
Research Papers/Topics Engineering

Analysis Of Challenges Related To Poor Environmental Regulatory Framework On Mineral Exploration Projects: A Case Of Tanzania

Abstract In the United Republic of Tanzania (URT), all environmental issues related to the mining industry are regulated according to two principle Acts: The Mining Act and the Environmental Management Act, and their respective regulations. The current acts were enacted in 2010 and 2004 respectively. Mineral exploration (that includes all on-site activities performed before a mining project is declared feasible) projects in URT appears to be “unforgotten phenomena” in the two major legis...

Effect of Some Process Variables on Nickel Electroplating of Low Carbon Steel

Abstract This research work investigated the effect of current density, bath concentration, bath soIution volume and electroplating time on nickel electroplating of low carbon steel. Varying voltage between 0.3 and 0.8 V, bath concentration between 0.27 g/cm3 (0.79 rno~ddan d 0.35 glcm3 (1.02 mo~dmp, electropfig time between 1Q and 30 minutes and bath solution volume between 200 and 700 cm3, the effect of these process variables on electroplating was studied. The temperature was kept in confo...

Evaluation of Farm Transportation System in Osun and Oyo States of Nigeria

ABSTRACT An assessment of farm transportation system to ascertain the availability of transportation for the evacuation of farm produce was undertaken in Osun and Oyo states of Nigeria employing printed questionnaires and personal communication as means of information collection. 20% of the farmers reside at between one and three km from their farms while for the remaining 80%, it ranges from four to 16 km. 17.6% of the farmers travel between one and three km to sell their produce while for t...

Entrepreneurial Skills Required by Internally Displaced Persons in Quail Production For Sustainable Living in North-Central Nigeria

Abstract The study was carried out to identify the entrepreneurial skills required by Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in quail production for sustainable living in North-Central Nigeria. Specifically, the study identified skills in planning, rearing and marketing of quail and its products in the area of study. To achieve these specific objectives, three research questions and three null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. T...

Ways of Enhancing Food Production Through Organic Agriculture Among Farmers in Northern Zone of Cross River State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT This work was designed to determine the ways of enhancing food production through organic agriculture among farmers. Five research questions and five null hypotheses guided the study. A survey research design was adopted for the study.The study was carried out in northern zone of Cross River State, Nigeria. The population for the study was 230 comprising 205 registered crop farmers and 25 Agricultural Development Programme (ADP) extension agents from Ogoja Agricultural Zone respecti...

Effect of Moringa Oleifera Leaf Powder Additive on The Growth of Layers, Egg Production And Nutritive Value of Eggs in Agricultural Education Farms

Abstract The study was carried out to determine the effects of Moringa oleifera leaf powder additive on the growth of layers, egg production and nutritive value of eggs. Specifically, the study sought to determine among others the effects of Moringa oleifera leaf powder fortified feeds and control feed on the growth of layers, effects of different inclusion rates of Moringa oleifera leaf powder on the growth of layers, effects of Moringa oleifera leaf powder fortified feeds and control feed ...

Applicatlon OF MATHEMATICAL MODEL TO The Production Capacity Of A Yam Flour Producing Company

Abiroct :.~am'fburi s usually required for the preparaUon of pounded yhWh lch is a dally nutdthnal fwd requlremeilt for most Africans. it facilitates he prephatian of pounded yam for both domestlc end cwnkclal dorrsumptlon. The prpducfion process and the baslo operations involved In the production of pounded yam ftour have been investigated !n'@her to -ti& the prodyctron capadty of the company studled, A time study mode! was &weloped and appli@ to aria1yze the vartws baAc operaths Imrolved in...

Appllcatlon OF MATHEMATICAL MODEL TO The Production Capacity Of A Yam Flour Producing Company

Abiroct :.~am'fburi s usually required for the preparaUon of pounded yhWh lch is a dally nutdthnal fwd requlremeilt for most Africans. it facilitates he prephatian of pounded yam for both domestlc end cwnkclal dorrsumptlon. The prpducfion process and the baslo operations involved In the production of pounded yam ftour have been investigated !n'@her to -ti& the prodyctron capadty of the company studled, A time study mode! was &weloped and appli@ to aria1yze the vartws baAc operaths Imrolved in...

Assessment of Household Energy Efficient In Ibadan, Nigeria

ABmm Homeholds lequire significant amount of tnqy to meet various servicm like lighting, cooling, heating, cooking, refigeration, electronic enterhimmt ek. There's virtually any household activity that can be canried out without the use energy- The requirement fur household energy in Nigeria has been @owing over time. There are varioua energy sources available to houeolds in the country. Thy include fud woo4 charcoal, saw&& gas, petrol kerome and electricity. It is fairly settled fmm Literatu...

Performance Evaluation Of Drip Irrigation System Using Sweet Corn Under Variable Water Application

ABSTRACT Gravitational drip irrigation system was developed using available materials. The system consisting of 4.0 Ilhr Netafim pressure-compensating emitters was used to irrigate 0.0015 ha of land where sweet com was planted under variable water applications in a randomised complete block design with three treatments. Treatment one (WI) received water once per week, treatment two (W2) received water twice per week, while third treatment (W3) received water thrice per week. WI received 229mm...

Design and Fabrication of a Cassava Peeling Machine

ABSTRACT The varying shapes and sizes of cassava tubers have made cassava peeling to one of the major problems in the mechanisation of cassava processing. A cassava peeling machine was designed and constructed. The design parameters include a power requirement of 0.36hp, belt tensions of 349.7 and 1807.5N and shaft diameter of 35mm. Its main component is a peeling chamber, which consists of two perforated drums rotating in the opposite direction. The machine had an average capacity of of 44.5...

Detcrmining Feasible Solutions of a Multicritcria Assignment Problem

ABSTRACT;, This paper presents an important research 1001 in operations research as it applie~'to a particular structure of theinunicritcria assignment problem. The paper addresses the problem of effectiveness of feasible solutions of a multicritcria assignment problem and this was done in two steps. In the first step. we determine whether or not a given feasible solution of a n-ulticriteria assignment problem is a real efficient one. In the second step. if the feasible solution is not real e...

Preliminary Evaluation of Guava (Psidium guajava L.) Tree Branches for Truss Fabrication in Nigeria

ABSTRACT Some physical and mechanical properties of small diameter poles obtained from guava (Psidium guajava L) tree branches in relation to their potential use for truss fabrication were determined. The average green moisture content of wood from five replicate samples of debarked tree branches was 84%. The wood samples were naturally resistant to termite attack with and without the bark on. The mean oven-dry density of the wood samples was 674 kg/m3. This puts it in the density category of...

Finishing and Aesthetic Capabilities of Nigerian Metal Fabrication Companies

Poor finishing and aesthetics capabilities of metal fabrication companies in Nigeria have been identified as a major cause of the poor acceptance of locally fabricated metal products. This study was aimed at assessing some finishing capabilities of Nigerian companies. 

1606 - 1620 Of 3408 Results