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Education Research Papers/Topics

Educational Barriers And Academic Perfomance Of Physically Handicaped Learners In Bondo District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Comparatively the number of physically handicapped learners enrolled in the regular schools is still low yet every effort is being made to increase the number. The researcher wanted to find out whether various educational barriers hinder their academic achievements or not. In order to do this study the researchers embarked on a descriptive survey kind of research. He tested two variables that is educational barrier (attitudes facilities teaching methods learning environment) against...

A Mathematical Model for Malaria A Cases Study Some Selected Health Centers in Jinja District of Uganda

ABSTRACT In this research work, a deterministic mathematical mode for malaria transmission was developed and analysed. The model consists of seven ordinary differential equations with two sub-populations. The human subpopulation consists of the susceptible, exposed, infected human compartments while the mosquito sub-population consists of the susceptible, exposed and infected mosquito compartments. The disease free and endemic equilibrium were obtained and analysed for stability. Further...

Effects of Teachers’ Absenteeism on Students’ Discipline in Schools: A Case Study in Selected Secondary Schools in Gabba: Makindye Division Kampala District

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOLEDGEMENTS ivTABLE OF CONTENTSCHAPTER ONE1.0 Introduction 11.1 Back ground to the study 11.2 Statement ofProblem 31.3 Purpose ofthe Study 31.4 Objectives ofthe study 31.5 Research Questions 41.6 Scope ofthe Study 41.7 Significance ofthe Study 41.8 Limitations ofthe Study 5CHAPTER TWO 6LITERATURE REVIEW 62.1 Introduction 62.2. Literature Review 62.2.2 Review ofRelated Literature 72.2.3 Measures that can be undertaken to curb down teachers’ a...

Instructional Technology and Student’s Educational Achievement: A Case Study Of Selected Schools In Nkozi Sub - County Mpigi District, Uganda

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to find out the impacts of using of instructional technologies on students achievements in selected schools in Nkozi subcounty Mpigi district, the main objective of the study were; to find out the different forms and categories of instructional technologies used in the teaching and learning processes also, to examine the impacts and benefits of using instructional technologies in the teaching and learning process and lastly to find out the challenges bot...

An Assessment of the Attitude, Knowledge and Practices on Sexually Transmitted Diseases/Infections Among Medical Students Studying at Kampala International University

ABSTRACTThe overall objective of this report is to study the predicaments of social and economic nature that schools located in Burunga sub-county Kiruhura district. This study was premised on objectives that included; Examination of the hindrances to excellent performance of learners. To investigate the likely causes of the perennial problems in Burunga sub-county Kiruhura district schools. To assess the effectiveness of the remedies so far put in place by relevant e...

Causes for Students Strikes in Secondary Schools in Fort Portal Municipality Kabarole District in Uganda.

ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study will be to assess the causes of strikes insecondary schools in Fort Portal. Study will be aimed at investigating the following. First the history of student strikes in Fort Portal. Secondly the study will investigate the role of ~chool stake holders in addressing the said problem. And lastly the researcher will make study recommendation to curb the speed of the strikes across the entire municipality. The study employed descriptive research methodol...

Effects Of Poverty On The Performance Of Biology Subject On Education Learners A Case Study Of Nyeri District Central Province Of Kenya

ABSTRACTThe major objective was to find out on the effects of poverty on theacademic, performance of special needs education learners: The cases1udy was of Nyeri District Central Province Of Kenya. A total of 60(sixty) participants, 30 teachers, 10 parents, 15 Pupils and 10 politicalleaders were involved in the study. The study question wasinvestigated in line with the research questions of the study.The first research question sought to find out the causes of poorperformance of biology subje...

An Investigation Into The Effects Of Discipline On Academic Performance Of Selected Primary Schools In Busabi Sub-County, But Aleja District

AbstractThis study was designed to investigate into the effects of discipline on academicperformance of Sselected primary school in Busabi Sub-County, Butaleja District.Discipline in schools is a concern to both parents and educational administrators.As such, on important aspect which headteachers have to deal with asadministrators is discipline in their schools. Discipline pays a key role in theprocess of education.To have an orderly and ideal learning situation, discipline is necessary for ...

Impact of Drug Abuse on Student’s Academic Performace in Selected Lugazi Senior Secondary Schools, Buikwe District, Uganda.

ABSTRACTDrug abuse is defined as the misuse of drugs. This behavior has long been surmised to explain how students have been academically affected. The study was guided by the objectives; To critically examine if drugs when abused retard academic performance.; To examine if students perform better when under the influence of drugs?; And To raise awareness in the school of local strategies, resources and policies that can be utilized to address drug abuse. It has recently been observed that a ...

The Effects Of Learning Disabilities On The Academic Performance In English In Kuresoi Zone In Nakuru . Distrct Kenya

ABSTRACTLearning difficulties is a great hindrance to the development of a child's education levelas welf as the educational system as a whole. In the world today every nation, tribe orfamily is affected in one way or the other by the learning difficulties. Many learners withgeneral or specific learning experience problems in reading English. These diversitiesrange from inability to spell words correctly, inability to pronounce words co1Tectly tospeaking of language itself. As a result of ina...

Academic Performance of Orphaned Children Affected by Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome in Regular Primary Schools n Maiella Zone, Naivasha District

Table of Contents, PagesDeclarationDedication iiApproval iiiAcknowledgement ivList ofTables vAbstract viTable of Contents viiiChapter OneIntroduction1.0 Background to the study 11.1 Statement ofthe problem 21.2 Objective ofthe study 21.3 Research Questions 31.4 Scope ofthe Study 31.5 Significance ofthe Study 41.6 Limitations and delimitations 41.7 Operational Defination of Terms 5Chapter TwoReview of Relevant Literature2.0 Introduction 72.1 General Overview 72.2 Academic performance oforphane...

The Impact of Discipline on the Academic Perfomance of Orphans of Mangu Zone Thika District Kenya

ABSTRACT The major purpose of the study was to investigate the effects discipline and academic performance of/he orphans of Mang 'u zone Thika District, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate the relationship between indiscipline and pe1:formance of orphans, investigate the causes of indiscipline by orphans in schools to establish solutions to the problem of indiscipline in Mang 'u zone Thika District, Kenya. The methods used for data collection were questionaires to ...

Gender and Academic Performance in Science Butiye Primary School in Moy Ale District- Kenya

ABSTRACT A persistent gender gap exists in science - based learning. This study dwells on the effect of gender on academic performance of boys and girls in science in post primary institutions in Kenya. The study seeks to identify the factors that lead to poor performance and unbalanced gender representation in science - based subjects. The study employs both quantitative and qualitative techniques. The quantitative techniques dealt with data and data analysis based on findings, while qualit...

The Roles And Challenges Of Microenterprises In The Economic Transformation Of The Society

TABLE OF CONTENTSTABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................. iDECLARATION ....................................................................................................... iiiAPPROVAL ................................................................................... .ivDEDICATION·······································································...

Teaching, Learning Resources And Pupils' Performance In Mathematics In Secondary Schools In Chinato Division Koria East District Kenya

ABSTRACTThis study set out to investigate the impact of learning resources on the academic performance of pupils in mathematics, in Secondary school, Kuria East district Kenya. The study followed an experimental research design, using both the pre-test and post test scores of the experimental and control groups. Random sampling was used to assign 27 pupils to the experimental group and 27 to the control class, making a total sample size of 54 pupils. But purposive sam...

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