Special Needs Education Research Papers/Topics

Teachers' Attitudes Towards Teacidng Pupils With Learning Disabilities In Schools Under Free Primary Education In Githunguri Division Kiambu District kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page .............................................................................................. i Declaration ......................................... ......... .......................................... .i Dedication ........................................................ ................... ............... . .. .ii Acknowledgements .......... . ...................................................................... .iii Table of Contents ........ .. ... ... .......

Drug Abuse And Students Performance In Kenya Case Study Makuyu Division Secondary Schools

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study aims at investigating whether there is any relation between drug abuse and student performance in Kenya, Makuyu division secondary schools. The researcher applied survey method that involved qualitative and quantitative approaches of collecting raw data. Thirty questionnaires were sent to thirty respondents who completed and returned all of them to the researcher. The respondents were randomly sampled. Frequency tables, bar graph and pie chart were used to a...

Challenges Hindering The Performance Of Children With Learning Difficulties In Regular Schools. A Case Study Of Nuu Zone, Mwingi District

ABSTRACT The study was in challenges hindering performance of learners with learning difficulties in the regular primary schools in Nuu zone Mwingi District. The method used in the study was quantative approach. The data collected was obtained through questionnaires. It was analyzed and interpreted using the mean as the measure for central tendency. Research strategy employed as survey method. The data was obtained from 49 respondents out of the 62 originally in the sample population. These i...

Factors Affecting Integration Of Learners With Hearing Impairment In Regular Primary Schools: A Case Study Of Ngewa Zone, Kiambu Distrcict, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The study carried out an investigation on the challenges and factors that affect the education of the hearing impaired learners in regular primary schools. The study was carried out from Ngewa zone, located in Kiambu District of Kenya. Available literature indicate that a number of factors ranging from the failure of teachers to recognize and appreciate the learning needs of these learners including the dehumanizing treatment that these learners do get from the hearing learners who a...

Effectiveness Of Assessment For Placement Decisions Of Learners With Hearing Impairment In Learning Institutions In Kajiado North Sub-County, Kajiado County, Kenya

ABSTRACT It is important to improve special education assessment and placement for learners with hearing impairment. It should be characterized by its effectiveness in quality and relevance for meeting the challenges of education for our new generations in this new millennium. This study focused on the effectiveness of assessment for placement decisions of learners with hearing impairment in learning institutions in Kajiado North sub- county, Kajiado County, Kenya. The study specifically exa...

Mass Unemployment And Academic Performance Of Standard Eight Pupils At Kirindo Primary In Mbit A Division

ABSTRACT The study investigated the relationship between mass unemployment and academic performance. The study was guided by specific objectives that included; identifying the cause of unemployment, the effects of unemployment on academic performance and the relationship between mass unemployment and academic performance. The study was descriptive and analytical in nature where purposive sampling was used to select population. It employed 50 respondents. Data were analyzed and presented using...

Academic Performance Of Hearing Impaired Learners In Regular School In Wote Zone, Makueni District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The impact of free primary education has been manifold and complex. The quality and magnitude of the programme has affected not only the nonnal physically fit pupil, but also the physically challenged learners in inclusive schools as well as the wider community and society. The study adopted a quantitative research design. This enhanced the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the problems and impact of free primary education on the quality of special education for the phy...

Mainstreaming And The Academic Performance Of Hearing Impaired Learners In Central Zone, Kisumu Municipality, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was basically intended to evaluate the effect mainstreaming on the academic performance of hearing impaired learners. This is done by integrating learners with hearing impairment with the normal ones. These learners should be given equal opportunities like the normal ones, and should not be stigmatized, discriminated or intimidated in any way by those handling them in the classrooms or the whole school at large. To investigate this researcher used descriptive survey and s...

The Effects Of Learning Disability On Learning And Performance. A Case Study Of Manyatta Dmsion, Embu District, ~ Eastern Province, Kenya.

TABLE OF CONTENT Title of study Declaration .............. . ........... .. ........................................ . .............. . ......... i Approval ........................................................................................................................... .ii Table of content ...................... .. ......................................... ..................... iii CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION ..................... . .. . ....... . ... ................................

Effects Of Motivation On Academic Perfomance Of Leaners With Leaning Disablities In Public Primary Schools In Ojolla Zone Kisumu East District. Kenya.

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION. APPROVAL ii DEDICATION iii AKNOWLEDGEMENT iv TABLE OF CONTENTS v ABSTRACT vii DEFIMTION OF TERMS viii CHPTER ONE 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Back Ground to the Study 1 1.2 Statement of the problem 2 1.3 Purpose of the study 3 1.4 Objectives of the study 4 1.5 Scope of the study 4 1.6 Significance of the study 4 CHAPTER TWO 5 LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.0 Introduction 5 2.1 Causes of learning problems among learners 5 2.2 Ways of preventing learning disability 6 2.3 Indicator...

Challenges Facing The Education Of Hearing Impaired Learners In Selcted Schools In Malindi Central Zone, Malindi District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The research topic was on challenges facing the education of the hearing impaired learners in schools in Malindi Central zone. In chapter one, the researcher came up with the statement of the problem and the objectives of the study. In chapter two - literature review the researcher defined the term hearing impairment stated the causes and the types of hearing impairment. In this chapter the researcher noted the characteristics, which enables one to identify a learner with hearing im...

Factors Contributing To School Dropout Ra Te On Prij\1ary School Girls In Ma Tisi Location. Central Division Of Trans-Nzoia District Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the factors that contributed to girls' dropout in primary schools in Matisi location. Specific objectives of the study were to: To determine girls enrolment in primary schools in Matisi location, to establish the factors that contribute to girl's dropout in Matisi location, to establish methods of overcoming girl's dropout rate in Matisi location, to examine the role of the Ministry of Education in curtailing primary school girls dropout i...

Hiv/ Aids And Academic Performance Of Learners With Special Needs In Nyakongo Zone Rachuonyo District, Kenya

ABSTRACT HIV/AIDS has been a long time problem to the entire humanity. People have always leaved in fear for this menace. The learners with special needs are not by only means left not out in these problems. It is for this reason and purpose that the researcher set out to carry out this study to establish the extent to which HIV/ AIDS has eroded the academic performance of learners with special needs in the society. Education being so important a too in mans life, it's important to cater for...

Challences Faced By Learners With Mental Retardation In Mwingi Zone Central Division Mwingi District

ABSTRACT The study was geared at to fmd out the challenges faced by learners with mental retardation in Mwingi Zone Mwingi District. The researcher set the objective the study as fmding out the problems faced by this learner inclusive settings, to establish the support services are available for the learner with metal retardation and to fmd out whether there were teachers trained on how to handle the mental retardees in the Mwingi zone mwingi district. The researchers set questionnaires...

Challenges Facing The Implementation Of Incluswe Education. A Case Study Of Selected Primary Schools In Kipsaraman Division Baringo District Kenya

ABSTRACT There are challenges facing implementation of inclusive education in schools of Kipsaraman division. Some of these challenges include lack of curriculum guidelines, teaching instruments, lack of references, inadequate personnel, negative attitudes towards persons with disability, poor and restrictive environment, inconsistent management of schools, poor teacher —pupil ratio and cultural beliefs and practices. However, there are also possible remedies to the above stated probl...

376 - 390 Of 610 Results