in Bunyaruguru county Bushenyi District are subject to discrimination and if so, what influence does it have on their possibilities to enjoy their human right to health. The objectives of the study were determine if the HIV/AIDS-positive people in Tororo District are discriminated in their closest social context, determine the ways in which HIV/AIDS-positiv...

Psychosocial Education And Prevention Of Cervical Cancer Among Women In Lira District; A Case Of Lira Regional Referral Hospital

ABSTRACT This study was purposely designed and conducted to exmnme the influence of psychosocial education on the prevention of cervical cancer among women in Lira District. The study was focused to find out the influence of sensitization, counseling and palliative on the prevention of cervical cancer among women in Lira District. The researcher applied descriptive study design approaches to derive meanmgs from the data generated. The research instmments used to obtain data during this study ...

Stress, Coping Strategies And Students’ Attitude Towards Learningjhe Case Of Kampala International University

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate stress, coping strategies and students’ attitudes towards learning among university students. The objectives of the study were; to find out the relationship between stress and students’ attitudes towards learning, to examine the relationship between stress and coping strategies among university students and to investigate the relationship between coping strategies and students’ attitudes towards learning. In order to achieve these obj...

Learning Facilities And Academic Performance Of Students In Mathematics Subject Of Nairobi Secondary School In Nairobi District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Objectives: This study determined learning facilities and academic performance of students in mathematics subject of Nairobi Secondary School in Nairobi District, Kenya. Specifically, this study determined the profile of the respondents as to age and academic level. It also determined the level of learning facilities in terms of instructional aids! materials, classroom environment, human resource and teaching method. It determined the level of academic performance and determined if t...

Effects Of Corporal Punishment On Academic Performance Of Primary Pupils In Sacho Division, Baringo Central District-kenya

ABSTRACT The study set out to investigate the effect of corporal punishment on academic performance of pupils in selected primary schools of Sacho Division, Baringo Central District - Kenya. Most teachers in primary schools have been using corporal punishment to "enhance" pupils' academic performance. Random sampling techniques were used to select 72 pupils from public schools and 24 pupils from private schools making a total sample size of 96 pupils. The same technique was used to select 72 ...

Factors Affecting Prevention Of Hiv/Aids Among People With Disabilities In Nkondo Sub-county, Buyenda District

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine factors that affect prevention of HIV/AIDS among people with Disabilities in Nkondo Sub-County, Buyenda District. In fulfilling this purpose, the study determined level of prevalence of HIV/AIDS among people with disabilities in Nkondo Sub-County; determined the social factors that influence prevention of HIV/AIDS among people with disabilities; economic factors that affect prevention of HIV/AIDS among people with disabilities and lastly, so...

The Effects Of Death And Bereavemenin individual, Family And Communit Ntungamo Municipality, Ntungamo District

ABSTRACT The study was carried out in Ntungamo Municipality. Ntungamo District. It was intended to examine, explore and analyzed the effects of death and bereavement to an indi vidual. famil y and community. The first objective of the study was to find out the positive effects of death and bereavement to an individuaL family and community. The second study objective was to assess the challenges experienced by individuaL fami ly and community due to death and bereavement. And the third objecti...

The Effects Of Water Scarcity On The Livelihoods Of Nomadic Pastoralists: A Case Study Of Kathile Sue-County, Kaabong District.

 ABSTRACTThe purpose of the study \Vas to examine the effectiveness of prevention of mother to childtransmission on Human Immune Virus /Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIY/AIDS)prevalence among pregnant mothers ofNaguru Health center-Kampala District. It was guided bythree objectives namely:-i) To examine the challenges associated with effective prevention ofmother to child transmission among pregnant mothers of Naguru Health Center-KampalaDistrict, ii) to examine the prevalence rat...

The Influence of Mother Tongue On Learners' Performance in Written English at Primary Level: A Case Study of Kakira Town Council, Jinja District

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ................................................................................................ iAPPROVAL ...................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION .................................................................................................. iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................... ivLIST OF TABLES ............................

Learning Resources and English Language Ability of Learners in Selected Primary School in Butebo Sub-County, Pallisa District Uganda.

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENTTABLE OF CONTENTSLIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS viiiABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE1.0 Introduction 11.1 Background of the Study1.2 Statementof the problem 21.3 Purpose of the Study 21.4 Research Objectives 31.4.1 General Objective: 31.4.2 Specific Objectives~ 31.5 Research Questions 31.6 Scope of the study 41.6.1 Content Scope 41.6.2 Time scope 41.6.3 Geographical scope 41.7 Significance of the Study 4CHAPTER TWO 6LiTERATURE REVIEW 62....

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