Special Needs Education Research Papers/Topics

English Proficiency And Academic Performance Of Pupils In K.C.P.E In Tuluongoi Primary School Baringo District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The study dwelled into the how English proficiency affects academic performance of pupils in K.C.P.E of Tuluongi Primary school in Baringo District, Kenya. The study aimed at determining whether English proficiency affected academic performance of pupils and the factors that affect the academic performance pupils in .K.C.P.E. The study was under lied by hypotheses; Ho: There is no significant relationship between English Proficiency and academic performance of students, Ho: There is ...

Factors Contributing To Low Attendance Of Exceptional Children In Schools~ A Case Study Of Machakos District Of Kenya

ABST~CT This study generally investigated on factors that contribute to dismal attendance of exceptional children in schools of Machakos district, Kenya. Theoretically and empirically, literature was reviewed with references to writers in special needs education like Cherono M.(2005), Chieni,S.N (1995) , Rosenberg, B (1969) ,Shakespeare’s psycholo~r of handicapped persons [1975] and UN World Declaration on Education for All.

Causes Of Poor Academic Performance Of Learners With Learning Difficulty A Case Study Of A Selected Primary School In Kabartonjo Division In Baringo District Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title of study i CHAPTER ONE: Introduction 1 Background of the study 1 Statement of the problem 3 Purpose of the study 3 Objective 3 Scope 4 Significance of the study 5 CHAPTER TWO: Literature review 6 Hypothesis 8 CHAPTER THREE: Research methodology 9 Qualitative 9 Research environment 9 Respondents/participants 9 Sampling and sampling procedures 9 Descriptions of instruments 9 Interviews 9 Questionnaire 10 Observation 10 CHAPTER FOUR 11 Statistical treatment of data 11 Tea...

Traditional Beliefs On Educational And Social Provision To The Learners With Mental Handicaps In Laikipiadistrict-Kenya.

TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION - APPROVAL ii DEDICATION TABLE OF CONTENT iv LIST OF TABLES AKCNOWLEDGEMENT vii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS viii OPERATIONAL DEFINATION OF TERMS ix CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Introduction ____ 1 1.1 Back ground of the study 3 1.2 Statement of the problem 5 1.4 Objective of the study 5 1.5 Research questions 6 1.7 Significant of the study 6 1.6 Scope of the study 6 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 7 2.0. Introduction 7 2.1 Theoretical frame work 8 2.2 Traditional beli...

Attitudes Of Regular Primary School Teachers Towards Inclusive Education In Kamenu Zone, Thika Municipality

ABSTRACT This research paper aimed at. investigating the attitudes of regular primary school teachers towards inclusive education. It was carried out in selected schools of Kamenu zone in Kenya East Africa. It is made up of a total of five chapters. Chapter one is introduction. It gives an insight into a background of the topic thus attitudes of regular teachers towards inclusive education. It also looks into the theory, objectives, statement of the problem, purpose, research questions and s...

Problems Encountered By Headteachers In Inclusive Education In Maranda Division, Kenya

ABSTRACT The research was aimed at measuring the problems that significantly threaten government efforts in developing and implementing inclusive education setting in Kenya with specific reference to Maranda Division as a case study. The objectives which help the researcher to obtain data and the problems were: Profile of the respondents and the degree of problems in inclusive schools in terms of attitude of the teachers and community, resource provision in schools, environmental adaptat...

An Analysis Of Factors Influencing Low Enrolment And Retention Of Girls With Disabilities In Integrated Primary Schools, Embu County, Kenya

The study investigated the factors that influenced low enrolment and retention rates of girls with disabilities in integrated primary schools. It further explored possible intervention measures that may be employed to mitigate the situation. The study was conducted in selected schools in Runyenjes (Embu East) and Manyatta (Embu North) sub counties in Embu County. The location was purposively chosen in order to enable the researcher easy access to the respondents. Again, factors that limi...

Primary School Attendance And Dropout Rates In Muvuti Zone, Central Division, Machakos District, Eastern Province, Kenya

ABSTRACT This research report was on “Primary school attendance and dropout rates in Muvuti zone, Central Division, Machakos District, Eastern Province, Kenya”. The researcher was intrigued by seeing children of primary school age loitering; some of them selling scraps of metals and plastic containers; others providing cheap labour such as house maids, bar maids (girls) and boys as touts, shamba (Garden) boys and carrying luggage for people in market places as in Machakos town and i...

Strategies Used In Implementation Of Kenyan Sign Language By Teachers In Primary Schools For Learners With Hearing Impairments, In Western Region, Kenya

The purpose of this study was to find out strategies in terms of resources (material and human), teaching methods, teachers' use of Kenyan Sign Language (KSL), teachers' preparedness and opinions towards the use of KSL in schools for learners with HI. Study findings revealed that teachers preferred the use of discussion, demonstration, question and answer methods in teaching, leaving out dramatization and field trips which were important in the learning process of learners with hearing ...

Challenges Faced Bythe Intellectuallychalenged Learners Inan Inclusive Sehing -A Case Study In Selected Schools Of Bondo District - Kenya

ABSTRACT The intellectually challenged learners have been met with many difficulties and obstacles in life in the societies they live in. Examples of these problems are discrimination, rejection, neglect, child maltreatment, use of derogatory language and negative attitude towards them. Some of their parents see them as a burden and a sign of bad omen to the family. They are regarded worthless and cannot be benefited from. In some societies they are misused for uncivilized traditional p...

Health Services And Education Of The Multiply Handicapped In Special Schools Of Nyando District, Kenya

ABSTRACT In an attempt to investigate on the problem, the researcher identified Nyando District from which he objectively selected the special schools as the research environment. The study was guided by research objectives which included determining the health problems of the Multiply Handicapped; to identify therapeutic, medical and nutritional services provided to these learners with Multiple Handicap. To gather more information on the issue related literature was reviewed on areas ...

Teacher-Pupil Relationship And Academic Performance Of Mentally Retarded Pupils In Limuru Zone, Kiambu District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This research was based on Teacher-pupil relationship and academic pe,formance of students in six schools of Limuru Zone of Kiambu district of Kenya. Namely Limun, Mission, Ngarariga, Limuru Town, Manguo and Limum model Primary schools. Its objectives were to (i) Ident!fa practices teachers engaged in which would have positive or negative influence 011 the learning process (ii) Ident!fa the efforts that are put in place to enhance learner's self-worth and dignity, (iii) examine...

Effects Of Locatilon On Enrolment Of Physically Impaired Learners In Regular Primary Schools In Riana Zone, Homabay District

ABSTRACT The study aims at investigating on how location (physical environment) affect the enrolment of the physically impaired learners in regular primary schools in Riana zone, Homabay district, The objectri es of the study included among others the state of the physically impaired learners in regular primary schools, categories of learners with physical impairment, methods used to support learners with physical impairment and the effects of location on the enrolment of the physically impai...

The Effect Of Hearing Impairment On The Academic Performance Of Learners With Specific Learning Difficulties In Mathematics In Kiptoim Zone

ABSTRACT The researcher report is about the Effect of hearing impairment on the academic performance of learners with specific learning difficulties in mathematics in Kiptoim zone of Koibatek District. The statement of the problem was identifying major problems facing learners with hearing impairment and the solutions to these problems. The content of this report consists of five chapters. Chapter one details out the background information of the research environment, purpose of the study, st...

Effects Of Hearing Impairment On Academic Performance Of Children In An Inclusive Setting, Ran En Zone, Rongo District Kenya

ABSTRACT This paper explores the relationship between HJ and academic perfi~rmancc of pupils in some of our public primary schools in Ranen Zone. Rongo District. Kenya. It employs both quantitative and qualitative analysis covering the entire zone which is about 68 square kilometers in area. The research findings revealed that there were many 11.1 children in our regular primary schools as there was 100% response from respondents on this fact. ilie figures were bigger in lower primary than up...

391 - 405 Of 610 Results