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Education Research Papers/Topics

Effects of Scouts Movement On Students Discipline a Case Study of Makindye Division, Kampala Uganda.

ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the scout movements on the students discipline in selected schools in Makindye Division, Kampala- Uganda. It was guided by three specific objectives including; - To determine the extent to which the school environment is influenced by scouting, to investigate the extent to which classroom attendance is influenced by scouting as well as to establish a relationship between students’ parenting and scouting. Qualitative d...

Absenteeism and Academic Performance in Lower Primary Classes in Gasaka Sector Kigeme Cell Nyamagabe District Rwanda

ABSTRACT This research is about the effect of absenteeism on academic performance. It was guided by three objectives; To identify the causes of absenteeism among children of lower primary classes in Gasaka Sector Kigeme Cell Nyamagabe District Rwanda. To find out the methods used to retain children of lower primary in schools. To identify the role of teachers in children’s performance. Purposive and stratified sampling was used to select a population of 40 respondents to represent a populat...

Performance-Based Rewards and the Performance of Teachers in Private Secondary Schools in Kampala District

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .................................................................................................................................. i APPROVAL. ....................................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ................................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................

Effect of Teaching Methods on Students’ Performance in Secondary Schools: A Case of Secondary Schools in Namutumba Town Council~Namutumba District.

ABSTRACT The main concern in education sector is how teaching methods affect students’ performance. This study examined teaching methods on performance of students in secondary schools Namutumba District where Namutumba town council was used as a case of study. The study was guided by three specific objectives:To assess students’ perception of the appropriateness of teaching methods used in teaching in secondary ~chooIs, To determine the most effective methods used in teaching students in...

Indiscipline and Academic Performance of Pupils in Njoro I Division Nakuru District Kenya

ABSTRACT This study determines the effects of indiscipline on academic performance in Njoro Division of Nukuru District Kenya. The study employed a descriptive survey to determine how deviance affects performance in the Division. The study concluded that due to · rampant discipline problems teachers are demotivated and unresourceful. This lowers both the performance and the quality of education. The study recommends careful monitoring of the students who break school rules, hence strengtheni...

Causes and the Effects of Gender Based Violence in Central Uganda: A Case Study of Kazo County Kiruhura District

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION----------------------------APPROVAL--------------------------------ii DEDICATION-------------------------------111 ACKNOWLEDGMENT iv TABLE OF CONTENTS--------------------------v ABSTRACT-------------------------------vii CHAPTERONE----------------------------1 INTRODUCTION--------------------------1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3.2 1.4 1.5 1.6 Background of the study Statement of the problem --------------------------2 ·--------------------------2 -------------------------2 Obje...

The Role of Team Management in Improving Work Performance in Secondary Schools in Kira Municipality

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .APPROVALDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ivLIST OF FIGURES viiiABSTRACT ixCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 11 .0 Introduction 1.1 .1 Historical Background ofthe Study 11.1 .2 Conceptual Background 21.1.3 Contextual back ground 21 .1 .4 Theoretical background 31 .2 Statement ofthe Problem 31.3 Objectives of the Study 41.4 Research Questions 41.5 Significance ofthe Study 41.6 Limitations 51 .7 Scope ofthe Study and Delimitation 51 .8 Hypothesis ...

Teacher Motivation And Academic Performance Of Students In Selected Secondary Schools Of Lunza Zone In Butere District Kenya.

ABSTRACT This was a study carried out in selected secondary schools in Lunza zone, in Butere district to investigate the relationship between teacher motivationS and academic performance of learners in those schools. The following objectives guided the study; to establish whether bureaucratic structures influence students~performance; to establish whether situational/organizational variables•’ influence students’ performance; and to establish whetherjob satisfaction of the teachers in s...

Causes Of Poor Performance In Kiswahili In Selected Schools Ruaraka Zone Nairobi North District Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was carried to investigate the problems facing learners with specific learning difficulties in Kiswahili in Ruaraka zone of Nairobi north district. The following objectives guided the study; to establish if the teachers and learners they teach had a negative attitude towards the subject; to find out if in schools, there were adequate teaching learning resources to help carryout instruction in Kiswahili; to assess the methods commonly used in the teaching of Kiswahili. Bot...

The Impact of Guidance and Counseling on Students’ Conduct in Selected Secondary Schools of Nansana Town Council Wakiso District

CHAPTER ONE1.0 IntroductionThis chapter shows the back ground of the study, problem statement, purpose of the study, specific objectives, research questions or Null hypothesis, scope of the study and significance of the study.1.1 Back ground of the Study Educational, occupational and behavioral styles are rapidly changing here, there and everywhere. Curriculum and co-curriculum offerings have haphazardly expanded in the past few years. Equally, occupations have escalated man’s demands and i...

Educational Barriers And Academic Perfomance Of Physically Handicaped Learners In Bondo District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Comparatively the number of physically handicapped learners enrolled in the regular schools is still low yet every effort is being made to increase the number. The researcher wanted to find out whether various educational barriers hinder their academic achievements or not. In order to do this study the researchers embarked on a descriptive survey kind of research. He tested two variables that is educational barrier (attitudes facilities teaching methods learning environment) against...

A Mathematical Model for Malaria A Cases Study Some Selected Health Centers in Jinja District of Uganda

ABSTRACT In this research work, a deterministic mathematical mode for malaria transmission was developed and analysed. The model consists of seven ordinary differential equations with two sub-populations. The human subpopulation consists of the susceptible, exposed, infected human compartments while the mosquito sub-population consists of the susceptible, exposed and infected mosquito compartments. The disease free and endemic equilibrium were obtained and analysed for stability. Further...

Effects of Teachers’ Absenteeism on Students’ Discipline in Schools: A Case Study in Selected Secondary Schools in Gabba: Makindye Division Kampala District

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOLEDGEMENTS ivTABLE OF CONTENTSCHAPTER ONE1.0 Introduction 11.1 Back ground to the study 11.2 Statement ofProblem 31.3 Purpose ofthe Study 31.4 Objectives ofthe study 31.5 Research Questions 41.6 Scope ofthe Study 41.7 Significance ofthe Study 41.8 Limitations ofthe Study 5CHAPTER TWO 6LITERATURE REVIEW 62.1 Introduction 62.2. Literature Review 62.2.2 Review ofRelated Literature 72.2.3 Measures that can be undertaken to curb down teachers’ a...

Instructional Technology and Student’s Educational Achievement: A Case Study Of Selected Schools In Nkozi Sub - County Mpigi District, Uganda

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to find out the impacts of using of instructional technologies on students achievements in selected schools in Nkozi subcounty Mpigi district, the main objective of the study were; to find out the different forms and categories of instructional technologies used in the teaching and learning processes also, to examine the impacts and benefits of using instructional technologies in the teaching and learning process and lastly to find out the challenges bot...

An Assessment of the Attitude, Knowledge and Practices on Sexually Transmitted Diseases/Infections Among Medical Students Studying at Kampala International University

ABSTRACTThe overall objective of this report is to study the predicaments of social and economic nature that schools located in Burunga sub-county Kiruhura district. This study was premised on objectives that included; Examination of the hindrances to excellent performance of learners. To investigate the likely causes of the perennial problems in Burunga sub-county Kiruhura district schools. To assess the effectiveness of the remedies so far put in place by relevant e...

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