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Education Research Papers/Topics

Effects of Child Abuse on Development in Eastern Uganda, A Case Study of Soroti Municipality in Soroti District

ABSTRACT A study on effect of child abuse on development was carried in Soroti Municipality. The purpose of the study was to establish the impact of child abuse on the development of soroti municipality. The objectives of the study were; to find out the forms of abuses facing children, the root causes of the problems of child abuse and how the problem has affected development. The population of the study was 40. The study employed random sampling techniques to arrive at a sample of 40 re...

Learners Attitude and Performance of Science in Standard Four A Case Of Barwessa Zone, Barwessa Division Baringo District, Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION ......................................................................................................................... ii APPROVAL .............................................................................................................................. iii DEDICATION ........................................................................................................................... iv ACKNOWLEGMENTS .....................................................

An Assessment of Challenges Facing Intellectual Learners in Schools in Meru South Eastern Province Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ........................................................................................................... .ii APPROVAL ................................................................................................................. iii DEDICATION ............................................................................................................... iv ACKNOWELEDGEMENT ....................................................................

Challenges Facing Children With Hearing Impairment in Primary Schools in Abogeta West Division Imenti South District in Meru -Kenya

ABSTRACT The learners who are hearing impaired have for years been stigmatized although their potentiality in performing duties does not differ from that of non-hearing impaired learners. In our learning institutions, both teachers and follow learners have always despised these learners. The teachers take little care or no care to these learners. What they have done so far is to stigmatize them. They have been labeled with all sorts of adjectives that are so discouraging and not motivating a...

Examination Irregularities and Preparation of Students in Provincial Schools Meru South District Kenya.

ABSTRACT. The occurrence of examination and assessment irregularities can seriously change public confidence in the validity and legitimacy of examination and assessment results and should be dealt with as a matter of urgency within the judicial framework established for this purpose. Thus, the National Policy on the conduct of Senior Certificate examinations indicates that a senior certificate may not be issued to a candidate found guilty of an irregularity even though he/ she satisfies the...

Challenges Facing the Education of Learners With Hearing Impairment in Mumias School for the Deaf, Mumias District Kenya

ABSTRACT The major purpose of the study was to investigate challenges that face the education of learners with hearing impairment. The specific objective of the study was to investigate problems encountered by learners  with hearing impairment as far as academic performance is concerned. The method used for data collection were questionnaires that elicited various responses from the teachers in Mumias Primary school for the Deaf.  The study recommended that the curriculum for learne...

Challenges of Using English as A Medium of Instruction in The Upper Part of Primary Schools in Rural Uganda A Case of One Primary School in Mpigi District

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivABSTRACT vTABLE OF CONTENTS viCHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTIONI An Overview of language in education policy in Uganda II .2 Statement ol the Problem 5 -4 1 .3 Purpose of the study 61.4 Speci[ic Oh~ectives oithe study 61 .5 Research questions 7.5. ~1ain escaich question 71.5.2 Specilic research questions 71.6 Scope oithe study 71.7 Signilicance of the study 7CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 92.0 Introduction 92.1 Overview 92.2 The Rol...

The Impact of Learning Aids on the Academic Performance Of Primary Six Pupils in Social Studies in Kasese Sub County, Kasese District, Uganda.

ABSTRACT This study was about the effect of learning aids on the academic performance of primary six pupils in social studies within Kasese sub county Kasese District, Uganda. This was intended to determine the profile of respondents in the area of study, determine the effects of learning aids towards the academic performance of learners in the area of study and suggest possible remedies towards effective use of learning aids so as to uplift the academic performance of pupils in Kasese Sub Co...

Formal Training of Guidance and Counseling Teachers and the Quality of Cunseung Of Students In Secondary Schools. A case Of Sabasaba Education Zone, Makuyu Division, Murang' A South Distr

ABSTRACT The concerns and arguments for guidance and counseling in secondary schools and the quality of the students behavior performance has been on decline for several years. The number of guidance and counseling teachers is very low in secondary schools. It is against this bad behavior of students shown by the number of increased riots, drop outs, delinquency and truancy amongst secondary school students that the researcher set out to investigate whether there was a relationship between th...

Placement Alternates for Learners With Mentally Handicapped in Ugunja Dnision Sia Ya District, Kenya

INTRODUCTION. Before the I 8th Century nothing much was known about the history of the mentally handicapped children, but in the I 8th century, the concept of educational was by monks. According to Laylansky (1954 ), the Greeks and the Romans were the first persons to identify mentally handicapped people in 449 BC and 1552 BC. In 1798, a physician by name jean Itard decided to educate a mentally handicapped boy named Victor who was found by hunters in Aveyron forest in France. Jean implement...

The Socio-Economic Effects of Teenage Pregnancies And Academic Performance of Learners in Selected Schools of Budaka District

chapter contains the introductory aspects of the study under the following sub headings: the background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, scope of the study, research objectives and research questions. Foege (1999) stated that teenage was a period of life between childhood and .adult hood, those aged from 14 to 19 years though some demographers included up to age 24. It is a transition period that can hurt a young person’s future course. Teenage pregnancy is the...

Educational Technologies And Academic Perfomance Of Pre-primary Pupils In Central Division Marsabit District Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION ........................................................................................................ i DEDICATION ......................................................................................................... ii ACKNOWLODGEMENT ...................................................................................... iii TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................................ iv&n...

Academic Performance Of The Physically Handicapped In Regular School.A Case Study Of Selected Primary Schools In Cheptais Zone, Mt. Elgon Ditrict, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was intended to examine the challenges of Inclusion of children with physical Disabilities in regular primary schools in Kaptais zone, Kaptais division, Mt Elgon District, Kenya. The study adopted a Quantitative research design. This enhanced the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the problems and impact of free primary education on the quality of special education for the physically disabled learners in Mt Elgon District Kenya. Questionnaires were adopted as t...

Drug Abuse and Academic Performance of Secondary School Students in Turbo Division, V Asingishu District in Kenya

ABSTRACT Drug abuse affects an individual in any organization by directly affecting their health rendering them less productive and inefficient. In the long run the organization fails to achieve their objective as a result of unproductive workers, high absenteeism, shoddy work and reduced staff morale. This study aimed at assessing the extent level of illicit chug use in secondary schools and the impact on academic performance. It looked at various policies and practices the secondary schools...

Impact of Special Needs Education on Mentally Handicapped Learners in Five Special Units Ny Andarua North District Kenya.

ABSTRACT Special Needs Education has been an important instrument of addressing special difficulties found in learners with special needs. Mentally handicapped learners in particular have benefited a lot with this educational programme. This research has been initiated to investigate the impact special needs education has made in this area of disability. The researcher used survey method and employed questionnaire as a technique to ask relevant questions. The answers provided were in quantita...

1066 - 1080 Of 8072 Results